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Oracle9i Database Master Index: A
(Release 2 (9.2))

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A.D. datetime format element (SQL Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
A.M. datetime format element (SQL Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
A.SMD Oracle Names record (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Net Services Reference Guide)
     [entry #3] (Net Services Reference Guide)
abandoning an operation (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
languages (Globalization Support Guide)
abbreviations permitted (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
abnormal termination
automatic rollback (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
ABORT mode (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
abort mode, warning notice (Real Application Clusters Administration)
ABORT option
SHUTDOWN statement (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
     [subentry #3] (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
     [subentry #4] (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
     [subentry #5] (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
abort query (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
abort response (Administrator's Guide)
two-phase commit (Administrator's Guide)
aborting an instance (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
     [entry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [entry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [entry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
ABOUT query (Text Application Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Text Reference)
adding for your language (Text Application Developer's Guide)
case-sensitivity (Text Application Developer's Guide)
definition (Text Application Developer's Guide)
example (Text Application Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Text Reference)
highlight markup (Text Reference)
highlight offsets (Text Reference)
viewing expansion (Text Reference)
ABS function (SQL Reference)
     [entry #2] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
     [entry #3] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
absolute naming
Java Database Connectivity (JDBC)
OCI drivers (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
OCI drivers (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
Thin drivers (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
with directory naming (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
absolute positioning in result sets (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
absolute() method (result set) (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
abstract data types
See (OLAP User's Guide)
abstract datatype
creating as NCHAR (Globalization Support Guide)
abstract object class type (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
abstract object classes (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
     [entry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
superclasses of (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
top (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
abstraction (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide)
deploync tool (Java Developer's Guide)
for user applications (Java Developer's Guide)
installation requirements (Java Developer's Guide)
ncomp tool (Java Developer's Guide)
overview (Java Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Java Developer's Guide)
statusnc tool (Java Developer's Guide)
indexing characters with (Text Application Developer's Guide)
ACCEPT command (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
and DEFINE command (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
CHAR clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
customizing prompts for value (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
DATE clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
DEFAULT clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
FORMAT clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
HIDE clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
NOPROMPT clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
NUMBER clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
PROMPT clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
acceptChanges() method (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
controlling to change data (Data Warehousing Guide)
by using command-line tools (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
entry-level, by using command-line tools (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
entry-level, by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
content (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
structural (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
kinds (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
level requirements for LDAP operations (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
object (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
operations (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
rights, setting by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
selecting, by DN (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
subject (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
unauthorized (Security Overview)
unspecified (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
violation event (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
access control (Concepts)
     [entry #2] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
and authorization (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
conceptual discussion (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
defined (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
described (Security Overview)
directive format. See ACI directive format (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
directory (Security Overview)
discretionary (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
discretionary, definition (Concepts)
fine-grained (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
fine-grained access control (Concepts)
for agents (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
for directory integration server (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
in Oracle Directory Integration platform (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
label-based (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
least privilege (Security Overview)
management constructs (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
managing (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using command-line tools (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
Oracle Connection Manager (Security Overview)
overview (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
password encryption (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
conflicting (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
inheriting (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
policy administration, overview (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
prescriptive (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
privileges (Concepts)
roles (Concepts)
roles, definition (Concepts)
setting, by using wildcards (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
understanding (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
access control
making services visible to an application (Dynamic Services User's and Administrator's Guide)
access control entry, definition (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
access control information (ACI)
     [entry #2] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
attributes (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
components (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
format (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
format (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
format (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
syntax (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
object of directives (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
subject of directives (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
access control items (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
Access Control List (ACL) (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
access control list, definition (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
Access Control Lists
accessing security groups (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
available security groups (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
access control lists (ACLs) (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
     [entry #4] (Security Overview)
     [entry #5] (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
bootstrap (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
concurrency resolution (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
default (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
defined (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
described (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
directives, within entries (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
for groups (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
precedence rules (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
features (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
for groups (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
how it works (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
managing (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
managing from Enterprise Manager (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
modification (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
rules (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
processing (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
restrictions (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
security (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
setting the resource property (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
summary (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
term explained (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
updating (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
using (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
within subtrees (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
access control lists. (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
access control policy points (ACPs) (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using ldapmodify (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using the ACP Creation Wizard of Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
administering, by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
configuring display of, in Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
content access items (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
creating by using ACP Creation Wizard (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
Creation Wizard (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
multiple (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
structural access items (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
viewing (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
viewing, by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
access control to database
with Oracle Connection Manager (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
with sqlnet.ora parameters (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
access control. See system-level access control, 4-4 (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
access mediation
and views (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
enforcement options (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
introduction (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
label evaluation (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
program units (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
access methods
in application tuning (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
lack of support for rules-based optimizer (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
support for rules-based optimizer (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
access mode settings (transactions) (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
access option (JPublisher User's Guide)
access paths
cluster join (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
cluster scans (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
composite index (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
defined (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
execution plans (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
hash cluster key (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
hash scans (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
index scans (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
indexed cluster key (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
single row by cluster join (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
single row by hash cluster key (with unique key) (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
single row by rowid (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
single row by unique or primary key (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
access privileges
Export (Utilities)
Import (Utilities)
access rights (OLAP User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
access to services
using PL/SQL, Java, or HTTP (Dynamic Services User's and Administrator's Guide)
Access to Target page (Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide)
access, denying and granting (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
accessDirectiveMatch matching rule (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
Accessibility (Oracle Enterprise Manager Messages Manual)
code examples (Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide)
documentation (Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide)
keyboard actions (Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide)
links to external web sites in documentation (Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide)
using XDBUriType (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
with JDBC (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
XML documents using Java (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
accessing external LOBs (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects (LOBs))
ACCESS_ANY_WORKSPACE privilege (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
ACCESS_INTO_NULL exception (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
ACCESS_WORKSPACE privilege (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
of ALTER USER. (SQL Reference)
of CREATE USER (SQL Reference)
of ALTER USER. (SQL Reference)
of CREATE USER (SQL Reference)
accounting, RADIUS (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
creating for materialized views (Advanced Replication)
operating system
database administrator (Administrator's Guide)
SYS and SYSTEM (Administrator's Guide)
ACCUM operator (Text Application Developer's Guide)
accumulate operator (Text Reference)
scoring (Text Reference)
stopword transformations (Text Reference)
ACE, definition (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
ACI. See access control information (ACI) (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
ACIs (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
acknowledging events
Event menu (Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide)
Event window (Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide)
ACL, definition (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
Application Context (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
examples (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
Oracle Advanced Security (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
placement (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
structure (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
ACLs. See Access Control List (ACL) (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
ACOS function (SQL Reference)
ACPs. See access control policy points (ACPs) (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
acquiring rollback segments (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
ACROSS phrase
used when reading files (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
act method (Java Developer's Guide)
ACT networking parameter (Net Services Reference Guide)
action contexts (Streams)
adding name-value pairs (Streams)
     [subentry #2] (Streams)
example (Streams)
querying (Streams)
removing name-value pairs (Streams)
system-created rules (Streams)
action tags
forward tag (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
getProperty tag (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
include tag (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
overview (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
param tag (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
plugin tag (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
setProperty tag (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
useBean tag (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
activating checksumming and encryption (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
Active Data Object
translating to PSP (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
Active Directory
accessing security groups (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
automatic discovery of directory servers (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
connecting to a database (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
creating security domains (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
defined (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
enhancement of directory object type descriptions (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
how Oracle directory objects appear (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
integration with directory servers (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
integration with Microsoft tools (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
integration with Windows login credentials (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
managing Access Control Lists (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
managing security groups directory server
managing Access Control Lists (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
requirements for creating enterprise user security (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
requirements for creating Oracle Net directory naming (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
requirements for using Oracle (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
testing connectivity from client computers (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
testing connectivity with Microsoft tools (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
testing connectivity with SQL*Plus (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
testing database connectivity (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
user interface extensions (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
Active Directory Users and Computers
accessing directory server objects (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
integration with Oracle objects in Active Directory (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
Active Jobs (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
Active Jobs page (Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
active online redo log
loss of group (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
     [subentry #2] (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
active server instances
modifying configuration set entries in (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
viewing (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
Active Server Pages
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
translating to PSP (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
active set
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
changing (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #4] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
cursor movement through (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
definition (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
definition of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
how identified (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
if empty (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
when empty (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
when fetched from (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
when no longer defined (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
Active/Active configurations
and Real Application Clusters (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
active/active configurations
Real Application Clusters Guard II (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
activeFound() (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
ActiveX (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT initialization parameter (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
     [entry #3] (Real Application Clusters Real Application Clusters Guard I - Concepts and Administration)
setting with ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Reference)
ACTIVE_INSTANCE_COUNT parameter (Real Application Clusters Administration)
     [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
actual parameters (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
AD datetime format element (SQL Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
tuning after (Migration)
using the Database Upgrade Assistant (Migration)
example code (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
named parameter association (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
positional parameter association (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
typographic conventions for code (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
Ada example for VAX/VMS (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
Ada. See SQL*Module for Ada (Migration)
adapters (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
ADAPTERS utility (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
Adaptive Bayes Network (ABN) (Data Mining Concepts)
     [entry #2] (Data Mining Concepts)
adaptive multiuser
algorithm for (Data Warehousing Guide)
definition (Data Warehousing Guide)
custom-built by resource providers (Dynamic Services User's and Administrator's Guide)
execution (Dynamic Services User's and Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Dynamic Services User's and Administrator's Guide)
compound service (Dynamic Services User's and Administrator's Guide)
compound service message merger (Dynamic Services User's and Administrator's Guide)
compound service message splitter (Dynamic Services User's and Administrator's Guide)
ADD clause
of ALTER TABLE (SQL Reference)
of ALTER VIEW (SQL Reference)
of ALTER TABLE (SQL Reference)
THREAD clause (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
thread required (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
ALTER DATABASE statement (Administrator's Guide)
ALTER DATABASE statement (Administrator's Guide)
Add New Service button (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [entry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
Add New Target button (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [entry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [entry #3] (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
Add New Target command (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [entry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [entry #3] (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
of ALTER TABLE (SQL Reference)
ADD PARTITION clause (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
of ALTER TABLE (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
ADD ROWID clause
Add Site wizard (Data Guard Broker)
     [entry #2] (Data Guard Broker)
of ALTER DATABASE (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #5] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
of ALTER DATABASE (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
of ALTER DATABASE (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
of ALTER DATABASE (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
of ALTER DATABASE (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
ADD SUBPARTITION clause (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Streams)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #2] (Streams)
     [entry #3] (Streams)
     [entry #4] (Streams)
     [entry #5] (Streams)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
add.log (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
addAttr(String, String, String, String, boolean, int) - oracle.xml.parser.v2.SAXAttrList.addAttr(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean, int) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
addAttr(String, String, String, String, boolean, int, String) - oracle.xml.parser.v2.SAXAttrList.addAttr(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean, int, java.lang.String) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
addAttribute(String, Object) - oracle.xml.classgen.CGXSDElement.addAttribute(java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
addBatch() method (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
addCDATASection(String) - oracle.xml.classgen.CGNode.addCDATASection(java.lang.String) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
addclasspath, ojspc option (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
addConnectionEventListener() method (connection cache) (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
addData(String) - oracle.xml.classgen.CGNode.addData(java.lang.String) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
adddefaulttypemap option (JPublisher User's Guide)
addDOMBuilderErrorListener(DOMBuilderErrorListener) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
addDOMBuilderListener(DOMBuilderListener) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
added-object-constraint, in access control (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
added_object_constraint filter (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
addElement(Object) - oracle.xml.classgen.CGXSDElement.addElement(java.lang.Object) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
addEventListener(String, EventListener, boolean) - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNode.addEventListener(java.lang.String, org.w3c.dom.events.EventListener, boolean) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
addID(String, XMLElement) - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument.addID(java.lang.String, oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLElement) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
addIndent(int) - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLOutputStream.addIndent(int) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
datafiles (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
examples (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
existing standby database to a broker configuration (Data Guard Broker)
indexes on logical standby databases (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
new or existing standby databases (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
online redo logs (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
standby redo logs (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
standby site to the broker configuration (Data Guard Broker)
subannotations (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
tablespaces (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
temporary files (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
