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Oracle® Retail Predictive Application Server User Guide for the Fusion Client
Release 14.1
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2 Understanding the User Interface

This chapter introduces you to the user interface for the workbook and describes the following screen components:

Figure 2-1 highlights the various components of the workbook user interface:

Figure 2-1 Workbook User Interface

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-1 .

Table 2-1 describes the user interface components in the workbook user interface:

Table 2-1 Workbook User Interface Screen Components

Screen Component Description

Global Header

Displayed at the top of the screen, this area appears across all the business applications and custom pages. It includes the application branding and links for the home page, About window, Online Help, and for changing a password and logging out of the application.

Quick Access Toolbar

Displayed below the global header, the quick access toolbar includes the menus and icons that you use to perform various actions in the workbook. For more information, see Quick Access Toolbar.


Displayed on the left of the screen, the taskflow provides a workflow that helps you navigate through the application. It lists each activity, associated tasks, and steps involved to complete an activity. For more information, see Understanding the Taskflow.

Content Area

Displayed on the right of the screen, the content area includes views and tabs associated and configured for each task and step in the application workflow.

Quick Access Toolbar

The following figure highlights the various components on the Quick Access toolbar:

Figure 2-2 Quick Access Toolbar Components

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-2 .

Table 2-2 describes the quick access toolbar components highlighted in Figure 2-2:

Table 2-2 Quick Access Toolbar Components

Legend Toolbar Component Description


File menu

The File menu provides access to the general options for the workbook, such as Save, Commit, and so on. For more information on each option available in the File menu, see File Menu Options.


Edit menu

The Edit menu provides access to the options associated with cell edits, such as Cut, Undo, and so on. For more information, see Edit Menu Options.


View menu

The View menu provides options that enable you to quickly access one of the workbooks from the taskflow using the Go To submenu. It also contains the synchronize page edge option and tiling options. For more information, see View Menu Options.


Format menu

The Format menu provides options that enable you to change and save the format of the workbook.

For more information on formatting, see Format Menu Options.


Save Icon

The Save icon enables you to save the changes you make in the workbook. You can also access this option from the File menu.

For more information on saving the workbooks, see Saving Workbooks.


Commit and Commit Status Icons

The Commit icon enables you to commit the changes to the domain. You can also access this option from the File menu.

The Commit Status icon enables you to view the current statuses of the current commit requests in the Commit Status dialog box.

For more information on committing the workbooks, see Committing Workbooks.


Print Icon

The Print icon enables you to print the view by exporting it to an external program. For more information, see Print.


Export Icon

The Export icon enables you to export the view to an external program. For more information, see Export.


Refresh Workbook

The Refresh Workbook icon allows you to update a workbook with the data that is currently stored in the domain. This allows you to work with the most current data without having to rebuild the workbook. Workbooks can be refreshed with a single refresh rule group or multiple ones. For more information, see Refreshing Workbooks.


Undo Icon and Drop-down List

The Undo icon enables you to undo actions you performed within the entire workbook (not just the current view). You can also access this option from the Edit menu. When more than one action has been performed, a drop-down list of the last performed actions is available. From that list you can select the actions to undo.


Calculate Icon

After you edit the cells within the workbook, use the Calculate icon to calculate and update the associated cells within the workbook. You can also access this option from the Edit menu. For more information, see Calculating Workbooks.


Previous and Next Icons

The Previous and Next icons enable you to navigate to the previous or next task/step in the taskflow. You can also click the down arrow (next to both the icons) to quickly jump to a specific task or step within the workflow.


View/Manage Images

The View/Manage Images icon enables you to associate images with specific dimension positions. Most positions have images associated with them as part of the configuration process. You can use this feature for positions that for some reason may be missing an image.

This feature is especially useful for the product and location dimensions. For instance, you can associate an item with a image of what it should look like displayed on the shelf. You can associate stores with images of the store front or interior. For more information, see Chapter 13, "Images".


Update Attribute Values and Level Splits Icon

After you edit user-defined attributes, you can update the attributes and level splits with this icon. Clicking this icon recalculates all sort attributes and dimension splits displayed in the workbook since the attribute or dimension split was last applied to the data. This icon is enabled only when there are attributes displayed that need to be recomputed based on user edits. For more information, see Updating Attribute Values.



This section of the toolbar gives information on Batch Alerts and Real Time Alerts. These enable users to focus on information that needs their attention. These icons will only be visible if the workbook has been configured to have Batch Alerts and Real Time Alerts. For more information, see Overview of Alerts.


