Oracle Enterprise Manager Messages Manual
Release 1.5.0






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This section describes the purpose and organization of this manual: the Oracle Enterprise Manager Messages Manual. This section also illustrates the conventions used in this guide. The Preface contains the following information:

Purpose of this Manual

This manual describes the error messages that are used by the Oracle Enterprise ManagerTM system. This manual provides:

The messages that are discussed fall into the following general categories:


For a discussion of how to use the Oracle Enterprise Manager system, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide.


This manual is written for those who use Oracle Enterprise Manager to perform system administration tasks.

Knowledge Assumed of the Reader

This manual assumes you are familiar with the administrative tasks you wish to perform. If you are not, refer to the Oracle Server documentation set. The Oracle Server documentation set contains specific and thorough descriptions of the database administration tasks you can perform with Enterprise Manager tools. In addition, the Oracle Server documentation set provides recommendations on how to administer your database optimally.

If you have not yet read the introductory chapters of the Oracle Server Administrator's Guide, we recommend that you do so. These chapters describe the specific responsibilities of a database administrator.


For an overview of the Enterprise Manager system, see Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide.

This manual also assumes that you are familiar with the operation of Microsoft Windows. Refer to the Windows documentation for your system, if necessary.

How the Oracle Enterprise Manager Messages Manual Is Organized

This manual is divided into chapters, as follows:

Chapter 1, "Interpreting Error Messages"

This chapter gives you general information about error messages. It discusses the Oracle Enterprise Manager error message prefixes and calling Oracle Customer Support.

The following chapters list the error messages and codes that are displayed by Oracle Enterprise Manager. Possible causes and actions are listed for the errors that have occurred.

Chapter 2, "Oracle Trace Messages"

Chapter 3, "Oracle Expert Services Messages"

Chapter 4, "SQL Engine and Line Mode Messages"

Chapter 5, "Agent Messages"

Chapter 6, "Backup and Recovery Manager Messages"

Chapter 7, "Security Manager Messages"

Chapter 8, "Storage Manager Messages"

Chapter 9, "Instance Manager Messages"

Chapter 10, "Schema Manager Messages"

Chapter 11, "Generic Oracle Enterprise Manager Messages"

Chapter 12, "Oracle Performance Manager Messages"

Chapter 13, "Oracle TopSessions Messages"

Chapter 14, "Tablespace Manager Messages"

Chapter 15, "Console Messages"

Chapter 16, "Daemon Messages"

Chapter 17, "Job System Messages"

How to Use This Manual

The Oracle Enterprise Manager Messages Manual has been designed to be used closely with the Oracle Server documentation set. While this manual teaches you how to use Enterprise Manager to perform database administration tasks, the Oracle Server documentation set describes the reasons for and the implications of performing these tasks. Consequently, you should refer to the Oracle Server documentation set while using Enterprise Manager to perform your administrative tasks.

Conventions Used in This Manual

The following sections explain the conventions used in this manual.

Syntax Diagrams

The syntax diagrams in this manual show the complete syntax for the Enterprise Manager commands. Syntax diagrams are composed of these items:

Keywords are words that have special meanings. In the syntax diagrams in this manual, keywords appear in uppercase. When you specify them, they can be in uppercase or lowercase, but they must be used exactly as they appear in the syntax diagram.

Parameters act as place holders in syntax diagrams. They appear in lowercase. Parameters are usually names of schema objects, Oracle datatypes, or expressions. When you see a parameter in a syntax diagram, you should substitute an object or expression of the appropriate type. Note that parameter names appear in italics in the text of this manual.


This manual also contains examples. This is an example of a SELECT statement:


Note that the text of examples appears in a different font than the text of the manual.

Examples in this manual follow these case conventions:

Special Icons

Special icons are provided to alert you to particular information within the body of this manual and within other guides.

Additional Information:

Operating System-Specific Documentation Where necessary, this manual refers you to your operating system-specific Oracle documentation for additional information.


The attention icon highlights information that is important to remember when performing the described task.


The suggestion icon signifies suggestions and practical hints that can be helpful when using Enterprise Manager.


The warning icon indicates information that you should be aware of before you perform the action described in the current section.

Documentation Set

The Oracle Enterprise Manager product documentation includes the following:

The guides are available on the Oracle Enterprise Manager CD in HTML format for viewing with a web browser.

In addition to the Oracle Enterprise Manager documentation, extensive online help is provided for Oracle Enterprise Manager components.

Related Publications

You will also find references in this book to important information in the related publications. The related books referred to in this manual are listed below:

Oracle Corporation also publishes several files that are available on your distribution media. These files are usually named README, RELNOTE, BUGHST, and RESTRICT and have extensions such as .WRI, .DOC, and .TXT. Read these files to learn about changes to the software or documentation that has not been described in the guides.


The exact names and locations of the files mentioned above may vary, depending on your operating system.


Copyright © 1997 Oracle Corporation.

All Rights Reserved.