XMLType columns (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
a data item to a user-defined class (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
an object (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
adding a constraint (SQL Reference)
adding a file (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
adding a subscriber (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
Adding an Instance page (Real Application Clusters Administration)
adding authentication entries (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
adding images (interMedia User's Guide and Reference)
adding nodes (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
adding nodes to a cluster (Real Application Clusters Administration)
adding XML document as a child (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
addIterCounter( ) method (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
additive conflict resolution method (Advanced Replication)
addNode(CGNode) - oracle.xml.classgen.CGNode.addNode(oracle.xml.classgen.CGNode) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
ADDR built-in function
use in SQLADR procedure (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
address (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
ADDRESS (ADD or ADDR) attribute (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
Address List Options dialog box (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
ADDRESS networking parameter (Net Services Reference Guide)
     [entry #2] (Net Services Reference Guide)
     [entry #3] (Net Services Reference Guide)
ADDRESS section
of LISTENER.ORA file (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
ADDRESS_LIST networking parameter (Net Services Reference Guide)
     [entry #2] (Net Services Reference Guide)
addRowSetListener() method (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
addSubAnnotation( ) method (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [entry #3] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
addSubscriber (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
addText(char[], int, int) - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNSNode.addText(char[], int, int) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
addText(char[], int, int) - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLText.addText(char[], int, int) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
addText(String) - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLAttr.addText(java.lang.String) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
addText(String) - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLComment.addText(java.lang.String) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
addText(String) - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNSNode.addText(java.lang.String) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
addText(String) - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLPI.addText(java.lang.String) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
addtypemap option (JPublisher User's Guide)
addXSLTransformerErrorListener(XSLTransformerErrorListener) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
addXSLTransformerListener(XSLTransformerListener) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
ADD_ALTER_SESSION procedure (OLAP User's Guide)
ADD_ATTR_SECTION procedure (Text Reference)
ADD_COLUMN member procedure (Streams)
     [entry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
ADD_COMPARTMENTS function (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ADD_CONTEXT procedure (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
ADD_EVENT procedure (Text Reference)
ADD_FIELD_SECTION procedure (Text Reference)
ADD_GLOBAL_PROPAGATION_RULES procedure (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
ADD_GLOBAL_RULES procedure (Streams)
     [entry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
ADD_GROUPED_POLICY procedure (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
ADD_GROUPS procedure (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
inverse groups (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ADD_MONTHS function (SQL Reference)
ADD_PAIR member procedure (Streams)
     [entry #2] (Streams)
     [entry #3] (Streams)
     [entry #4] (Streams)
     [entry #5] (Streams)
     [entry #6] (Streams)
     [entry #7] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
ADD_POLICY procedure (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
ADD_RULE procedure (Streams)
     [entry #2] (Streams)
     [entry #3] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [entry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
ADD_SCHEMA_RULES procedure (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
ADD_SPECIAL_SECTION procedure (Text Reference)
ADD_STOPCLASS procedure (Text Application Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Text Reference)
ADD_STOPTHEME procedure (Text Application Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Text Reference)
ADD_STOPWORD procedure (Text Application Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Text Application Developer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Text Reference)
ADD_STOP_SECTION procedure (Text Reference)
ADD_SUBSCRIBER procedure (Streams)
     [entry #2] (Streams)
     [entry #3] (Streams)
ADD_SUBSET_RULES procedure (Streams)
     [entry #2] (Streams)
     [entry #3] (Streams)
     [entry #4] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
row migration (Streams)
ADD_SUB_LEXER procedure
     [entry #2] (Text Reference)
example (Text Application Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Text Reference)
ADD_TABLE_PROPAGATION_RULES procedure (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
ADD_TABLE_RULES procedure (Streams)
     [entry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
ADD_ZONE_SECTION procedure (Text Reference)
about (Administrator's Guide)
revoking roles/privileges (Administrator's Guide)
roles (Concepts)
system privileges (Concepts)
with EXECUTE ANY TYPE (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
ADMINISTER DATABASE TRIGGER system privilege (SQL Reference)
administering enterprise domains (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
administering instances
with Server Management (Real Application Clusters Administration)
ADMINISTER_RESOURCE_MANAGER system privilege (Administrator's Guide)
aspects of scalability in Real Application Clusters (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
delegation of (Security Overview)
     [subentry #2] (Security Overview)
distributed databases (Administrator's Guide)
tools (Administrator's Guide)
enterprise user (Security Overview)
issues, general (Real Application Clusters Administration)
manageability components in Real Application Clusters (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
Messaging Gateway (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
See also DBMS_MGWADM package (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
with SQL and SQL*Plus (Real Application Clusters Administration)
with SRVCTL (Real Application Clusters Administration)
content provider profile management (Syndication Server User's and Administrator's Guide)
DSAdmin command-line utility (Dynamic Services User's and Administrator's Guide)
OSSAdmin command-line utility (Syndication Server User's and Administrator's Guide)
runtime system administration (Syndication Server User's and Administrator's Guide)
subscriber profile management (Syndication Server User's and Administrator's Guide)
subscription management (Syndication Server User's and Administrator's Guide)
administration privileges (OLAP User's Guide)
administration task
Navigator objects (Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide)
administration tool (Text Application Developer's Guide)
administration tools (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
bulkdelete (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
bulkload (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
bulkmodify (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
command-line (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
ldapadd (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
ldapaddmt (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
ldapbind (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
ldapcompare (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
ldapdelete (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
ldapmoddn (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
ldapmodify (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
ldapmodifymt (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
ldapsearch (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
ldifwrite (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
administration user
creating (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
example (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
administrative groups
Groups container (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
OracleDBAdmins group (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
OracleDBCreators (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
OracleDBSecurityAdmins (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
OracleDomainAdmins (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
OraclePasswordAccessibleDomains (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
OracleUserSecurityAdmins (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
administrative interface (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
basic operations (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
use cases (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
views (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
     [subentry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
Administrative Region (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
administrative regions
defined (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
delegated (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
delegating domains (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
described (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
domain hints to remote (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
in Oracle Names (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
root (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
administrative request queue (Advanced Replication)
administrative requests (Advanced Replication)
monitoring (Replication Management API Reference)
errors (Replication Management API Reference)
jobs (Replication Management API Reference)
states (Advanced Replication)
AWAIT_CALLBACK (Advanced Replication)
DO_CALLBACK (Advanced Replication)
ERROR (Advanced Replication)
READY (Advanced Replication)
adding, editing, and deleting (Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide)
managing (Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide)
Oracle HTTP Server (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
preferences (Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide)
reassigning objects when deleting (Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide)
super (Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide)
Administrator Notification
email and paging (Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide)
administrator privileges (Concepts)
statement execution audited (Concepts)
     [entry #2] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
application (Administrator's Guide)
for materialized view sites
creating (Replication Management API Reference)
regular (Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide)
REPORTS_USER (Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide)
super (Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide)
Administrators group (Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide)
ADMIN_RESTRICTIONS_listener_name networking parameter (Net Services Reference Guide)
ADMIN_TABLES procedure (Administrator's Guide)
ADMIN_TABLES procedure (Administrator's Guide)
building orphan key table (Administrator's Guide)
building repair table (Administrator's Guide)
ADO interface and Unicode (Globalization Support Guide)
ADO. See attribute descriptor object (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
adoptNode(Node) - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument.adoptNode(org.w3c.dom.Node) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
ADT (OLAP User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
     [entry #3] (OLAP User's Guide)
     [entry #4] (OLAP User's Guide)
ADT. See object type (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
AdtMessage (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
Advanced Events (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
advanced events
setting up (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
Advanced Mode
View menu (Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide)
Advanced Queues (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
Advanced Queuing (Concepts)
compatibility (Migration)
privileges (Migration)
rule based subscriptions (Migration)
DBMS_AQADM package (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
dequeue function (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
description (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
enqueue function (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
event publication (Concepts)
examples (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
exporting advanced queue tables (Utilities)
functions (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
importing advanced queue tables (Utilities)
interoperability (Migration)
sender's ID column (Migration)
OCI and (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
OCI descriptors for (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
OCI functions for (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
OCI versus PL/SQL (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
operations over the Internet (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
publish-subscribe support (Concepts)
queue monitor process (Concepts)
Advanced queuing (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
advanced queuing
and queue table cache transfers (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
and queue table instance affinity (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
in Real Application Clusters, performance (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
Advanced Queuing (AQ)
definition (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
enqueuing (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
hub-and-spoke architecture support (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
IDAP (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
message management support (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
messaging scenarios (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
point-to-point support (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
publish/subscribe support (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
XML servlet (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
XMLType queue payloads (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
Advanced Replication (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
OCI (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
advantages of Oracle Expert (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
advantages of using
LOB buffering (interMedia User's Guide and Reference)
advantages of using Oracle Expert (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
diagnostic (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [subentry #3] (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
ADVISE clause
of ALTER SESSION (SQL Reference)
affiliate (Syndication Server User's and Administrator's Guide)
awareness (Real Application Clusters Administration)
of data in Real Application Clusters (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
parallel DML (Data Warehousing Guide)
partitions (Data Warehousing Guide)
tables and advanced queuing (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
AFFIRM attribute
LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #5] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
SERVICE_NAME (Net Services Reference Guide)
SID (Net Services Reference Guide)
SOURCE_ROUTE (Net Services Reference Guide)
SSL_SERVER_CERT_DN (Net Services Reference Guide)
TYPE (Net Services Reference Guide)
TYPE_OF_SERVICE (Net Services Reference Guide)
unsupported parameters
COMMUNITY (Net Services Reference Guide)
AFTER clause
handling suspended storage allocation (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
AFTER SUSPEND system event (Administrator's Guide)
AFTER SUSPEND trigger (Administrator's Guide)
example of registering (Administrator's Guide)
AFTER triggers
     [entry #2] (Concepts)
     [entry #3] (SQL Reference)
auditing and (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [subentry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
correlation names and (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
defined (Concepts)
specifying (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
when fired (Concepts)
afterAQOperation(HttpServletRequest, HttpServletResponse, AQxmlCallbackContext) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
afterLast() method (result sets) (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
Heterogeneous Services, definition of (Administrator's Guide)
identifying (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
     [subentry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
accessing through intermediate host (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [subentry #3] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [subentry #4] (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
Agent data gathering service's integration with (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #3] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [subentry #4] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [subentry #5] (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
checking the log file (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
checking the status of (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
on UNIX (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
checking status (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
checking status (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
starting (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
starting (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
stopping (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
stopping (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
verifying status (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
verifying status (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
Oracle Data Gatherer's integration with (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #3] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [subentry #4] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [subentry #5] (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
setting the location of (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #3] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [subentry #4] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [subentry #5] (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
troubleshooting (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
AGENT clause
agent control utility. See agtctl. (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
Agent data gathering service
See Agent (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [subentry #3] (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
Agent Gateway Messages (Oracle Enterprise Manager Messages Manual)
Agent Log Files (Intelligent Agent User's Guide)
Agent Messages (Oracle Enterprise Manager Messages Manual)
agent tools
oidmuplf.sh (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
Agent Tracing (Intelligent Agent User's Guide)
agent user
creating (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
example (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
agent, Oracle Intelligent Agent (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
agent. See AQ agent (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
agent. See gateway agent (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
agentctl.trace_directory (Intelligent Agent User's Guide)
agentctl.trace_file (Intelligent Agent User's Guide)
agentctl.trace_level (Intelligent Agent User's Guide)
agentctl.trace_timestamp (Intelligent Agent User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
extensible (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
Generic Connectivity (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
Heterogeneous Services
architecture (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
architecture (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
disabling self-registration (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
registering (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
registering (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
registering (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
types of agents (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
intelligent (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
log file location (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
master (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
monolithic (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
multithreaded Heterogeneous Services (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
specifying initialization parameters for (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
sub- (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
Transparent Gateways (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
uploading agent file (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
AGGINDEX command
definition (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
purpose of (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
AGGMAP command (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
     [entry #2] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
aggmap object (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
AGGMAPINFO command (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
aggregate assignment (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
aggregate cache
performance statistics (OLAP User's Guide)
introduced (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
multiple variables (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
AGGREGATE function
adding as a property to the variable (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
introduced (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
aggregate functions (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
AVG (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
COUNT (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
description (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
GROUPING (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
MAX (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
MIN (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
reference information (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
SDOAGGRTYPE object type (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
SDO_AGGR_CENTROID (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
SDO_AGGR_CONVEXHULL (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
SDO_AGGR_LRS_CONCAT (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
SDO_AGGR_MBR (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
SDO_AGGR_UNION (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
See user-defined aggregate functions (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
STDDEV (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
SUM (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
treatment of nulls (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
user-defined (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
VARIANCE (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
aggregate functions, user-defined (Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
analytic functions and (Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
creating (Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
parallel evaluation of (Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
aggregates (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
computability check (Data Warehousing Guide)
XSQL and XMLAgg (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
aggregating data
best practice (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
for multiple variables (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
list of commands (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
methods (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
on-the-fly (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
overview (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
precomputing (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
process (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
aggregation (OLAP User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
     [entry #3] (OLAP User's Guide)
     [entry #4] (OLAP User's Guide)
aggregation functions, creating (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
aggregation functions, NA values in (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
aggregation map
commands for allocation (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
compiling (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
creating aggmap object (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
for allocation (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
how to define (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
performance tip (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
RELATION command (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
aggregation methods
explanation of (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
list of (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
using (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
agreements, replication (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
agtctl (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
commands (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
shell mode commands (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
single-line command mode (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
AIFF data format (interMedia User's Guide and Reference)
AIFF-C data format (interMedia User's Guide and Reference)
AL16UTF16 character encoding (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
AL16UTF16 character set (Globalization Support Guide)
     [entry #2] (Globalization Support Guide)
AL24UTFFSS character set (Globalization Support Guide)
desupported in Oracle9i (Migration)
AL32UTF8 character set (Globalization Support Guide)
     [entry #2] (Globalization Support Guide)
     [entry #3] (Globalization Support Guide)
ALERT file (Real Application Clusters Administration)
     [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
alert file
     [entry #2] (Concepts)
ARCn processes (Concepts)
job failures and (Administrator's Guide)
redo logs (Concepts)
alert log
     [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Real Application Clusters Guard I - Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #3] (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
about (Administrator's Guide)
checking after RESETLOGS (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
control file record messages (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
location of (Administrator's Guide)
managing (Real Application Clusters Administration)
monitoring overwriting of control file records (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
ORA-3113 error message (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
Oracle Streams entries (Streams)
size of (Administrator's Guide)