Workbook Name

This area displays the name of the currently open workbook.

File Menu Options

The file menu includes the following options:

  • Save – Allows you to save all information in the workbook. This includes information on the current layout of views and charts. You can also click the Save icon on the toolbar. For more information, see Saving Workbooks.


    The Save option does not commit the changes to the master domain.

  • Save As – Use to save the workbook with a name and the access you want. For more information, see Save As Option.

  • Rename – Use to rename the workbook. For more information, see Renaming Workbooks.

  • Commit – Use to commit the changes to the master domain. After the changes are committed, all other users with access to the workbook will notice the changes as well. For more information, see Committing Workbooks.

  • Commit Status – Use to view the status of committed workbooks. For more information, see Committing Workbooks.

  • Page Setup – Use to change the orientation, scaling, margins, header, footer, and page breaks for the page when printing.

  • Print – Use to print the view by exporting it to Microsoft Excel. For more information, see Print.

  • Export – Use to export to Microsoft Excel. For more information, see Export.

  • Refresh – Use to update a workbook with the data that is currently stored in the domain. This allows you to work with the most current data without having to rebuild the workbook. Workbooks can be refreshed with a single refresh rule group or a multiple ones.

  • Revert – Use to close an open workbook without saving it and reopen it. This removes any changes made to the workbook and resets it to the last saved value.

Edit Menu Options

The Edit menu includes the following options:

  • Undo – Use to undo the last action you performed within the workbook (not just the current view).

  • Calculate – Use to submit the edited data to the server for processing.

  • Cut – Use to copy and remove data from the cells of a view in order to move the data to cells in the same view, cells in another view, or other applications. For more information, see Cut.

  • Copy – Copies selected data to the application clipboard. It keeps data in a clipboard that you can use to transfer data within RPAS as well as to an outside application such as Excel. For more information, see Copy.

  • Paste – Pastes the data that was last placed on the clipboard into the selected cells within the RPAS Fusion Client. For more information, see Paste.

  • Cut Special – Cuts data at the base level or higher level intersection across page slices. If multiple levels (product group or style) are represented in the pivot table selections, the cut option is performed at the lowest level actually selected. For more information, see Cut Special.

  • Copy Special – Copies data at the base level or higher level intersection across page slices. You can view data at an aggregate level while copying data at a dimensional level not currently displayed or while selecting data from the current slice while copying data from all slices. For more information, see Copy Special.

  • Paste Special – Use to view data at an aggregate level while pasting it at the base level that is not displayed in the current slices. It provides a dialog where you can specify options for specialized paste functions. For more information, see Paste Special.

  • Copy to External – Copies data in the Fusion Client to be pasted in external applications. This feature is useful when the browser's security restriction prevents the Fusion Client from copying to and pasting from the clipboard. For more information, see Copy to External.

  • Paste from External – Pastes data into the Fusion Client from external applications. This feature is useful when the browser's security restriction prevents the Fusion Client from copying to and pasting from the clipboard. For more information, see Paste from External.

  • Fill – Use to quickly populate many cells of a writable measure at a time.

  • Clear – Use to quickly clear the contents of cells in a view and set them to their NA value. You can clear one or more cells, a dimension level, or an entire slice.

  • Lock – Protects cells, measures, and positions from being edited. For more information, see Locking and Unlocking.

  • Unlock – Use to remove the protection of cells, measures, and positions so that they can be edited. For more information, see Locking and Unlocking.

  • Unlock All – Use to remove the protection from all cells, measures, or positions so that they can be edited. For more information, see Locking and Unlocking.

  • Insert Measures – Use to add measures to an existing workbook that were not initially included in the configuration. A measure can be inserted to a single view and is available to all the windows for that view. For more information, see Insert Measures.

  • Position Maintenance – Use to dynamically add, edit, or remove positions to a non-calendar position while working in a workbook. These user-defined or informal positions are updated in both the domain and workbook dimensions. For more information, see Dynamic Position Maintenance.

  • Find – Use to search for phrases within the rows, column, and page axis of an active view. The search does not include the data within the view. For more information, see Find.

View Menu Options

The View menu includes the following options:

  • Go To submenu – In addition to the Previous and Next icons on the Quick Access toolbar, the Go To submenu enables you to navigate through the workflow or to a specific step.

  • Synchronize Page Edge – Use to simultaneously scroll through the page edge of multiple views. It is useful when you want to compare multiple views containing the same page or slice dimension. For more information, see Synchronized Page Edge Scrolling.