useful for RMAN (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
using (Administrator's Guide)
when written (Administrator's Guide)
alert logs
     [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Administration)
displaying (Data Guard Broker)
Alerts Page (Events Pane) (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
algorithms (Data Mining Concepts)
settings for (Data Mining Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Data Mining Concepts)
analytic workspace (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
directory (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
for a column (SQL Reference)
for an expressions in a view query (SQL Reference)
qualifying subqueries (inline views) (Concepts)
specifying in queries and subqueries (SQL Reference)
ALIAS clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
in ATTRIBUTE command (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
Alias library (Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
alias method
description (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
example (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
alias translation, JServ
alias_translation configuration parameter (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
overview (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
configuring (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
described (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
exporting (Utilities)
importing (Utilities)
exporting to net service aliases in a directory (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
for columns
updatable materialized views (Advanced Replication)
migrating to net service aliases in a directory (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
aliasing (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
ALL clause
     [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
of SELECT (SQL Reference)
of SET ROLE (SQL Reference)
of SET ROLE (SQL Reference)
All Initialization Parameters dialog (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
ALL operator (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
ALTER DATABASE CONVERT statement (Migration)
AUDIT_TRAIL initialization parameter (Migration)
database name mismatch (Migration)
missing convert file (Migration)
MULTIPLIER option (Migration)
NOMOUNT database start mode (Migration)
OPTIMAL setting (Migration)
Oracle7 control file (Migration)
password file (Migration)
running the MIG utility (Migration)
SYSTEM tablespace (Migration)
temporary tablespace (Migration)
of GRANT (SQL Reference)
of REVOKE (SQL Reference)
of AUDIT (SQL Reference)
ALL row operator (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
ALL shortcut
of AUDIT (SQL Reference)
allocating a cursor variable (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
ALLOCATE CHANNEL command (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [entry #2] (Recovery Manager Reference)
and shared server (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [subentry #2] (Recovery Manager Reference)
FOR MAINTENANCE option (Recovery Manager Reference)
ALLOCATE command (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
     [entry #2] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
ALLOCATE DESCRIPTOR statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
DATAFILE clause (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
exclusive mode (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
in exclusive mode (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
INSTANCE clause (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
SIZE clause (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
of ALTER CLUSTER (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
of ALTER INDEX (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
instance number (Reference)
DATAFILE option (Real Application Clusters Administration)
instance number (Real Application Clusters Administration)
INSTANCE option (Real Application Clusters Administration)
SIZE option (Real Application Clusters Administration)
ALLOCATE SQL statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
ALLOCATE SQL statements (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
ALLOCATE statement (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
use with ROWID (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
allocated blocks (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
     [entry #2] (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
     [entry #3] (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
cursor variables (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
cursors (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
thread context (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #4] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
allocating cursor variables (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
allocating data
introduction to (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
list of related commands (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
preparing for (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
     [entry #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
     [entry #3] (OLAP User's Guide)
automatic (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
Cache Fusion resources (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
extents (Administrator's Guide)
extents, dynamic (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
free space (Real Application Clusters Administration)
locks (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
minimizing extents for rollback segments (Administrator's Guide)
of Cache Fusion resources (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
of memory (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
PCM locks (Reference)
rollback segments (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
sequence numbers (Real Application Clusters Administration)
allocation duration
example (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
of objects (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
allocation of resources (Concepts)
ALLOCERRLOGFORMAT command (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
ALLOCERRLOGHEADER command (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
ALLOCMAP command (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
     [entry #2] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
     [entry #3] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
RECOVER command (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
ALL_ views (Concepts)
ALL_ALL_TABLES view (Reference)
ALL_APPLY view (Reference)
ALL_APPLY_ERROR view (Reference)
ALL_APPLY_KEY_COLUMNS view (Reference)
shared server (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
SQL statements (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
System Global Area (SGA) (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
TRIMOUT (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
TRIMSPOOL (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
ALL_APPLY_PROGRESS view (Reference)
ALL_ARGUMENTS view (Reference)
ALL_ASSOCIATIONS view (Reference)
ALL_AUDIT_POLICIES view (Reference)
ALL_BASE_TABLE_MVIEWS view (Reference)
ALL_CAPTURE view (Reference)
ALL_CATALOG view (Reference)
ALL_CLUSTERS view (Reference)
ALL_COLL_TYPES view (Reference)
ALL_COL_COMMENTS data dictionary view (SQL Reference)
ALL_COL_COMMENTS view (Reference)
ALL_COL_PRIVS view (Reference)
ALL_COL_PRIVS_MADE view (Reference)
ALL_COL_PRIVS_RECD view (Reference)
ALL_CONSTRAINTS view (Reference)
ALL_CONS_COLUMNS view (Reference)
ALL_CONS_OBJ_COLUMNS view (Reference)
ALL_CONTEXT view (Reference)
ALL_CONTROL option (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_DB_LINKS view (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
ALL_DEF_AUDIT_OPTS view (Reference)
ALL_DEPENDENCIES view (Reference)
ALL_DIMENSIONS view (Reference)
ALL_DIM_ATTRIBUTES view (Reference)
ALL_DIM_CHILD_OF view (Reference)
ALL_DIM_HIERARCHIES view (Reference)
ALL_DIM_JOIN_KEY view (Reference)
ALL_DIM_LEVELS view (Reference)
ALL_DIM_LEVEL_KEY view (Reference)
ALL_DIRECTORIES view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
debugging stored procedures (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
ALL_EXTERNAL_TABLES view (Reference)
ALL_INDEXES view (Reference)
ALL_INDEXTYPES view (Reference)
ALL_IND_COLUMNS view (Reference)
ALL_IND_EXPRESSIONS view (Reference)
ALL_IND_PARTITIONS view (Reference)
ALL_JAVA_ARGUMENTS view (Reference)
ALL_JAVA_CLASSES view (Reference)
ALL_JAVA_FIELDS view (Reference)
ALL_JAVA_IMPLEMENTS view (Reference)
ALL_JAVA_INNERS view (Reference)
ALL_JAVA_LAYOUTS view (Reference)
ALL_JAVA_METHODS view (Reference)
ALL_JAVA_NCOMPS view (Reference)
ALL_JAVA_RESOLVERS view (Reference)
ALL_JAVA_THROWS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
jobs in system, viewing (Administrator's Guide)
ALL_JOIN_IND_COLUMNS view (Reference)
ALL_LIBRARIES view (Reference)
ALL_LOBS view (Reference)
ALL_LOB_PARTITIONS view (Reference)
ALL_LOB_TEMPLATES view (Reference)
ALL_LOG_GROUPS view (Reference)
ALL_LOG_GROUP_COLUMNS view (Reference)
ALL_METHOD_PARAMS view (Reference)
ALL_METHOD_RESULTS view (Reference)
ALL_MVIEWS view (Reference)
ALL_MVIEW_ANALYSIS view (Reference)
ALL_MVIEW_JOINS view (Reference)
ALL_MVIEW_KEYS view (Reference)
ALL_MVIEW_LOGS view (Reference)
ALL_NESTED_TABLES view (Reference)
ALL_OBJECTS view (Reference)
ALL_OBJECT_TABLES view (Reference)
ALL_OBJ_COLATTRS view (Reference)
ALL_OLAP2 views (OLAP User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
     [entry #3] (OLAP User's Guide)
ALL_OPANCILLARY view (Reference)
ALL_OPARGUMENTS view (Reference)
ALL_OPBINDINGS view (Reference)
performance statistics (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
ALL_OPERATORS view (Reference)
ALL_OUTLINES view (Reference)
ALL_OUTLINE_HINTS view (Reference)
ALL_PARTIAL_DROP_TABS view (Reference)
ALL_PART_HISTOGRAMS view (Reference)
ALL_PART_INDEXES view (Reference)
ALL_PART_KEY_COLUMNS view (Reference)
ALL_PART_LOBS view (Reference)
ALL_PART_TABLES view (Reference)
ALL_POLICIES view (Reference)
ALL_POLICY_CONTEXTS view (Reference)
ALL_POLICY_GROUPS view (Reference)
ALL_PROCEDURES view (Reference)
ALL_PROPAGATION view (Reference)
ALL_QUEUES view (Reference)
ALL_QUEUE_TABLES view (Reference)
ALL_REFRESH view (Reference)
ALL_REFS view (Reference)
ALL_REPAUDIT_COLUMN view (Reference)
ALL_REPCAT view (Reference)
ALL_REPCATLOG view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
ALL_REPCOLUMN view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
ALL_REPCOLUMN_GROUP view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
ALL_REPCONFLICT view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
ALL_REPDDL view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
ALL_REPFLAVORS view (Reference)
ALL_REPGENERATED view (Reference)
ALL_REPGENOBJECTS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
ALL_REPGROUP view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
ALL_REPKEY_COLUMNS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
ALL_REPOBJECT view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
ALL_REPPRIORITY view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
ALL_REPPROP view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
ALL_REPRESOLUTION view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
gathering statistics (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
ALL_REPSCHEMA view (Reference)
ALL_REPSITES view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
optimizer mode parameter (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
ALL_ROWS hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
     [entry #3] (SQL Reference)
ALL_RULES view (Reference)
ALL_RULE_SETS view (Reference)
ALL_RULE_SET_RULES view (Reference)
ALL_SA_AUDIT_OPTIONS view (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_COMPARTMENTS view (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_DATA_LABELS view (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_GROUPS view (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_LABELS view (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_LEVELS view (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_POLICIES view (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_PROG_PRIVS view (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_SCHEMA_POLICIES view (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_TABLE_POLICIES view (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_USERS view (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_USER_LABELS view (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_USER_LEVELS view (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SA_USER_PRIVS view (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALL_SDO_GEOM_METADATA view (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
ALL_SDO_INDEX_INFO view (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
ALL_SDO_INDEX_METADATA view (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
ALL_SEQUENCES view (Reference)
ALL_SOURCE view (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
ALL_SOURCE_TABLES view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
ALL_SQLJ_TYPES view (Reference)
ALL_SQLJ_TYPE_ATTRS view (Reference)
ALL_SQLJ_TYPE_METHODS view (Reference)
ALL_STORED_SETTINGS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Streams)
     [entry #2] (Streams)
     [entry #2] (Streams)
ALL_SUBSCRIPTIONS view (Reference)
ALL_SUMDELTA view (Reference)
ALL_SYNONYMS view (Reference)
ALL_TABLES view (Reference)
ALL_TAB_COLUMNS view (Reference)
ALL_TAB_COMMENTS data dictionary view (SQL Reference)
ALL_TAB_COMMENTS view (Reference)
ALL_TAB_HISTOGRAMS view (Reference)
ALL_TAB_PARTITIONS view (Reference)
ALL_TAB_PRIVS view (Reference)
ALL_TAB_PRIVS_MADE view (Reference)
ALL_TAB_PRIVS_RECD view (Reference)
ALL_TRIGGERS view (Reference)
ALL_TRIGGER_COLS view (Reference)
ALL_TYPES view (Reference)
ALL_TYPE_ATTRS view (Reference)
ALL_TYPE_METHODS view (Reference)
ALL_TYPE_VERSIONS view (Reference)
ALL_UNUSED_COL_TABS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
ALL_USERS view (Reference)
ALL_USTATS view (Reference)
ALL_VARRAYS view (Reference)
ALL_VERSION_HVIEW view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
ALL_VIEWS view (Reference)
ALL_WM_LOCKED_TABLES view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
ALL_WM_RIC_INFO view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
ALL_WM_TAB_TRIGGERS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
ALL_WM_VT_ERRORS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
ALL_WORKSPACES view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
ALL_WORKSPACE_PRIVS view (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
ALL_XML_SCHEMAS view (Reference)
ALL_XML_TABLES view (Reference)
ALL_XML_TAB_COLS view (Reference)
ALL_XML_VIEWS view (Reference)
ALL_XML_VIEW_COLS view (Reference)
ALREADY_NCOMPED status (Java Developer's Guide)
alter (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
ALTER ANY CLUSTER system privilege (SQL Reference)
ALTER ANY DIMENSION system privilege (SQL Reference)
ALTER ANY INDEX system privilege (SQL Reference)
ALTER ANY INDEXTYPE system privilege (SQL Reference)
ALTER ANY MATERIALIZED VIEW system privilege (SQL Reference)
ALTER ANY OUTLINE system privilege (SQL Reference)
ALTER ANY PROCEDURE system privilege (SQL Reference)
ALTER ANY ROLE system privilege (SQL Reference)
ALTER ANY SEQUENCE system privilege (SQL Reference)
ALTER ANY TABLE system privilege (SQL Reference)
ALTER ANY TRIGGER system privilege (SQL Reference)
ALTER ANY TYPE privilege (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
See also privileges (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
ALTER ANY TYPE system privilege (SQL Reference)
changing password (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
ALLOCATE EXTENT clause (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
using for hash clusters (Administrator's Guide)
using for index clusters (Administrator's Guide)
ALTER command
disabling (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
ALTER CONFIGURATION command (Data Guard Broker)
     [entry #2] (Data Guard Broker)
example (Data Guard Broker)
ALTER DATABASE ADD LOGFILE statement (Real Application Clusters Administration)
ALTER DATABASE CHARACTER SET statement (Globalization Support Guide)
migrating character sets in Oracle9i Real Application Clusters (Globalization Support Guide)
migrating data (Globalization Support Guide)
using with selective imports (Globalization Support Guide)
ALTER DATABASE command (Recovery Manager Reference)
ALTER DATABASE CONVERT statement (Migration)
     [entry #2] (Migration)
rerunning (Migration)
ALTER DATABASE DISABLE THREAD statement (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
ALTER DATABASE NATIONAL CHARACTER SET statement (Globalization Support Guide)
     [entry #2] (Globalization Support Guide)
     [entry #2] (Migration)
DELAY control option (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #2] (Migration)
ALTER DATABASE RESET LOGS statement (Migration)
     [entry #2] (Concepts)
     [entry #3] (SQL Reference)
     [entry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
ABORT LOGICAL STANDBY clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
ACTIVATE STANDBY DATABASE clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
ADD LOGFILE (Reference)
     [subentry #2] (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
ADD LOGFILE MEMBER option (Administrator's Guide)
ADD LOGFILE option (Administrator's Guide)
ADD STANDBY LOGFILE clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #5] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #6] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
keywords for (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
ADD STANDBY LOGFILE GROUP clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
ADD STANDBY LOGFILE MEMBER clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
keywords for (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
ADD SUPPLEMENTAL LOG DATA clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #4] (Streams)
ARCHIVELOG option (Administrator's Guide)
BACKUP CONTROLFILE clause (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
TO TRACE option (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
CLEAR LOGFILE clause (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
CLEAR LOGFILE option (Administrator's Guide)
CLEAR UNARCHIVED LOGFILE option (Administrator's Guide)
CLOSE clause (Real Application Clusters Administration)
database name (Reference)
database partially available to users (Administrator's Guide)
DATAFILE RESIZE (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
DATAFILE...OFFLINE DROP clause (Administrator's Guide)
datafiles online or offline (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
default temporary tablespace, specifying (Administrator's Guide)
DISABLE clause (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
DROP LOGFILE MEMBER option (Administrator's Guide)
DROP LOGFILE option (Administrator's Guide)
END BACKUP clause (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
MOUNT clause (Administrator's Guide)
NOARCHIVELOG option (Administrator's Guide)
NORESETLOGS option (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
OPEN clause (Administrator's Guide)
OPEN RESETLOGS clause (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
READ ONLY clause (Administrator's Guide)
RECOVER clause (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
     [subentry #2] (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
RENAME FILE clause (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
RESETLOGS option (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
     [subentry #2] (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
     [subentry #3] (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
setting the log mode (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
tempfiles online or offline (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
THREAD (Reference)
THREAD clause (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
thread of redo (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
UNRECOVERABLE DATAFILE option (Administrator's Guide)
ALTER DATABASE system privilege (SQL Reference)
ALTER DIMENSION statement (SQL Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
COMPILE clause (Administrator's Guide)
ALTER INDEX (Text Reference)
     [entry #2] (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
examples (Text Reference)
rebuild syntax (Text Reference)
rename syntax (Text Reference)
rebuilding index (Text Application Developer's Guide)
resuming failed index (Text Application Developer's Guide)
ALTER INDEX statement
     [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
     [entry #3] (SQL Reference)
     [entry #4] (Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
     [entry #5] (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
COALESCE clause (Administrator's Guide)
for maintaining partitioned indexes (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
MONITORING USAGE clause (Administrator's Guide)
REBUILD clause (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
RENAME TO clause (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
ALTER INDEXTYPE statement (SQL Reference)
ALTER JAVA CLASS statement (SQL Reference)
ALTER JAVA SOURCE statement (SQL Reference)
     [entry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [entry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
enabling query rewrite (Data Warehousing Guide)
ALTER object privilege (SQL Reference)
on a sequence (SQL Reference)
on a table (SQL Reference)
ALTER OPERATOR statement (SQL Reference)
ALTER OUTLINE statement (SQL Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
COMPILE clause (Administrator's Guide)
ALTER privilege (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
COMPILE clause (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
altering resource limits (Administrator's Guide)
ALTER PROFILE system privilege (SQL Reference)
ALTER RESOURCE (property) command (Data Guard Broker)
example (Data Guard Broker)
ALTER RESOURCE (state) command (Data Guard Broker)
example (Data Guard Broker)
ALTER RESOURCE COST statement (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
ALTER RESOURCE COST system privilege (SQL Reference)
ALTER ROLE statement
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
changing authorization method (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
     [entry #3] (Real Application Clusters Administration)
     [entry #4] (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
bringing segments online (Administrator's Guide)
changing storage parameters (Administrator's Guide)
taking segment offline (Administrator's Guide)
ALTER ROLLBACK SEGMENT system privilege (SQL Reference)
ALTER SEQUENCE statement (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [entry #3] (SQL Reference)
increasing cache size with (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
ALTER SESSION commands (OLAP User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
ALTER SESSION SET SCHEMA statement (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [entry #2] (Concepts)
     [entry #3] (SQL Reference)
ADVISE clause (Administrator's Guide)
CLOSE DATABASE LINK clause (Administrator's Guide)
ENABLE PARALLEL DML clause (Data Warehousing Guide)
examples (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
FORCE PARALLEL DDL clause (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Data Warehousing Guide)
create or rebuild index (Data Warehousing Guide)
create or rebuild index (Data Warehousing Guide)
create table as select (Data Warehousing Guide)
create table as select (Data Warehousing Guide)
move or split partition (Data Warehousing Guide)
move or split partition (Data Warehousing Guide)
insert (Data Warehousing Guide)
insert (Data Warehousing Guide)
insert (Data Warehousing Guide)
update and delete (Data Warehousing Guide)
update and delete (Data Warehousing Guide)
update and delete (Data Warehousing Guide)
SERIALIZABLE clause (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
SET HASH_AREA_SIZE clause (Reference)
SET HASH_JOIN_ENABLED clause (Reference)
SET INSTANCE clause (Real Application Clusters Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
SET NLS_CURRENCY clause (Globalization Support Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Globalization Support Guide)
SET NLS_DATE_FORMAT clause (Globalization Support Guide)
SET NLS_LANGUAGE clause (Globalization Support Guide)
SET NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS clause (Globalization Support Guide)
SET NLS_TERRITORY clause (Globalization Support Guide)
SET SCHEMA (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
SET SESSION_CACHED_CURSORS clause (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
enabling user access (Streams)
SET SQL_TRACE initialization parameter (Administrator's Guide)
setting time zone (Administrator's Guide)
system privilege (Administrator's Guide)
transaction isolation level (Concepts)
ALTER SESSION system privilege (SQL Reference)
ALTER SITE command (Data Guard Broker)
example (Data Guard Broker)
ALTER statement (Concepts)
ALTER statements
triggers on (SQL Reference)
ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG CURRENT statement (Real Application Clusters Administration)
ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE LOG statement (Real Application Clusters Administration)
THREAD clause (Real Application Clusters Administration)
instance recovery (Real Application Clusters Administration)
ALTER SYSTEM CHECKPOINT LOCAL statement (Real Application Clusters Administration)
global versus local (Real Application Clusters Administration)
specifying an instance (Real Application Clusters Administration)
and server parameter file administration (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
ALTER SYSTEM statement
     [entry #2] (Concepts)
     [entry #3] (SQL Reference)
using to archive online redo logs (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
ARCHIVE LOG ALL option (Administrator's Guide)
ARCHIVE LOG CURRENT clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
ARCHIVE LOG option (Administrator's Guide)
DISABLE DISTRIBUTED RECOVERY clause (Administrator's Guide)
dynamic parameters
LOG_ARCHIVE_MAX_PROCESSES (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
ENABLE DISTRIBUTED RECOVERY clause (Administrator's Guide)
ENABLE RESTRICTED SESSION clause (Administrator's Guide)
KILL SESSION clause (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
QUIESCE RETRICTED (Administrator's Guide)
RESUME clause (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
SCOPE clause for SET (Administrator's Guide)
SET LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
SET LOG_ARCHIVE_TRACE clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
SET LOG_PARALLELISM clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
SET RESOURCE_LIMIT option (Administrator's Guide)
SET RESOURCE_MANAGER_PLAN (Administrator's Guide)
SET SHARED_SERVERS initialization parameter (Administrator's Guide)
setting initialization parameters (Administrator's Guide)
starting the broker (Data Guard Broker)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Broker)
SUSPEND clause (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
SWITCH LOGFILE option (Administrator's Guide)
to enable Database Resource Manager (Administrator's Guide)
UNQUIESCE (Administrator's Guide)
ALTER SYSTEM SWITCH LOGFILE statement (Real Application Clusters Administration)
ALTER SYSTEM system privilege (SQL Reference)
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
     [entry #3] (Text Reference)
migrating from LONG to LOB (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects (LOBs))
See also object types (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
migrating from CHAR to NCHAR (Globalization Support Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Globalization Support Guide)
ALTER TABLE statement
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
ADD (column) clause (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Streams)
     [subentry #3] (Streams)
     [subentry #4] (Streams)
     [subentry #5] (Streams)
ALLOCATE EXTENT (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
ALLOCATE EXTENT clause (Administrator's Guide)
allocating extents (Reference)
auditing (Concepts)
bitmap index invalidation (Migration)
CACHE clause (Concepts)
DEALLOCATE UNUSED clause (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
defining integrity constraints (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
DISABLE ALL TRIGGERS clause (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
DISABLE CONSTRAINT clause (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
DISABLE integrity constraint clause (Administrator's Guide)
disable or enable constraints (Concepts)
DROP COLUMN clause (Administrator's Guide)
DROP CONSTRAINT clause (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
DROP integrity constraint clause (Administrator's Guide)
DROP UNUSED COLUMNS clause (Administrator's Guide)
ENABLE ALL TRIGGERS clause (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
ENABLE CONSTRAINT clause (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
ENABLE integrity constraint clause (Administrator's Guide)
external tables (Administrator's Guide)
for maintaining partitions (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
INITRANS parameter (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
MODIFY (column) clause (Administrator's Guide)
MODIFY CONSTRAINT clause (Concepts)
MODIFY DEFAULT ATTRIBUTES clause (Administrator's Guide)
modifying index-organized table attributes (Administrator's Guide)
MOVE clause (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
NOLOGGING clause (Data Warehousing Guide)
reasons for use (Administrator's Guide)
RENAME COLUMN clause (Administrator's Guide)
SET UNUSED clause (Administrator's Guide)
triggers (Concepts)
validate or novalidate constraints (Concepts)
skipping (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
     [entry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #5] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #6] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
ADD DATAFILE parameter (Administrator's Guide)
ADD TEMPFILE clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
ALTER STANDBY LOGFILE clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
ALTER STANDBY LOGFILE GROUP clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
BEGIN BACKUP clause (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
     [subentry #3] (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
CLEAR UNARCHIVED LOGFILES clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
COMMIT TO SWITCHOVER clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #5] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #6] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #7] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #8] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #9] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
in Real Application Clusters (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
troubleshooting (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
troubleshooting (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
troubleshooting (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
troubleshooting (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
CREATE CONTROLFILE clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
CREATE DATAFILE AS clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
CREATE STANDBY CONTROLFILE clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
REUSE clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
DROP LOGFILE clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
DROP STANDBY LOGFILE MEMBER clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
END BACKUP clause (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
END BACKUP option (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
FORCE LOGGING clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #5] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #6] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #7] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
GUARD clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
keywords of (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
keywords of (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
MOUNT STANDBY DATABASE clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #5] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #6] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #7] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #8] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #9] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
NOFORCE LOGGING clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
ONLINE option, example (Administrator's Guide)
online redo logs and (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
OPEN READ ONLY clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
OPEN RESETLOGS clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
READ ONLY option (Administrator's Guide)
READ WRITE option (Administrator's Guide)
RECOVER MANAGED STANDBY DATABASE clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #5] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #6] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #7] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #8] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #9] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #10] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
background process (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
background process (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
background process (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
cancelling (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
cancelling log apply services (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
controlling redo apply operations (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
RENAME DATAFILE clause (Administrator's Guide)
skipping (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
taking datafiles/tempfiles online/offline (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
TEMPFILE clause (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
ALTER TABLESPACE system privilege (SQL Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
DISABLE clause (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
ENABLE clause (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
See also object types (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
ALTER TYPE statement
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
     [entry #3] (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
     [entry #4] (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
for type evolution (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
ALTER USER privilege (Administrator's Guide)
ALTER USER statement
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
default roles (Administrator's Guide)
GRANT CONNECT THROUGH clause (Administrator's Guide)
REVOKE CONNECT THROUGH clause (Administrator's Guide)
temporary segments (Concepts)
ALTER USER system privilege (SQL Reference)
ALTER VIEW statement
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
COMPILE clause (Administrator's Guide)
control files (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
destination (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
messaging gateway links (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
propagation method (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [subentry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
database resource (Data Guard Broker)
database resource (Data Guard Broker)
protection modes
configuration (Data Guard Broker)
registered non-Oracle queues (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
savepoint description (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
savepoints (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
schedules (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
See also (Data Guard Broker)
configuration (Data Guard Broker)
configuration (Data Guard Broker)
configuration (Data Guard Broker)
resource (Data Guard Broker)
resource (Data Guard Broker)
site (Data Guard Broker)
subscribers (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
workspace description (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
     [subentry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
altering dimensions (Data Warehousing Guide)
altering indexes (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
altering storage parameters (Administrator's Guide)
altering users (Administrator's Guide)
alternate archive destinations
setting up initialization parameters for (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
ALTERNATE attribute
LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_STATE_n initialization parameter (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
Alternate property (Data Guard Broker)
alternate server list
from the Oracle directory server (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
from user input (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
alternate spelling (Text Application Developer's Guide)
about (Text Reference)
Danish (Text Reference)
disabling example (Text Reference)
     [subentry #2] (Text Reference)
enabling example (Text Reference)
German (Text Reference)
Swedish (Text Reference)
AlternateServers attribute, in failover (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
alternate_spelling attribute (Text Reference)
alternative environments, support (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
alterPropagationSchedule (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
alterQueue (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AlterSavepoint procedure (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
     [entry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
AlterWorkspace procedure (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
     [entry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
ALTER_APPLY procedure
     [entry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
removing the DDL handler (Streams)
removing the message handler (Streams)
removing the rule set (Streams)
removing the tag value (Streams)
setting an apply user (Streams)
setting the DDL handler (Streams)
setting the message handler (Streams)
setting the tag value (Streams)
     [subentry #2] (Streams)
     [subentry #3] (Streams)
specifying the rule set (Streams)
     [entry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
removing the rule set (Streams)
ALTER_COMPARTMENT procedure (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALTER_COMPARTMENTS procedure (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
of ALTER TABLE (SQL Reference)
ALTER_GROUP procedure (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALTER_GROUPS function (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALTER_GROUPS procedure
inverse groups (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
inverse groups (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALTER_GROUP_PARENT procedure (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALTER_LABEL function (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALTER_LEVEL procedure (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALTER_PHRASE procedure (Text Reference)
ALTER_POLICY procedure (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
inverse groups (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
removing the rule set (Streams)
specifying the rule set (Streams)
ALTER_RULE procedure (Streams)
     [entry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
ALTER_SCHEMA_POLICY procedure (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
ALTER_THESAURUS procedure (Text Reference)
always anti-join (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
Always Use Dedicated Server option in Oracle Net Manager (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
AM datetime format element (SQL Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
AMD (Error Messages)
index defaults (Text Reference)
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
ANSI-compatible locking (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
conversion to Oracle datatypes (Concepts)
conversion to Oracle datatypes (SQL Reference)
datatypes, implicit conversion (Concepts)
standards (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
supported datatypes (SQL Reference)
amount (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects (LOBs))
amount parameter
reading and loading LOB data, the size of (FAQ) (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects (LOBs))
used with BFILEs (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects (LOBs))
ampersand (&) operator (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
     [entry #2] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
ampersand substitution
avoiding (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
defined (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
effect performance (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
example of (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
prevents compiling (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
program arguments and (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
QDR with (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
restrictions (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
using to pass arguments (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
when required (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
ampersands (&)
in parameters (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [subentry #3] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
substitution variables (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
adding data from other classes to (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
canceling (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
copying (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
creating from a data class (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
excluding objects from (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
generating a report for an (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
identifying user-defined and predefined (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
modifying the selection criteria for an existing (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
printing (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
saving predefined (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
saving results of (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
saving user-defined (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
See also charts (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
     [subentry #3] (Getting Started with the Oracle Standard Management Pack)
viewing and modifying an existing (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
Analysis report (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
generating (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
Analysis Report dialog box (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
Analysis window
overview of (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
using the scroll bar (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
zooming in (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
zooming out (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
analytic functions (SQL Reference)
AVG (SQL Reference)
concepts (Data Warehousing Guide)
CORR (SQL Reference)
COUNT (SQL Reference)
COVAR_POP (SQL Reference)
COVAR_SAMP (SQL Reference)
CUME_DIST (SQL Reference)
DENSE_RANK (SQL Reference)
FIRST (SQL Reference)
inverse distribution (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
LAG (SQL Reference)
LAST (SQL Reference)
LAST_VALUE (SQL Reference)
LEAD (SQL Reference)
linear regression (SQL Reference)
MAX (SQL Reference)
MIN (SQL Reference)
NTILE (SQL Reference)
OVER clause (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
RANK (SQL Reference)
ROW_NUMBER (SQL Reference)
STDDEV (SQL Reference)
STDDEV_POP (SQL Reference)
SUM (SQL Reference)
syntax (SQL Reference)
user-defined (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
VARIANCE (SQL Reference)
VAR_POP (SQL Reference)
VAR_SAMP (SQL Reference)
analytic workspaces
access from Java (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
access from OLAP Worksheet (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
access from SQL (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
acquiring description of (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
active workspace (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
alias (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
attached read-only or read/write (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
attached workspace (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
attaching (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
committing changes (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
controlling access to (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
copying data into relational tables (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
creating (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
creating from relational tables (OLAP User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
creating metadata for (OLAP User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (OLAP User's Guide)
current workspace (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
data manipulation (OLAP User's Guide)
database storage (OLAP User's Guide)
defined (OLAP User's Guide)
deleting (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
detaching (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
enabling for SQL access (OLAP User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (OLAP User's Guide)
     [subentry #4] (OLAP User's Guide)
     [subentry #5] (OLAP User's Guide)
     [subentry #6] (OLAP User's Guide)
     [subentry #7] (OLAP User's Guide)
     [subentry #8] (OLAP User's Guide)
exporting (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
importing (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
introduction to (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
list of attached (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
minimizing growth of (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
multiple (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
name (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
objects, acquiring information about (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
     [subentry #3] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
objects, defining (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
objects, defining in a program (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
performance counters (OLAP User's Guide)
permission programs (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
populating (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
populating from relational tables (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
reorganizing (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
retrieving name of (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
saving changes to (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
security (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
sharing across sessions (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
updating (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
waiting for access (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
ANALYZE ANY system privilege (SQL Reference)
ANALYZE CLUSTER statement (SQL Reference)
ANALYZE command (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
     [entry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
disabling (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
ANALYZE function of DBMS_STATS package (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
ANALYZE INDEX statement (SQL Reference)
ANALYZE SQL command (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
ANALYZE statement (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
     [entry #3] (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
     [entry #4] (Reference)
     [entry #5] (Reference)
     [entry #6] (Reference)
     [entry #7] (Reference)
     [entry #8] (Reference)
     [entry #9] (Reference)
     [entry #10] (Reference)
     [entry #11] (Reference)
     [entry #12] (Reference)
CASCADE clause (Administrator's Guide)
corruption reporting (Administrator's Guide)
creating histograms (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
ESTIMATE STATISTICS SAMPLE clause (Administrator's Guide)
LIST CHAINED ROWS clause (Administrator's Guide)
listing chained rows (Administrator's Guide)
shared pool (Concepts)
VALIDATE STRUCTURE clause (Administrator's Guide)
VALIDATE STRUCTURE ONLINE clause (Administrator's Guide)
validating structure (Administrator's Guide)
ANALYZE statement
during Schema class collection (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
ANALYZE TABLE statement (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
change in release 8.1 (Migration)
Analyze Wizard (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
     [entry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
ANALYZER process (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
analyzer statistics (Utilities)
ANALYZE_RTREE procedure (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
collected historical data (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
analyzing data
for parallel processing (Data Warehousing Guide)
analyzing redo log files (Administrator's Guide)
analyzing schema objects (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
analyzing tables
cost-based optimization (Administrator's Guide)
ancestors attributes
example of getting (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
for MdmHierarchy objects (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
for MdmLevel objects (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
AND condition (SQL Reference)
AND operator
     [entry #2] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
     [entry #3] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
     [entry #4] (Text Application Developer's Guide)
     [entry #5] (Text Reference)
for simple subquery materialized views (Advanced Replication)
stopword transformations (Text Reference)
AND_EQUAL hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
     [entry #3] (SQL Reference)
angle brackets (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
angle units (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
AnnListener class (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AnnListener interface (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
implementing (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
annotation box
moving in an analysis chart (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
Annotation class (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
Annotation constructor (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
annotation name
returning (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
annotation task manager (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
annotation task monitor (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AnnotationDesc class (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AnnotationDesc object
returning (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AnnotationFactory class (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AnnotationFactory constructor (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AnnotationFactory object (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AnnotationHandler class (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AnnotationHandler constructor (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AnnotationHandler instance
creating (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AnnotationHandler(int) constructor (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AnnotationProperties element (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
associated attributes (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
creating (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [subentry #4] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [subentry #5] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
definition (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
exporting to XML (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
importing (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
inserting (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
querying (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
retrieving (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
saving (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
See also user-defined annotation types
setting attributes (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
uploading (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
annotator client
initializing (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
Annotator.mime file (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [entry #3] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
Annotator.prefs file (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AnnotatorDescriptor.DTD (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AnnTaskManager class (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AnnTaskManager constructor (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AnnTaskMonitor class (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AnnTaskMonitor constructor (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
ANO (Oracle Advanced Security) (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
anonymous authentication (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
anonymous blocks (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
anonymous blocks in PL/SQL (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
anonymous login (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
anonymous PL/SQL block (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
anonymous PL/SQL blocks (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [entry #2] (Concepts)
     [entry #3] (Concepts)
about (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
applications (Concepts)
compared to triggers (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
contrasted with stored procedures (Concepts)
dynamic SQL (Concepts)
dynamic SQL and (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
performance (Concepts)
ANSI C Support (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
ANSI dynamic SQL (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
reference semantics (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
See also dynamic SQL (ANSI) (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
ANSI Entry SQL compliance (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
ANSI format
COBOL statements (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
ANSI requirements (New Features)
ANSI SQL standard
datatypes of (Concepts)
FIPS flagger (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
ANSI standard for LOBs (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects (LOBs))
ANSI Web site (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
ANSI. (SQL Reference)
compliance (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
extensions (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
ANSI/ISO SQL standard
data concurrency (Concepts)
isolation levels (Concepts)
ANSWER_TIMEOUT networking parameter (Net Services Reference Guide)
anti-joins (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
transformations not allowed (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
any (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
ANY comparison operator (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
ANY operator (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
ANYDATA datatype (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