  • Automatically Evaluate Position Queries – Allows position queries to automatically reevaluate data after a calculate, refresh, or slice move. When enabled, the query is updated and the view refreshes with only the positions that meet the requirements of the position query. For more information, see Using Position Queries with Auto Evaluate.

  • Resort Positions on Pagination – Reapplies the sort order when paging through positions along the page-axis. For more information, see Sorting Across Page Edge.

  • Manage Images – Use to associate images with specific dimension positions. Most positions have images associated with them as part of the configuration process. You can use this feature for positions that for some reason may be missing an image. This feature is especially useful for the product and location dimensions. For instance, you can associate an item with a image of what it should look like displayed on the shelf. You can associate stores with images of the store front or interior. For more information, see Chapter 13, "Images".

  • Attributes submenu – Use to create and manage attributes and level splits after you have edited user-defined attributes. The Update Attribute Values option recalculates all sort attributes and dimension splits displayed in the workbook since the attribute or dimension split was applied to the data. For more information, see Updating Attribute Values.

  • Manage Alerts – Use to navigate to and address both batch and real time alerts. Both forms of alert are ways of identifying circumstances where data in a workbook or view infringes predetermined rules. For more information, see Overview of Alerts.

    In addition to the Manage Alerts option, a series of navigation controls are available:

    • Find Next Alert – Moves forward to the next alert of that type.

    • Find Previous Alert – Moves back to the previous alert of that type.

    • Select Active Alert – Both Batch and Real Time Alerts come in different sub-types. This option lets you focus on a specific sub-type.

    • Allow Find Alerts to Cross Views – If multiple views are open and this option is selected, you can use the Find Next Alert or Find Previous Alert to move to the next or previous view, as appropriate. If this option is not active, the Next and Previous options will be confined to the current view.

    • Apply Filter by Alert – Use to show only the rows, columns or pages with active alerts.

    • Remove Filter By Alert – Removes any filtering that confines the displayed information to rows, columns od pages containing active alerts.

  • Tile Vertically – Use to view multiple views by placing them side by side.

  • Tile Horizontally – Use to view multiple views by placing them in rows.

  • Tile – Use to view multiple views by placing them as tiles.

Format Menu Options

The Format menu includes the following options:

  • Measure Styles – Opens the Format dialog box. In the Format dialog box, you can set and clear formats that apply to measures or dimensions. You can make changes to single or multiple measures and dimensions and apply those changes across one, many, or all views in the workbook. For more information, see Formatting.

  • Number – Modifies the number formatting for measures. For more information, see Modifying Number Formatting.

  • Date/Time – Configures the date and time display for measures. For more information, see Modifying Date/Time.

  • Exceptions – Exception formatting is used for numeric measure types. Exception formatting defines the styles to be applied to a cell's value when it falls outside a defined range. For more information, see Modifying Exceptions.

  • Alert Styles – Configures the appearance of alerts. For more information see Customizing Alert Appearance.

  • Dimension Styles – Specifies header styles for dimensions. For more information, see Modifying Dimension Styles.

  • Save Format – Saves the workbook format to be used in the future. Formats can be saved at one of the following levels: For Just Me, For [My Group], or For Everyone. For more information, see Saving Formats.

  • Delete Format – Deletes a workbook format. It can be deleted at one of the following levels: For Just Me, For [My Group], or For Everyone. For more information, see Deleting Formats.

Contents Area

The contents area appears on the center of your screen and includes the views associated with each step within the business workflow. It provides spreadsheet-like views that display multidimensional data. Each view includes a set of measures relevant to the step that help you view, analyze information, and make decisions.

Figure 2-3 shows the various components in the contents area.

Figure 2-3 Content Area Components

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-3 .

Table 2-3 describes the components highlighted in Figure 2-3.

Table 2-3 Components in the Contents Area

Legend Area Name Description


View Title Bar

Displays the name of the view and also includes view-level features such as Minimize, Maximize, Restore, and other View Options. See View Title Bar for more information.


Page Edge and Dimension Tiles Area

Enables you to move or swap individual dimensions to view the information in a more effective manner. See Page Edge and Dimension Tiles Area for more information.


View Toolbar

Provides quick access to view-level formatting, exporting, and charting options. See View Toolbar for more information.


View Area

Displays a Pivot Table/Grid with the multidimensional data organized based on the dimension position set up in the Page Edge and Dimension Tiles area. See View Area for more information.