AnyData datatype (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
message propagation (Streams)
queues (Streams)
     [subentry #2] (Streams)
creating (Streams)
creating (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
dequeuing (Streams)
dropping (Streams)
enqueuing (Streams)
monitoring (Streams)
propagating to typed queues (Streams)
user-defined types (Streams)
replication (Replication Management API Reference)
wrapper for messages (Streams)
     [subentry #2] (Streams)
ANYDATA type (Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
effect on table-mode import (Utilities)
ANYDATASET datatype (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
AnyDataSet datatype (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
ANYDATASET type (Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
ANYINTERACT mask relationship (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
ANYTYPE datatype (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
AnyType datatype (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
ANYTYPE type (Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
ANY_SIMPLE - oracle.xml.parser.schema.XSDTypeConstants.ANY_SIMPLE (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
ANY_URI - oracle.xml.parser.schema.XSDTypeConstants.ANY_URI (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
Apache Web Server (Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide)
Apache Web Server, discovering (Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide)
Apache webserver (Oracle Enterprise Manager Configuration Guide)
API, definition (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
apostrophes (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
AppCtxManager (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #3] (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
APPEND clause
in COPY command (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
in SAVE command (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
APPEND command (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #3] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
APPEND hint (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
     [entry #3] (Data Warehousing Guide)
APPEND parameter
for SQL*Loader utility (Utilities)
append sequence conflict resolution method (Advanced Replication)
append site name conflict resolution method (Advanced Replication)
append to table
example (Utilities)
SQL*Loader (Utilities)
appendChild(Node) - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLDocument.appendChild(org.w3c.dom.Node) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
appendChild(Node) - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNode.appendChild(org.w3c.dom.Node) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
appendChild(Node) - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNSNode.appendChild(org.w3c.dom.Node) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AppendChunk(), see OraOLEDB (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects (LOBs))
one LOB to another
internal persistent LOBs (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects (LOBs))
one temporary LOB to another (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects (LOBs))
writing to the end of a LOB
internal persistent LOBs (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects (LOBs))
tuning (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
APPINFO clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
applAccumulatedInboundAssociations variable (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
applAccumulatedOutboundAssociations variable (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
Apple QuickTime data format (interMedia User's Guide and Reference)
APPLET HTML tag (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
connecting to a database (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
deploying in an HTML page (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
packaging (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
for JDK 1.2.x or 1.1.x browser (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
packaging and deploying (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
signed applets
browser security (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
object-signing certificate (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
using signed applets (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
using SQLJ (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
using with firewalls (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
working with (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
applFailedOutboundAssociations variable (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
compiling (Java Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide)
connecting to a database (interMedia Java Classes User's Guide and Reference)
deployment (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
developing (Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide)
development (Java Developer's Guide)
development steps (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
executing in a session (Java Developer's Guide)
execution control (Java Developer's Guide)
execution rights (Java Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide)
invoking (Java Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Java Developer's Guide)
sample (Text Application Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Text Application Developer's Guide)
tasks performed by (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
threading (Java Developer's Guide)
creating a session with a remote resource provider (Dynamic Services User's and Administrator's Guide)
excluding from an analysis (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
invalid (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
reason for being invalid (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
executing multiple services (Dynamic Services User's and Administrator's Guide)
opening, closing (Dynamic Services User's and Administrator's Guide)
used in workload (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
application administrators (Administrator's Guide)
Application Context
ACLs (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
attributes (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
directory entries (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
directory information tree (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
example (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
object classes (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
overview (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
product summary (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
security measures (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
application context (Administrator's Guide)
accessed globally (Security Overview)
accessed locally (Security Overview)
as secure data cache (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
bind variables (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
creating (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
examples (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
fine-grained access control (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [subentry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
how to use (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
initialized externally (Security Overview)
initialized globally (Security Overview)
introduction (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [subentry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
overview (Security Overview)
parallel query (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
performance (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
returning predicate (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
secure (Security Overview)
security features (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
setting (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
USERENV namespace (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
using in policy (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
versioning (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
virtual private database (VPD) (Security Overview)
Application Context initialized centrally (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
application developers
privileges for (Administrator's Guide)
roles for (Administrator's Guide)
application development
constraints (Administrator's Guide)
database links
controlling connections (Administrator's Guide)
distributed databases (Administrator's Guide)
analyzing execution plan (Administrator's Guide)
controlling connections (Administrator's Guide)
handling errors (Administrator's Guide)
handling RPC errors (Administrator's Guide)
managing distribution of data (Administrator's Guide)
managing referential integrity (Administrator's Guide)
optimizing distributed queries (Administrator's Guide)
overview (Administrator's Guide)
remote procedure calls (Administrator's Guide)
tuning distributed queries (Administrator's Guide)
tuning using collocated inline views (Administrator's Guide)
using cost-based optimization (Administrator's Guide)
using hints to tune queries (Administrator's Guide)
distributing data (Administrator's Guide)
Heterogeneous Services
controlling array fetches between non-Oracle server and agent (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
controlling array fetches between Oracle server and agent (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
controlling reblocking of array fetches (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH package (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
pass-through SQL (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
using bulk fetches (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
using OCI for bulk fetches (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
referential integrity (Administrator's Guide)
remote connections
terminating (Administrator's Guide)
security for (Administrator's Guide)
application development documentation (New Features)
application development process (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
application events
with globals.jsa (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
with JspScopeListener (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
application failover
     [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Real Application Clusters Guard I - Concepts and Administration)
callback example (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
callback registration (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
OCI callbacks (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
role change notification (Real Application Clusters Real Application Clusters Guard I - Concepts and Administration)
application framework for JServ (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
application integration (Data Guard Broker)
application layer (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
application object (implicit) (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
application profile registry (Dynamic Services User's and Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Dynamic Services User's and Administrator's Guide)
registering a service consumer application (Dynamic Services User's and Administrator's Guide)
application program interface (API), definition (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
Application Program Interface, definition (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
application reference documentation (New Features)
application roles (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
application root functionality (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
application scope (JSP objects) (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
application security
considerations for use (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
directory-based (Security Overview)
introduction (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [subentry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
limitations (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
policies (Security Overview)
requirements (Security Overview)
secure application role (Security Overview)
specifying attributes (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
through validation (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
application server, definition (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
application servers
allowing connection as user (SQL Reference)
application size (hardware) requirements (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
application support
overview (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
through globals.jsa (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
application Web servers (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
application workloads
from Statspack statistics (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
application-provided serialization (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
application-relative path (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
application-specific directories
drawbacks (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
features (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
Distributed Database Management (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
Explain Plan (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
Instance Management (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
Integrated with Oracle Enterprise Manager
Oracle Data Guard Manager (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
Oracle Directory Manager (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
Oracle Enterprise Security Manager (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
Oracle Forms Server Manager (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
Oracle Net Manager (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
Oracle Policy Manager (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
Oracle Spatial Index Advisor (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
Oracle9i LogMiner Viewer (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
OLAP Management (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
Oracle Change Management Pack (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
Oracle Diagnostics Pack (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
Oracle Standard Management Pack (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
Oracle Tuning Pack (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
Schema Management (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
Security Management (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
SQL Scratchpad (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
SQL*Plus Worksheet (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
Storage Management (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
Summary Management (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
Warehouse Management (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
Workspace Management (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
XML Database (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
administrator (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
allowing connection as user (SQL Reference)
application triggers compared with database triggers (Concepts)
business analysis (OLAP User's Guide)
calling stored procedures and packages (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
can find constraint violations (Concepts)
client/server configurations
upgrading (Migration)
comparison (OLAP User's Guide)
compatibility (Migration)
     [subentry #2] (Migration)
components of SQL-based (OLAP User's Guide)
context (Concepts)
data dictionary references (Concepts)
data warehouses
star queries (Data Warehousing Guide)
data warehousing (Concepts)
data warehousing and star queries (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
database access through (Concepts)
database users (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
decision support (Data Warehousing Guide)
decision support systems (DSS) (Data Warehousing Guide)
parallel SQL (Data Warehousing Guide)
dependencies of (Concepts)
deploying (Performance Planning)
design principles (Performance Planning)
role during the upgrade (Migration)
development trends (Performance Planning)
differences from Express (OLAP User's Guide)
direct-path INSERT (Data Warehousing Guide)
discrete transactions (Concepts)
enhancing security with (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
enrollment in, for provisioning (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
automatic (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
manual (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR() procedure (Administrator's Guide)
implementing (Performance Planning)
index-organized tables
compatibility (Migration)
interoperability (Migration)
linking with newer libraries (Migration)
object dependencies and (Concepts)
compatibility (Migration)
interoperability (Migration)
One Big Application User model (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [subentry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
online transaction processing (OLTP)
reverse key indexes (Concepts)
parallel DML (Data Warehousing Guide)
performance (Performance Planning)
physical ROWIDs and UROWIDs (Migration)
compatibility (Migration)
interoperability (Migration)
compatibility (Migration)
interoperability (Migration)
processes (Concepts)
program interface and (Concepts)
roles (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [subentry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
roles and (Concepts)
running against older server (Migration)
scalability (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
securing (SQL Reference)
security (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [subentry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
application context (Concepts)
sharing code (Concepts)
transaction termination and (Concepts)
unhandled exceptions in (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
upgrading (Migration)
compatibility rules (Migration)
options (Migration)
validating (SQL Reference)
applications administrator (Administrator's Guide)
applications, building
with PL/SQL LDAP API (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
with the C API (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
application_OnEnd tag, globals.jsa (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
application_OnStart tag, globals.jsa (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
applied SCN (Streams)
     [entry #2] (Streams)
     [entry #3] (Streams)
of DBA_LOGSTDBY_PROGRESS view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
APPLIER process (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
applInboundAssociations variable (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
applIndex variable (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
applLastChange variable (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
applLastInboundActivity variable (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
applLastOutboundActivity variable (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
applName variable (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
applOperStatus variable (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
applOutboundAssociations variable (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
ApplReg event (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
applRejectedInboundAssociations variable (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
applTable (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
APPLTOP_STAGE parameter in ORAPARAM.INI (Universal Installer Concepts Guide)
applUptime variable (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
applVersion variable (SNMP Support Reference Guide)
Apply button, in Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
apply delay interval
apply forwarding (Streams)
apply model (Data Mining Concepts)
Apply Off substate
logical standby databases (Data Guard Broker)
physical standby databases (Data Guard Broker)
apply process (Streams)
altering (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
applied SCN (Streams)
apply forwarding (Streams)
apply handlers (Streams)
apply servers (Streams)
apply user (Streams)
setting (Streams)
architecture (Streams)
automatic restart (Streams)
conflict handlers (Streams)
heterogeneous environments (Streams)
setting (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
conflict resolution (Streams)
     [subentry #2] (Streams)
constraints (Streams)
coordinator process (Streams)
creating (Streams)
     [subentry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [subentry #3] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [subentry #4] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [subentry #5] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [subentry #6] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
creation (Streams)
datatypes applied (Streams)
heterogeneous environments (Streams)
DBMS_APPLY_ADM package (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
DDL changes (Streams)
current schema (Streams)
data structures (Streams)
ignored (Streams)
system-generated names (Streams)
DDL handler
setting (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
setting (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
DDL handlers (Streams)
creating (Streams)
monitoring (Streams)
removing (Streams)
setting (Streams)
dependent transactions (Streams)
DML changes (Streams)
heterogeneous environments (Streams)
DML handlers (Streams)
creating (Streams)
creating (Streams)
heterogeneous environments (Streams)
monitoring (Streams)
re-enqueue captured events (Streams)
setting (Streams)
setting (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
dropping (Streams)
     [subentry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
error handlers
creating (Streams)
heterogeneous environments (Streams)
monitoring (Streams)
setting (Streams)
setting (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
error queue
deleting errors (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
deleting errors (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
executing errors (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
executing errors (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
getting error messages (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
events (Streams)
captured (Streams)
user-enqueued (Streams)
exception queue (Streams)
monitoring (Streams)
monitoring (Streams)
heterogeneous environments (Streams)
     [subentry #2] (Streams)
database links (Streams)
example (Streams)
high-watermark (Streams)
ignore SCN (Streams)
global SCN (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
schema SCN (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
table SCN (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
instantiation SCN (Streams)
key columns (Streams)
creating (SQL Reference)
creating index on (SQL Reference)
LOBs (Streams)
message handler
setting (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
setting (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
commit_serialization (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
disable_on_error (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
disable_on_limit (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
maximum_scn (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
parallelism (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
setting (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
time_limit (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
trace_level (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
transaction_limit (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
defining global (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
defining schema (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
defining subset (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
defining table (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
removing (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
starting (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
stopping (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
substitute key columns
setting (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
apply result object (Data Mining Concepts)
ApplyContentItem (Data Mining Concepts)
redo logs on standby database (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
SQL statements to logical standby databases (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
ApplyNext property (Data Guard Broker)
ApplyNoDelay property (Data Guard Broker)
ApplyParallel property (Data Guard Broker)
APPLY_SCHEMA_POLICY procedure (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
with inverse groups (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
APPLY_SET procedure
of DBMS_LOGSTDBY (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
APPLY_TABLE_POLICY procedure (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
with inverse groups (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
APPLY_UNSET procedure
of DBMS_LOGSTDBY (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
APPL_TOP (Universal Installer Concepts Guide)
APPL_TOP_NAME (Universal Installer Concepts Guide)
appRoot, ojspc option (Support for JavaServer Pages Reference)
Apriori algorithm (Data Mining Concepts)
     [entry #2] (Data Mining Concepts)
AQ agent
altering (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
creating (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
dropping (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
registering (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
AQ queues
registering (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
AQ servlet (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
requests, using SMTP (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
schema (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
servlet (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
     [subentry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
AQ XML servlet
registering for notifications (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
AQ. See Advanced Queuing. (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
AQAgent (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQConstants (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQDequeueOption (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQDriverManager (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQEnqueueOption (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQException (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsAdtMessage (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsAgent (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsBytesMessage (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsConnection (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsConnectionMetaData (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsConstants (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsConsumer (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsDestination (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsDestinationProperty (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsException (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsFactory (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsInvalidDestinationException (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsInvalidSelectorException (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsMapMessage (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsMessage (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsMessageEOFException (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsMessageFormatException (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsMessageNotReadableException (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsMessageNotWriteableException (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsObjectMessage (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsOracleDebug (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsProducer (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsQueueBrowser (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsQueueConnectionFactory (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
     [entry #2] (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsQueueReceiver (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsQueueSender (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsSession (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsStreamMessage (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsTextMessage (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsTopicConnectionFactory (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsTopicPublisher (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsTopicReceiver (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQjmsTopicSubscriber (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQMessage (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQMessageProperty (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQObjectPayload (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQOracleSQLException (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQQueue (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQQueueAdmin (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQQueueProperty (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQQueueTable (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQQueueTableProperty (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQRawPayload (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQSession (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQxmlCallback (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQxmlCallbackContext (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQxmlDataSource (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
     [entry #2] (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQxmlDataSource(String, String, String, String, String) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQxmlDebug (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQxmlException (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQXmlPublish method (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
AQXmlReceive method (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
AQXmlSend method (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
AQxmlServlet (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQxmlServlet20 (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQ_ADMINISTRATOR_ROLE role (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
AQ_ORA_TR1 (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AQ_TM_PROCESSES (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
AQ_TM_PROCESSES dynamic parameter (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
AQ_TM_PROCESSES initialization parameter (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Streams)
     [entry #3] (Streams)
     [entry #4] (Streams)
setting with ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Reference)
AQ_USER_ROLE role (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
densifying (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
not supported with geodetic data (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
ARCH attribute
LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
ARCH background process (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
ARCH log transport mode (Data Guard Broker)
ARCH process
specifying multiple processes (Administrator's Guide)
ARCH processes
multiple (Data Warehousing Guide)
architectural overview
Real Application Clusters (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
client/server, definition (Concepts)
components (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
Data Guard broker (Data Guard Broker)
data warehouse (Data Warehousing Guide)
for cluster database processing (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
listener (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
MPP (Data Warehousing Guide)
Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA) (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
Oracle Connection Manager (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
Oracle Enterprise Manager (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
Oracle Internet Directory (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
Oracle Names (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
Oracle Net Services stack communication layers (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
overview (Concepts)
SMP (Data Warehousing Guide)
SRVCTL Utility on UNIX (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
architecture, Oracle Label Security (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
architecture, three-tier framework (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
archive destinations
alternate (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
See (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
archive gap
defined (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
archive gaps
causes of (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
identifying the logs (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
manually applying redo logs to standby database (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
manually copying the logs in (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
preventing (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
resolving using Oracle Net Manager (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
command (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
mode (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
of ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Reference)
ARCHIVE LOG command (Real Application Clusters Administration)
of ALTER SYSTEM (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
archive log destination parameters
new in release 8.1 (Migration)
Archive Log Operations, Storage Management (Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
ALTER SYSTEM statement (Administrator's Guide)
automatic archiving (Reference)
archive logging
enabling (Real Application Clusters Administration)
archive logs
destinations (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
file format and destination (Real Application Clusters Administration)
archive mode
specifying (SQL Reference)
archive processes (Administrator's Guide)
archive tracing
standby databases and (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
ARCHIVE, parameter for APPLET tag (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
archived redo logs (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
     [entry #3] (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
accessing information about (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE ALL statement (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
from other databases (Migration)
redo apply technology (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
SQL apply technology (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
to physical and logical standby databases (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
applying during media recovery (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
archiving modes (Administrator's Guide)
automatic versus manual (Reference)
automating application (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
     [subentry #2] (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
backing up (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
using RMAN (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
using RMAN (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
using RMAN (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
using RMAN (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
backups (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
cataloging (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
changing default location (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
compatibility (Migration)
controlling destination availability state (Administrator's Guide)
corrupted (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
default database resource substates (Data Guard Broker)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Broker)
defined (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
delayed application (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
cancelling (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
on the standby database (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
deleting after recovery (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
deletion after backup (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
deletion after restore (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
destination and configuration parameters (Data Guard Broker)
destination file (Reference)
destination status (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
disabling (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
displaying with DBA_LOGSTDBY_LOG view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
displaying with V$ARCHIVE_DEST view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
displaying with V$ARCHIVE_DEST_STATUS view (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
enabling (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
mandatory (Administrator's Guide)
minimum number of (Administrator's Guide)
re-archiving to failed (Administrator's Guide)
sample scenarios (Administrator's Guide)
determining the most recently archived (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
enabling (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
errors during recovery (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
failed destinations and (Administrator's Guide)
generated during backups (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
in a Data Guard configuration (Data Guard Broker)
incompatible format (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
listing (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
location (SQL Reference)
location during recovery (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
loss of (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
managing gaps (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
See also (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
manual archiving (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
manually transmitting (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
multiplexing (Administrator's Guide)
normal transmission of (Administrator's Guide)
primary database setup (Data Guard Broker)
progression to the standby site (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
rearchiving (Migration)
redo data transmitted (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
registering (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #4] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
during failover (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
failover operations (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
foreground session (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
foreground session (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
gap resolution (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
initiating failover (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
keywords (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
overriding the delay interval (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
partial (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
skipping standby logfiles (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
skipping standby logfiles (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
skipping standby logfiles (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
switchover scenario (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
syntax (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
restoring (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
restoring using RMAN (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
retrieving missing (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
RMAN fails to delete (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
specifying destinations for (Administrator's Guide)
standby transmission of (Administrator's Guide)
status information (Administrator's Guide)
storage device (Reference)
     [subentry #2] (Reference)
storage locations (SQL Reference)
transmitting (Administrator's Guide)
tuning (Administrator's Guide)
using for recovery
in default location (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
in nondefault location (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
archived redo mandatory destinations
for archived redo logs (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
ARCHIVELOG mode (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
     [entry #3] (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
     [entry #4] (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
advantages (Administrator's Guide)
archiver process (ARCn) and (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
archiving (Administrator's Guide)
archiving destination (Reference)
     [subentry #2] (Reference)
automatic archiving (Reference)
     [subentry #2] (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
automatic archiving in (Administrator's Guide)
backup strategies when using (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
capture process (Streams)
     [subentry #2] (Streams)
     [subentry #3] (Streams)
     [subentry #4] (Streams)
     [subentry #5] (Streams)
changing mode (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
datafile loss in (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
defined (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
definition of (Administrator's Guide)
distributed databases (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
enabling (Administrator's Guide)
manual archiving in (Administrator's Guide)
online and offline backups (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
running in (Administrator's Guide)
strategies for backups in (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
switching from primary role to standby (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
switching to (Administrator's Guide)
taking datafiles offline and online in (Administrator's Guide)
archivelog process (ARCn)
tracing (Administrator's Guide)
archivelogRecordSpecifier clause (Recovery Manager Reference)
archiver (Administrator's Guide)
archiver process
See (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
archiver process (ARCn)
described (Concepts)
example (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
multiple processes (Concepts)
not used for manual archiving (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
trace file (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
initialization parameter (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET initialization parameter (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
     [entry #3] (Streams)
setting in a broker configuration (Data Guard Broker)
setting with ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Reference)
ARCHIVE_LOG_TARGET parameter (Real Application Clusters Administration)
advantages (Administrator's Guide)
after inconsistent closed backups (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
after online backups (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
ALTER SYSTEM ARCHIVE ALL statement (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
disabling (Administrator's Guide)
disabling at instance startup (Administrator's Guide)
enabling after instance startup (Administrator's Guide)
enabling at instance startup (Administrator's Guide)
automatically (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
backups (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
changing archiving mode (Administrator's Guide)
controlling destination availability state (Administrator's Guide)
controlling number of processes (Administrator's Guide)
cross-instance (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
destination status (Administrator's Guide)
failure (Administrator's Guide)
disabling (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
effect on direct path loads (Utilities)
disadvantages (Administrator's Guide)
enabling (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
error detection behavior (Migration)
manual (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
multiple ARCH processes (Administrator's Guide)
disabling (Administrator's Guide)
enabling (Administrator's Guide)
for manual archiving (Administrator's Guide)
redo logs
setting permissions for (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
specifying failure resolution policies for (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
specifying network transmission modes for (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
starting (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
starting (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
to failed destinations (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
to standby databases (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
See also (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
setting initial mode (Administrator's Guide)
to failed destinations (Administrator's Guide)
trace, controlling (Administrator's Guide)
tuning (Administrator's Guide)
viewing information on (Administrator's Guide)
archiving modes (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
archiving redo log files
identified in control file (Real Application Clusters Administration)
log sequence number (Real Application Clusters Administration)
online archiving (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
ARCn background process (Concepts)
ARCn process
defined (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
setting up cross-instance archival (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
area (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
ARG function (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
ARGFR function (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
ARGS function (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
in START command (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
argument attributes (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
ARGUMENT command
placement of (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
use of (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
using multiple (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
in programs (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
in user-defined functions (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
of operators (SQL Reference)
passing as text (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
using ampersand substitution with (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
Arial Unicode MS font (Globalization Support Guide)
operators (SQL Reference)
with DATE values (SQL Reference)
arithmetic expressions. See arithmetic operators (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
arithmetic operators (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
class (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
descriptors (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
objects, creating (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
objects, creating, 6-12 (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
ARRAY class, features supported (JPublisher User's Guide)
array descriptor
creating (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
array fetches (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
agents (Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide)
array interface (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
array of structs (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
array parameter
Character Set Scanner (Globalization Support Guide)
array processing (Concepts)
ArrayDescriptor object (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
ArrayDescriptor object, 11-11 (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
creating (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
deserialization (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
get methods (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
serialization (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
setConnection() method (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
ARRAYLEN statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
batch fetch (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
binds (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
BIND_ARRAY procedure (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
bulk DML using DBMS_SQL (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
bulk operations (ANSI dynamic SQL) (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
chapter discusses how to use (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
committing after insert (Utilities)
defined (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
defines (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
definition of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
getting (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
host arrays (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
named (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
operations (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
passing to callable statement (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
retrieving from a result set (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
retrieving partial arrays (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
size of VARRAYs (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
skip parameter for (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
using type maps (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
variable (VARRAYs) (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
varying length (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
working with (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
Arrays as Procedure Arguments (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
arrays of structures (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
indicator variables (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
OCI calls used (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
skip parameters (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
tuning (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
ARRAYSIZE variable (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
relationship to COPY command (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
AS clause
of CREATE JAVA (SQL Reference)
AS clause, translation statement (JPublisher User's Guide)
AS OBJECT clause
of CREATE TYPE (SQL Reference)
AS OF clause of SELECT statement (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
AS SELECT clause
CREATE TABLE statement (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
AS subquery clause
of CREATE TABLE (SQL Reference)
of CREATE VIEW (SQL Reference)
AS SYSDBA clause (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
AS TABLE clause
of CREATE TYPE (SQL Reference)
AS VARRAY clause
of CREATE TYPE (SQL Reference)
ASACC precompiler option (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
ASC clause
of CREATE INDEX (SQL Reference)
character set (SQL Reference)
ASCII encoding (Globalization Support Guide)
ASCII file
for UNIX raw volume names (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
ASCII function (SQL Reference)
ASCIISTR function (SQL Reference)
ASENSITIVE (cursor state) (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
ASIN function (SQL Reference)
ASO (Oracle Advanced Security) (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
ASP (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
ASR. See Oracle9i Replication (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
one collection to another collection in temporary LOBs (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects (LOBs))
one temporary LOB to another (Application Developer's Guide - Large Objects (LOBs))
assignment operator (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
assignment operator. (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
assignment statement
syntax (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
assignment statement. (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
assignment statements (SET) (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
assignment tables (Advanced Replication)
aggregate (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
character string (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
collection (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
cursor variable (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
field (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
record (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
semantics (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
ASSOCIATE STATISTICS statement (SQL Reference)
Associating the Extensible Optimizer Methods with Database Objects (Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
association operator (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
Association Rules (Data Mining Concepts)
     [entry #2] (Data Mining Concepts)
     [entry #3] (Data Mining Concepts)
sample programs (Data Mining Concepts)
support and confidence (Data Mining Concepts)
associative access
overview (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
associative arrays (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
syntax (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
versus nested tables (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
associative interface (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
when to use (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
ASSUME_SQLCODE precompiler option (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
assumptions, environment (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
asterisk (*) row operator (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
ASTERISK - oracle.xml.parser.v2.ElementDecl.ASTERISK (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
asymmetric result set, Cursor positions in an (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
asymmetrical multiprocessing (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
ASYNC attribute
initiating network I/O operations (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [subentry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
required for no data loss environments (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
ASYNC log transport mode (Data Guard Broker)
AsyncBlocks property (Data Guard Broker)
asynchronous authentication mode in RADIUS (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
asynchronous communication
in message queuing, definition (Concepts)
asynchronous I/O (Data Warehousing Guide)
for writing large amounts of data (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
asynchronous network I/O operations (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
asynchronous network transmission method (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
asynchronous notification (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
asynchronous operations (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
asynchronous parsing (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
asynchronous replication (Advanced Replication)
     [entry #2] (Advanced Replication)
asynchronously receiving message (Application Developer's Guide - Advanced Queuing)
AT clause
CONNECT statement (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
DECLARE CURSOR statement (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
DECLARE STATEMENT statement (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