Views Docking Area

Displays the views available in the current step and helps you manage any additional copies of the existing views that you may create. See Views Docking Area for more information.

View Title Bar

The View Title bar appears on the top of each view and displays the view name. It enables you to perform the following view-level actions:

Maximizing or Restoring a View

To maximize a view:

  • On the View Title bar, click the Maximize icon. This icon is the arrow that points towards the top-right. See Figure 2-4.

    Figure 2-4 Maximize Icon on the View Title Bar

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-4 .

To restore a maximized view to its original size:

  • On the View Title bar, click the Restore icon. This icon is the arrow with a box that points towards the bottom-left. See Figure 2-5.

    Figure 2-5 Restore Icon on the View Title Bar

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-5 .

Minimizing a View

To minimize a view:

  • On the View Title bar, click the Minimize icon. This icon is the arrow with an underline that point towards the bottom-left. See Figure 2-6.

    Figure 2-6 Minimize Icon on the View Title Bar

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-6 .

A minimized view is shown with a restore icon to the left of the view name. To restore the view, you must click the view in the Views Docking Area.

Moving a View

To move a view:

  1. On the View Title bar, click the Move icon on the view you want to move. This icon is the cross hair that appears to the left of the Minimize icon. See Figure 2-7.

    Figure 2-7 Move Icon on the View Title Bar

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-7 .
  2. Drag and drop the view to the location you want. You can move this view only within the Contents area. When you try to move a view to a location out of the Contents area, the view auto fits to the nearest valid space.

Renaming a View

To rename a view:

  1. On the View Title bar, click the View Options icon. The View Options menu appears.

  2. In the View Options menu, click Rename view.

    Figure 2-8 Rename View Option in the View Options Menu

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-8 .

    A Rename View dialog box appears.

  3. In the Rename View dialog box, enter the new view name and click OK.

Making a Copy of a View

To make a copy of a view:

  1. On the View Title bar, click the View Options icon. The View Options menu appears.

  2. In the View Options menu, click Copy view.

    Figure 2-9 Copy View Option in the View Options Menu

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-9 .

    A Copy View dialog box appears.

  3. In the Copy View dialog box, enter or accept the new view name and click OK.

Deleting a View

To delete a view:

  1. On the View Title bar, click the View Options icon. The View Option menu appears.

  2. In the View Options menu, click Delete view.

    Figure 2-10 Delete View Option in the View Options Menu

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-10 .

    A warning message appears.

  3. Review the warning message and click Delete to remove the view.


Deleting a view removes the view from the user interface permanently.

Page Edge and Dimension Tiles Area

The Page Edge area appears on top of the View area and displays the dimensions on the page edge axis according to its current position in the dimension. The Dimension Tiles area displays the dimensions as tiles that appear in the row and column axes.

On the Page Edge, the current position appears below the dimension name, horizontally with the highest visible level on the left and the lowest visible level on the right. You can mouse over the position to view the name of the level (displayed as a tool tip).

Figure 2-11 Page Edge Displaying the Current Position

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-11 .

When you open the workbook for the first time, the first position in each visible level is visible. In an existing workbook, the positions retain the last saved values.

You can collapse or restore the Page Edge and Dimension Tiles area to fit more view content. You can also drag these icons to resize this area. Figure 2-12 shows the Collapse Pane icon that you use to resize or collapse the Page Edge and Dimension Tiles area.

Figure 2-12 Collapse and Restore Icons in the Page Edge and Dimension Tiles Area

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-12 .

When a workbook is saved or a newly built workbook is formatted, the collapse/expand state of the dimension tile area is saved. This includes information for collapsing just the row and column as well as the entire dimension tile area. This information is saved on a view-by-view basis.

Understanding Paging/Position Navigation

On the Page Edge area, you can select any position displayed and page through or navigate to the positions using the navigation icons (First, Previous, Next, Last) available next to the dimension tiles. In the view, data relevant to each position is displayed when you navigate to a new position in a level.

Figure 2-13 Paging Navigation Icons

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-13 .

The First icon enables you to navigate to the first visible position within the level that is selected. When you are at the first position, the First and Previous icons are disabled and appear greyed out.

The Last icon enables you to navigate to the last visible position within the level that is selected. When you are at the last position, the Next and Last icons are disabled and appear greyed out.

The Previous and Next icons enable you to navigate to the previous and next position in the level that is selected. The position to which you navigate depends on the current position. When you navigate to a new position, all associated positions at the higher and lower visible levels of the same dimension are updated recursively.