in CONNECT statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
in DECLARE CURSOR statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
in DECLARE STATEMENT statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
in EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
of COMMIT statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
of CONNECT statement (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
of DECLARE CURSOR directive (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
of DECLARE STATEMENT directive (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
of EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
of EXECUTE statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
of INSERT statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
of INSERT statements (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
of SAVEPOINT statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
of SELECT statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
of SROLLBACK statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
of UPDATE statement (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
restriction on (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
restrictions (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
use of (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
ATAN function (SQL Reference)
ATAN2 function (SQL Reference)
atomic null (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Utilities)
atomic nulls (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
     [entry #2] (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
atomically null (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
Attempts Per Names Server field in Oracle Net Manager (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
ATTENTION_DESCRIPTION column (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
AttListDecl - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLToken.AttListDecl (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AttName - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLToken.AttName (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
ATTRDECL - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNode.ATTRDECL (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AttrDecl() - oracle.xml.parser.v2.AttrDecl.AttrDecl() (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
searching XML (Text Application Developer's Guide)
of a database object (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
of an instance object (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
Attribute - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLToken.Attribute (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
attribute changes not undone by a recovery script (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
ATTRIBUTE command (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
ALIAS clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
and CLEAR COLUMN command (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
CLEAR clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
clearing columns (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
controlling display characteristics (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
display characteristics (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
entering multiple (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
FORMAT clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
LIKE clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
listing attribute display characteristics (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
OFF clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
ON clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
restoring column display attributes (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
suppressing column display attributes (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
attribute compatibility
LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n initialization parameter (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
attribute descriptor object (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
attribute descriptors
getting (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
Attribute Importance (Data Mining Concepts)
     [entry #2] (Data Mining Concepts)
     [entry #3] (Data Mining Concepts)
     [entry #4] (Data Mining Concepts)
sample programs (Data Mining Concepts)
using (Data Mining Concepts)
attribute indicator (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
attribute information, kinds of (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
attribute mapping, sample program (JPublisher User's Guide)
attribute matching rules
definition (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
example (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
attribute names and case (Data Mining Concepts)
attribute options (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using ldapmodify (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
conceptual discussion (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
deleting by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
language codes (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using command line tools (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
modifying by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
searching for by using ldapsearch (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
attribute section
defining (Text Reference)
dynamically adding (Text Reference)
querying (Text Reference)
attribute sections (Text Application Developer's Guide)
adding dynamically (Text Reference)
WITHIN example (Text Reference)
ATTRIBUTE subclause (limit maps) (OLAP User's Guide)
attribute syntax
definition (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
example (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
attribute types, allowed (JPublisher User's Guide)
attribute values, replacing (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
attribute, definition (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
attribute-level conflicts (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
attribute-value constructor (Utilities)
attribute-value constructors
overriding (Utilities)
attributeDecl(String, String, String, String, String) - oracle.xml.parser.v2.DocumentBuilder.attributeDecl(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AttributeDescriptors element (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #3] (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #4] (Data Warehousing Guide)
     [entry #5] (Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide)
     [entry #6] (Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide)
     [entry #7] (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
%ROWTYPE (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
%TYPE (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
adding (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using ldapadd (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using ldapmodify (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using ldapmodify (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
concurrently, by using ldapaddmt (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
concurrently, by using ldapaddmt (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
guidelines for (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
to existing entries (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
to existing entries (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
adding to a dimension (SQL Reference)
AlternateServers, for failover (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
alternate_spelling (Text Reference)
ancestors (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
Application Context (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
as DNs (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
as metadata in schema (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
attribute options (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
adding by using ldapmodify (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
adding by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
conceptual discussion (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
deleting by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
deleting by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
managing by using command line tools (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
managing by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
modifying by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
searching for by using ldapsearch (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
searching for by using ldapsearch (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
base schema
deleting (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
modifying (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
base_letter (Text Reference)
binary (Text Reference)
charset (Text Reference)
collection (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
columnProps (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
command (Text Reference)
commonName (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
composite (Text Reference)
Container (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
continuation (Text Reference)
creating (OLAP User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
creating by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
cursor (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
declaring (Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide)
defaultTable (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
defined (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
using (Data Mining Concepts)
definition (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Java Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
     [subentry #4] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
deleting (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using ldapmodify (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using ldapmodify (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
guidelines for (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
values, by using ldapmodify (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
detail_key (Text Reference)
detail_lineno (Text Reference)
detail_table (Text Reference)
detail_text (Text Reference)
determined by object classes (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
disabling (Text Reference)
dropping from a dimension (SQL Reference)
dropping indexes (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
endjoins (Text Reference)
examples (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
find (Data Mining Concepts)
for all media (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
for audio media (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
for IIM format (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
for image media (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
for media samples (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
for movie media (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
for movie text tract (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
for root element (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
for text track (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
for video frame (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
for video media (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
for which data exists
indexing (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
for which no directory data exists
indexing (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
foreign language (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
ftp_proxy (Text Reference)
fuzzy_match (Text Reference)
fuzzy_numresults (Text Reference)
fuzzy_score (Text Reference)
getting (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
http_proxy (Text Reference)
in an object type (OLAP User's Guide)
in base schema (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
in elements (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
in LDIF files (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
in OLAP metadata (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
in top (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
indexed (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
viewing (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
indexes, created by bulkload (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
indexing (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using Catalog Management tool (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using command-line tools (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
when you create them (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
index_text (Text Reference)
index_themes (Text Reference)
inheritance of (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
i_index_clause (Text Reference)
i_table_clause (Text Reference)
jpegPhotos (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
kinds of information in (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
k_table_clause (Text Reference)
leaf-level (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
leaf-level scalar (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
maintainDOM (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
maintainOrder (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
making available for searches (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
managing (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using command-line tools (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
overview (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
managing by using command-line tools (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
mandatory (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
mapping any (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
matching rules (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
maxdocsize (Text Reference)
maximum number of in object type (SQL Reference)
maxOccurs (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
maxthreads (Text Reference)
maxurls (Text Reference)
MdmAttribute objects (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
mixed_case (Text Reference)
modifying (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
by using ldapmodify (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using ldapmodifymt (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
concurrently (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
guidelines for (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
rules for (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
using ldapmodify (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
using ldapmodify (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
modifying for a directive (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
modifying for an exemplar (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
multivalued (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
converting to single-valued (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
namespaces (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
newline (Text Reference)
noNameSpaceSchemaLocation (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
no_proxy (Text Reference)
null (Utilities)
null values in (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
numgroup (Text Reference)
numjoin (Text Reference)
n_table_clause (Text Reference)
object (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
     [subentry #2] (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
object types (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
objectclass (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
objects associated with an ACI (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
of dimensions (SQL Reference)
of handles (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
of object types (Application Developer's Guide - Object-Relational Features)
of objects (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
of parameter descriptors (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
of parameters (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
of user-defined types
mapping to Java fields (SQL Reference)
of XMLFormat (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
operational (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
optional (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
options (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
language codes. (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
Oracle Advanced Queuing (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
Oracle Dynamic Services (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
Oracle Net Services (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
orclauditlevel (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
orclauditmessage (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
orclauditoc (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
orclDescList (Net Services Reference Guide)
orclDescName (Net Services Reference Guide)
orcleventtime (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
orcleventtype (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
orclLoadBalance (Net Services Reference Guide)
orclNetAddrList (Net Services Reference Guide)
orclNetAddrString (Net Services Reference Guide)
orclNetConnParamList (Net Services Reference Guide)
orclNetFailover (Net Services Reference Guide)
orclNetInstanceName (Net Services Reference Guide)
orclNetProtocol (Net Services Reference Guide)
orclNetSdu (Net Services Reference Guide)
orclNetServiceName (Net Services Reference Guide)
orclNetSourceRoute (Net Services Reference Guide)
orclopresult (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
orclsequence (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
orclSid (Net Services Reference Guide)
orcluserdn (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
orclVersion (Net Services Reference Guide)
organization (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
organizationalUnitName (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
output_type (Text Reference)
parent (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
passing to SYS_DBURIGEN (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
path (Text Reference)
printjoins (Text Reference)
procedure (Text Reference)
punctuations (Text Reference)
p_table_clause (Text Reference)
redefining mandatory (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
REF (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
     [subentry #2] (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
ref (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
region (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
removing (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
removing from object classes (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
retrieving (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
for adding (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
for deleting (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
for modifying (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
r_table_clause (Text Reference)
schemaLocation (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
     [subentry #2] (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
searching for, by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
See Also (OLAP User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (OLAP User's Guide)
setting (Text Reference)
     [subentry #2] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [subentry #4] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [subentry #5] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
setting to NULL (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
single-valued (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
converting to multivalued (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
size of values (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
skipjoins (Text Reference)
sn (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
Source objects for (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP API)
specifying as mandatory or optional (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
SQLInLine (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
     [subentry #2] (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
SQLName (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
SQLSchema (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
SQLType (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
     [subentry #2] (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
     [subentry #3] (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
startjoins (Text Reference)
stemmer (Text Reference)
storeVarrayAsTable (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
surname (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
syntax (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
modifying (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
syntax type
selecting (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
cannot modify (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
selecting (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
system operational (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
SYS_XDBPD$ (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
tab page in Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
tableProps (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
timeout (Text Reference)
types (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
types of (Java Developer's Guide)
urlsize (Text Reference)
use (Data Mining Concepts)
user (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
values (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
changing (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
deleting (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
replacing, by using ldapmodify (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
rules for changing (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
size of (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
viewing (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Text Reference)
viewing allowed values (Text Reference)
viewing for a directive (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
viewing for an exemplar (Getting Started with Oracle Change Management Pack)
whitespace (Text Reference)
xdb.defaultTable (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
xdb.SQLType (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
XMLAttributes in XMLElement (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
XMLDATA (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
     [subentry #2] (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
XMLType (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
xsi.NamespaceSchemaLocation (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
xsi.noNamespaceSchemaLocation (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
attributes of a collection
descriptions (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
attributes of object type (Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
referencing in method (Data Cartridge Developer's Guide)
attributes of object types (Concepts)
attributes, USERENV (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
AttValue - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLToken.AttValue (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
AU data format (interMedia User's Guide and Reference)
AUD (Error Messages)
audience for this guide (Oracle Enterprise Manager Administrator's Guide)
audio CD track
support for (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AudioAnn attributes (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AUDIO_ARTIST attribute (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AUDIO_BITS_PER_SAMPLE attribute (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AUDIO_NUM_CHANNELS attribute (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AUDIO_SAMPLE_RATE attribute (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
     [entry #2] (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
AUDIT ANY system privilege (SQL Reference)
AUDIT command
disabling (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
audit level (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
modifying (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
setting (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using ldapmodify (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
audit log (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
container object (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
default configuration (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
in the DIT, position of (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
position in DIT (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
searching (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
searching for (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
searching for by using ldapsearch (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
searching for by using Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
structure (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
viewing (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
access violation (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
ACL modification (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
add (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
adding (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
bind (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
deleting (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
DSE modification (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
modify (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
modifyDN (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
modifying (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
replication login (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
schema element, add/replace (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
schema element, delete (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
selected (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
super user login (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
user password modification (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
purging (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
queries (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
sample (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
schema elements (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
structure of entries (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
using (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
AUDIT procedure (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
AUDIT statement
     [entry #2] (Concepts)
BY proxy clause (Administrator's Guide)
locks (Concepts)
schema objects (Administrator's Guide)
statement auditing (Administrator's Guide)
system privileges (Administrator's Guide)
AUDIT SYSTEM system privilege (SQL Reference)
audit trail (Administrator's Guide)
archiving (Administrator's Guide)
auditing changes to (Administrator's Guide)
controlling size of (Administrator's Guide)
creating and deleting (Administrator's Guide)
deleting views (Administrator's Guide)
described (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
dropping (Administrator's Guide)
interpreting (Administrator's Guide)
maximum size of (Administrator's Guide)
protecting integrity of (Administrator's Guide)
purging records from (Administrator's Guide)
recording changes to (Administrator's Guide)
reducing size of (Administrator's Guide)
script for using information (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
table that holds (Administrator's Guide)
views on (Administrator's Guide)
auditable events (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
auditing (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Concepts)
audit option levels (Administrator's Guide)
audit options (Concepts)
audit records (Concepts)
audit trail records (Administrator's Guide)
audit trails (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #4] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #5] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
database (Concepts)
operating system (Concepts)
operating system (Concepts)
by access (Concepts)
mandated for (Concepts)
by session (Concepts)
prohibited with (Concepts)
compromised by One Big Application User (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
customizable (Security Overview)
     [subentry #2] (Security Overview)
database and operating-system usernames (Concepts)
database links (Administrator's Guide)
DDL statements (Concepts)
default options (Administrator's Guide)
described (Concepts)
disabling default options (Administrator's Guide)
disabling options (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Administrator's Guide)
disabling options versus auditing (Administrator's Guide)
distributed databases and (Concepts)
DML statements (Concepts)
enabling options (Administrator's Guide)
privileges for (Administrator's Guide)
enabling options versus auditing (Administrator's Guide)
fine-grained (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
     [subentry #3] (Security Overview)
     [subentry #4] (Security Overview)
guidelines (Administrator's Guide)
historical information (Administrator's Guide)
in multitier systems (Security Overview)
information stored in OS file (Administrator's Guide)
introduction (Security Overview)
keeping information manageable (Administrator's Guide)
levels of, listed (Concepts)
managing the audit trail (Administrator's Guide)
multi-tier environments (Administrator's Guide)
multitier applications (Security Overview)
n-tier systems (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
operating-system audit trails (Administrator's Guide)
for database objects (SQL Reference)
for SQL statements (SQL Reference)
options for Oracle Label Security (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
Oracle Label Security (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
value-based (SQL Reference)
policies for (Administrator's Guide)
privilege audit options (Administrator's Guide)
privilege use (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
privileges required for object (Administrator's Guide)
privileges required for system (Administrator's Guide)
range of focus (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
schema object (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
     [subentry #3] (Concepts)
schema objects (Administrator's Guide)
security and (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
security requirements (Security Overview)
session level (Administrator's Guide)
SQL statements (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #3] (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #4] (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #5] (SQL Reference)
by a proxy (SQL Reference)
by a user (SQL Reference)
statement (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
     [subentry #3] (Concepts)
statement level (Administrator's Guide)
strategy (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
successful executions (Concepts)
suspicious activity (Administrator's Guide)
SYS (Administrator's Guide)
system privileges (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
systemwide (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
to OS file (Administrator's Guide)
transaction independence (Concepts)
triggers and (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
types of (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
unsuccessful executions (Concepts)
user (Concepts)
users connected to SYS schema (SQL Reference)
using the database (Administrator's Guide)
active object options (Administrator's Guide)
active privilege options (Administrator's Guide)
active statement options (Administrator's Guide)
default object options (Administrator's Guide)
views (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
when options take effect (Concepts)
auditing modifications
EnableVersioning history option (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
     [subentry #2] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
history views (xxx_HIST) (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
auditing selected events (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
command-line examples (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
customizer for debugging (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
invoking (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
options (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
runtime output (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
auditors in profiles for debugging (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
AUDIT_ACTIONS table (Reference)
AUDIT_FILE_DEST initialization parameter (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
setting for OS auditing (Administrator's Guide)
setting with ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Reference)
AUDIT_LABEL procedure (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
AUDIT_LABEL_ENABLED function (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
AUDIT_SYS_OPERATIONS initialization parameter (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
auditing SYS (Administrator's Guide)
setting with ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Reference)
AUDIT_TRAIL initialization parameter (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Reference)
auditing SYS (Administrator's Guide)
for upgrading (Migration)
setting (Administrator's Guide)
setting with ALTER SYSTEM (SQL Reference)
AUDIT_TRAIL parameter (Label Security Administrator's Guide)
authalic sphere (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
authenticated access, by using SSL (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
CREATE DATABASE LINK statement (Administrator's Guide)
of ALTER USER (SQL Reference)
authenticated RPC
protocol adapter includes (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
DBuri security (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
authenticating remote clients (Reference)
authenticating users (Reference)
     [entry #2] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #4] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #5] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
     [entry #6] (Java Developer's Guide)
     [entry #7] (OLAP User's Guide)
     [entry #8] (Security Overview)
adding connection entries (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
adding username/password entries (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
agent (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
and Oracle directory integration server (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
anonymous (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #4] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
application user proxy authentication (Security Overview)
biometric (Security Overview)
by database (Administrator's Guide)
by Distinguished Name (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
by SSL (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Administrator's Guide)
by X.509 Certificate (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
certificate-based (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
compromised by One Big Application User (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
conceptual discussion (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
configuring multiple methods (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
CyberSafe (Security Overview)
     [subentry #2] (Security Overview)
database administrators (Concepts)
database links (Administrator's Guide)
DBA access in iSQL*Plus (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
DCE (Security Overview)
     [subentry #2] (Security Overview)
defined (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
described (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Security Overview)
     [subentry #3] (Security Overview)
     [subentry #4] (Security Overview)
options (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
directory (Security Overview)
directory service (Administrator's Guide)
enabling for iSQL*Plus users (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
Entrust/PKI (Security Overview)
     [subentry #2] (Security Overview)
external (Administrator's Guide)
global (Administrator's Guide)
htpasswd utility (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
in a typical directory operation (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
indirect (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
through a RADIUS server (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
iSQL*Plus (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
iSQL*Plus Server statistics (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
Kerberos (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #4] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #5] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #6] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #7] (Security Overview)
management (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
methods (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Security Overview)
     [subentry #3] (Security Overview)
     [subentry #4] (Security Overview)
modes in RADIUS (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
modes, SSL (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
multitier (Concepts)
     [subentry #2] (Security Overview)
n-tier systems (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
network (Concepts)
non-SSL (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
one-way SSL (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
operating system (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Concepts)
options (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
Oracle (Concepts)
overview (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
parameters (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
password policy (Administrator's Guide)
password-authenticated users (Security Overview)
password-based (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #4] (Security Overview)
PKI (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
PKI certificate-based (Security Overview)
     [subentry #2] (Security Overview)
PKI methods (Security Overview)
     [subentry #2] (Security Overview)
proxy (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Security Overview)
     [subentry #3] (Security Overview)
     [subentry #4] (Security Overview)
public key infrastructure (Concepts)
RADIUS protocol (Security Overview)
     [subentry #2] (Security Overview)
remote (Concepts)
SecurID (Security Overview)
selecting a method (Administrator's Guide)
simple (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #4] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
simple over SSL (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
smart cards (Security Overview)
     [subentry #2] (Security Overview)
no SSL (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
specifying when creating a user (Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #4] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #5] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #6] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #7] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #8] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #9] (Security Overview)
     [subentry #10] (Security Overview)
defined (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
for Oracle Directory Manager (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
mode (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
no (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
none (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
one-way (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
one-way (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
server only (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
two-way (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
with ldapadd (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
with ldapaddmt (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
with ldapbind (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
with ldapmodify (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
with ldapmodifymt (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
SSL with certificates (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
strong (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Security Overview)
     [subentry #4] (Security Overview)
three levels (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
through a middle tier (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
to a directory server
enabling (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
enabling, by using DBMS_LDAP (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
enabling, by using the C API (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
to the directory (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
token cards (Security Overview)
     [subentry #2] (Security Overview)
two-way SSL (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
users (Administrator's Guide)
using password file (Administrator's Guide)
using Windows native authentication methods (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
ways to authenticate users (Administrator's Guide)
with Oracle Advanced Security (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Net Services Administrator's Guide)
authentication (security) (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
authentication information handle attributes (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
AUTHENTICATION_DATA attribute (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL networking parameter (Net Services Reference Guide)
AUTHENTICATION_LEVEL parameter (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
AUTHENTICATION_TYPE attribute (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
AUTHID clause (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #3] (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #4] (Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide)
     [entry #5] (Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide)
     [entry #6] (Java Stored Procedures Developer's Guide)
of ALTER JAVA (SQL Reference)
of CREATE JAVA (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
of CREATE TYPE (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
of ALTER JAVA (SQL Reference)
of CREATE JAVA (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
of CREATE TYPE (SQL Reference)
     [subentry #2] (SQL Reference)
     [entry #2] (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #3] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #4] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #5] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #6] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
     [entry #7] (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
biometrics (Security Overview)
changing for roles (Administrator's Guide)
described (Security Overview)
directory (Security Overview)
     [subentry #2] (Security Overview)
global (Administrator's Guide)
multitier (Security Overview)
omitting for roles (Administrator's Guide)
operating-system role management and (Administrator's Guide)
proxy (Security Overview)
roles, about (Administrator's Guide)
template users (Replication Management API Reference)
AUTHORIZATION clause (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
formal syntax of (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
authorization ID (Internet Directory Application Developer's Guide)
authorize functions (Oracle Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
AUTO stemming (Text Reference)
modifying in existing connection (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
not supported in server (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
specifying in new connection (SQLJ Developer's Guide and Reference)
auto-commit mode
disabling (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
result set behavior (JDBC Developer's Guide and Reference)
pre-requisites (Intelligent Agent User's Guide)
auto-discovery (Intelligent Agent User's Guide)
chart data (Getting Started with Oracle Management Pack for Oracle Applications)
     [subentry #2] (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
control file (Recovery Manager Reference)
     [subentry #2] (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
     [subentry #4] (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
generating (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
server parameter file (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
AUTOCOMMIT variable (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
autocommitting of operations (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
     [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
AUTOGO programs (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
restoring in Oracle Real Application Clusters (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
autologin (Advanced Security Administrator's Guide)
automated binning (see also discretization) (Data Mining Concepts)
Automated Lights-out Administration (Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts Guide)
automated resolution of conflicts (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
automatic channels (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
allocation (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
configuring (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
     [subentry #2] (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
     [subentry #3] (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
     [subentry #4] (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
configuring (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
configuring (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
definition (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
naming conventions (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
overriding (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
parallelism (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
specific configurations (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
AUTOMATIC clause (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
automatic connections (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
automatic detection of missing logs (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #2] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
     [entry #3] (Data Guard Concepts and Administration)
automatic logins (Pro*PL/I Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide)
automatic logons (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
automatic management of backups (New Features)
automatic population (XML Developer's Kits Guide - XDK)
automatic sections (Text Application Developer's Guide)
automatic segment space management (Concepts)
automatic segment-space managed tablespaces
change in compatibility level (Migration)
automatic segment-space managed tablespaces with LOBs
downgrading (Migration)
automatic segment-space management (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [entry #2] (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
     [entry #3] (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
     [entry #4] (SQL Reference)
     [entry #5] (SQL Reference)
     [entry #6] (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
     [entry #7] (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
recommended in Real Application Clusters (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
automatic serialization (Oracle C++ Call Interface Programmer's Guide)
Automatic Undo Management (Real Application Clusters Administration)
     [entry #2] (Real Application Clusters Administration)
using (Real Application Clusters Administration)
automatic undo management (Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Concepts)
     [entry #3] (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
     [entry #4] (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
     [entry #5] (Real Application Clusters Deployment and Performance)
     [entry #6] (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
     [entry #7] (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
overriding (Real Application Clusters Administration)
recommended in Real Application Clusters (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
rollback segments (Real Application Clusters Setup and Configuration)
tablespace backups (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
using (Real Application Clusters Administration)
Automatic Undo Management mode (SQL Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL Reference)
automatic undo management mode (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
AUTOMATIC_IPC networking parameter (Net Services Reference Guide)
autonomous routine (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
autonomous scope
versus autonomous transaction (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
autonomous transactions (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [entry #2] (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [entry #3] (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
advantages (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
controlling (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
autonomous triggers (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
AUTONOMOUS_TRANSACTION pragma (Application Developer's Guide - Fundamentals)
     [entry #2] (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
syntax (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
AUTOPRINT variable (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
SET statement (User-Managed Backup and Recovery Guide)
AUTORECOVERY variable (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
settings (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
system variable (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
SQL*Plus (Performance Tuning Guide and Reference)
autotrace report (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
AUTOTRACE variable (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
Autotune (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
implementing recommendations (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
starting (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
stopping (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
viewing recommendations (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
auto_commit parameter (Application Developer's Guide - Workspace Manager)
AUTO_CONNECT (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
precompiler option (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
command-line option (SQL*Module for Ada Programmer's Guide)
instead of CONNECT statement (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
AUTO_CONNECT precompiler option (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
Auto_Events - oracle.xml.parser.v2.XMLNode.Auto_Events (Supplied Java Packages Reference)
B*Tree (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
     [subentry #2] (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
     [subentry #3] (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
indexing (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
using (XML Database Developer's Guide - Oracle XML DB)
AUTO_SECTION_GROUP example (Text Reference)
AUTO_SECTION_GROUP object (Text Application Developer's Guide)
     [entry #2] (Text Reference)
     [entry #3] (Text Reference)
     [entry #4] (Text Reference)
AUTO_SECTION_GROUP system-defined preference (Text Reference)
auxiliary databases
converted filenames (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
auxiliary object classes (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
     [entry #2] (Directory Service Integration and Deployment Guide)
     [entry #3] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
     [entry #4] (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
auxiliary sets
for RMAN TSPITR (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
naming datafiles in tablespaces (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
and the interconnect (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
benefit of cluster databases (Real Application Clusters Concepts)
datafiles (Real Application Clusters Administration)
extended (Advanced Replication)
     [subentry #2] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [subentry #3] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [subentry #4] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [subentry #5] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [subentry #6] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [subentry #7] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [subentry #8] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [subentry #9] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [subentry #10] (Replication Management API Reference)
     [subentry #11] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [subentry #12] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [subentry #13] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [subentry #14] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [subentry #15] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
     [subentry #16] (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
of RMAN backups (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
Real Application Clusters (Security Overview)
security factors (Security Overview)
     [subentry #2] (Security Overview)
     [subentry #3] (Security Overview)
single-node failure (Real Application Clusters Administration)
steps of recovery (Real Application Clusters Administration)
availability, high (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
of CHANGE (Recovery Manager User's Guide)
available( ) method (interMedia Annotator User's Guide)
function of UTL_TCP (Supplied PL/SQL Packages and Types Reference)
average blocks per cluster key (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
average conflict resolution method (Advanced Replication)
average data blocks per key (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
Average Elapsed Time data view (Getting Started with the Oracle Diagnostics Pack)
average free space per block (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
average latency (Internet Directory Administrator's Guide)
average leaf blocks per key (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
average minimum bounding rectangle (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
average row length (Database Tuning with the Oracle Tuning Pack)
AVERAGE_MBR procedure (Spatial User's Guide and Reference)
AVG aggregate function (PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference)
AVG function (SQL Reference)
     [entry #2] (SQL*Plus User's Guide and Reference)
AVI data format (interMedia User's Guide and Reference)
Avoiding (Pro*C/C++ Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
avoiding dangerous backup techniques (Backup and Recovery Concepts)
Avoiding Unnecessary Reparsing (Pro*COBOL Precompiler Programmer's Guide)
AW command (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
ATTACH keyword (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
CREATE keyword (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
DETACH keyword (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
LIST keyword (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
NAME keyword (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
WAIT keyword (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
AW function (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)
AW$ tables (OLAP User's Guide)
AWDESCRIBE program (OLAP Developer's Guide to the OLAP DML)