You can also pivot or rotate the dimensions between the Page Edge, Tiles, and View areas to rearrange the orientation. For more information, see Rotating or Pivoting Dimensions.

View Toolbar

The View Toolbar appears within the View area, above the grid. It displays several tools that you can use to manipulate the view.

Figure 2-14 View Toolbar

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-14 .

Table 2-4 describes the components highlighted in Figure 2-14.

Table 2-4 Components in the View Toolbar

Legend Area Name Description


Switch to Pivot Table View icon

When in the chart view, use this icon to switch to the pivot table view. For more information, see Viewing Charts.


Switch to Split View icon

Use to see the pivot table and chart in two vertical panels simultaneously in the same view. For more information, see Viewing Charts.


Switch to Chart View icon

When in the pivot table view, use this icon to switch to the chart view. For more information, see Viewing Charts.


Select Chart Type icon

Use to select which type of chart you want to view the data in. For more information, see Viewing Charts.


Find field, Find Options, Previous and Next Arrows

Use to search for words, partial words, or phrases within the rows, column, and page axis of an active view. The search does not include the data within the view. For more information, see Find Using the View Toolbar.


Selection Options icon

Use to select the data that is shown in the chart. You can choose Select All or any other option it presents. Select All finds the full extent of the pivot table edges (in slices) and sets a new selection range to encompass the entire pivot table. This action triggers a refresh of the pivot table.


Measure Profile icon

Use to select, save, or delete measure profiles. See Measure Profiles for more information.


Level Splitting icon

Use to group dimension data based on position characteristics defined by attribute values. For more information, see Level Splitting.


Attributes icon

Use to create dynamic attributes that describe a particular dimension and level, based on a measure's value at specified levels of other dimensions. For more information, see Dynamic Attributes.


Lock icon

Protects cells, measures, and positions from being edited. For more information, see Locking and Unlocking.


Sort Ascending and Sort Descending icons

Use to sort positions in a dimension based on the values of a measure's slice for that dimension. For more information, see Simple Sort.

View Area

The view area includes the multidimensional pivot table that displays information for the relevant task. Each task may include more than one view, and each view can appear in the contents area. The information in the view is organized based on the dimension positions set up at the Page Edge, row, and column axes.

The Fusion Client is designed to help you to work with the data within the view. You can manage the way the information is presented in a view. You can arrange and present the information in a layout you want by rotating or pivoting dimensions across the axes, changing the data roll ups, or showing or hiding measures. You can view the information at a low level of detail or aggregate to view the information at summary levels. You can also choose to present the information in many types of charts using the charting functionality.

Block View vs. Outline View

You can view the data within the view in one of two ways:

  • Block View enables you to display the data one dimensional level at a time (with the lowest level expanded in the grid). Figure 2-15 illustrates the block view.

    Figure 2-15 Illustration of the Block View

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-15 .
  • Use the Outline View to view the data at multiple dimensional levels at the same time, so that you do not need to collapse lower-level dimensions in order to see aggregate totals for higher levels. Figure 2-16 illustrates the outline view.

    Figure 2-16 Illustration of the Outline View

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-16 .

To switch between the outline and block views, right click the header of the axis whose view you want to change and select the relevant view option.


If image-enabled attributes or measures have been configured via Config Tools, you can see the images displayed in the UI. See Chapter 13 for more information about images in the UI. Images may be displayed as follows:

  • Pivot table header. A thumbnail image as an attribute value is displayed for a specific position in a pivot table. The label can be displayed in addition to the image or instead of the image. You can hover over the image to see the label details. See Chapter 11 for details about showing and hiding attributes.

  • Pivot table cells. A thumbnail image is displayed as a pivot table cell for measure cell values. The cell display rules apply to the displayed images. These cells cannot be edited.

In addition, additional images, displayed in a larger size, can be viewed via a detail pop-up that has been configured to display a series of images and associated information. See Chapter 14 for a description of this functionality.

Rotating or Pivoting Dimensions

In the View area, you can rotate or pivot the dimensions across the axes to display data in different orientations. In the Fusion Client, you can pivot the dimensions (in both outline and block views) between the view, tiles, and page edge in the two ways:

  • Pivot Move – Moves a dimensional layer to another position on an axis.

  • Pivot Swap – Swaps a dimension with another dimension on the axis.


When a dimension is swapped or moved to the page edge for the first time, the first position within the dimension is displayed in the page edge and the data for that position is shown in the view. When a dimension that has already been on the page edge during the current session is returned to the page edge, the position that was last displayed in the page edge during previous time is shown.

To perform a pivot move in the page edge:

  1. In the page edge, click and hold the dimension tile you want to move.

  2. Drag the tile next to the area you want and release the mouse.

    Figure 2-17 Pivot Move in the Page Edge

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-17 .

To perform a pivot move in the pivot table:

  1. From the row or column edge, click and hold the dimension you want to move.

  2. Drag the dimension to the location you want and release the mouse.

    Figure 2-18 Pivot Move in the Pivot Table

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-18 .

To perform a pivot swap in the page edge:

  1. In the page edge, click and hold the dimension tile you want to move.

  2. Drag the dimension tile over the one you want to swap it with. Release the mouse.

    Figure 2-19 Pivot Swap in the Page Edge

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-19 .

To perform a pivot swap in the pivot table:

  1. From the row or column edge, click and hold down the dimension you want to swap.

  2. Drag the dimension over the other dimension and release the mouse.

    Figure 2-20 Example of a Pivot Swap Action

    Surrounding text describes Figure 2-20 .


You can also perform similar actions to switch dimensions between the Views, Page Edge, and Dimension Tiles areas.

Views Docking Area

The Views Docking Area displays all the views configured within the tab. It enables you to easily navigate to a view that is not currently visible. When a view is behind other views, you can click the specific view name in the Views Docking Area to bring that view back to the front.

When you minimize a view, the view is minimized to the Views Docking Area. A minimized view can be displayed using the Restore icon to the left of the view name. To restore a minimized view, you must click the view in the Views Docking Area.

The following figure shows a Views Docking Area of a tab with three views:

Figure 2-21 Example of a Views Docking Area with Three Views

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-21 .

In Figure 2-21, the Item Group Level is the current view that is visible. It is the active view that is highlighted in light blue in the Views Docking Area. The Item Linkage Override view is hidden behind Item Group Level. The Select Constraint Items view is minimized and has a Restore icon next to its name in the Views Docking Area.

Resizing Pivot Table Row and Column

You can resize column width and row height along an axis to fit the data into the pivot table:

Note that when images are displayed, they will be scaled down proportionally if they are too large for the available space, but will not be scaled up if they are too small.

Resizing Single Row and Column

You can select a single column and adjust the width. In Figure 2-22, the width of the DAmR column is adjusted by dragging it to right.

Figure 2-22 Resize the Width of a Single Column

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-22 .

The width of the DAmR column is increased, as shown in Figure 2-23.

Figure 2-23 Width Increased for a Single Column

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-23 .

You can select a single row and adjust the height. In Figure 2-24, the height of the 10000010 Leather Loafer row is adjusted by pulling it down.

Figure 2-24 Resize the Height of a Single Row

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-24 .

The height of the 10000010 Leather Loafer row is increased, as shown in Figure 2-25.

Figure 2-25 Height Increased for a Single Row

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-25 .

The row height and column width changes are persisted by saving the workbook. These changes can also be saved as formatting settings. For more information, see "Saving Formats" in Chapter 5.


If there are no members on the X or Y axis, the row height or column width adjustments are not persisted.

Resizing Multiple Rows and Columns

You can select multiple columns and adjust the width. The columns can be contiguous or non-contiguous. In Figure 2-26, the RminD and RminE columns are selected.

Figure 2-26 Select Multiple Columns

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-26 .

In Figure 2-27, the widths of the RminD and RminE columns are adjusted by dragging one of the columns to the right. In this figure, the RminE column is dragged to the right to adjust the width of both columns.

Figure 2-27 Resize the Width of Multiple Columns

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-27 .

The widths of the selected columns are increased, as shown in Figure 2-28.

Figure 2-28 Width Increased for Multiple Columns

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-28 .

If you change the width for a single column that is not part of the selection, the behavior is same as a single column width change. In Figure 2-29, the RminE column, which is not part of the selection, is dragged to the left.

Figure 2-29 Resize the Width of a Single Column with Multiple Columns Selected

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-29 .

Only the RminE column is adjusted, as shown in Figure 2-30.

Figure 2-30 Width Decreased for a Single Column with Multiple Columns Selected

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-30 .

Similarly, you can change the row height for multiple rows. The rows can be contiguous or non-contiguous. In Figure 2-31, the 10000021 Leather Loafer and 10000023 Leather Loafer rows with the same heights are selected. The 10000023 Leather Loafer row is pulled down to adjust the row height.

Figure 2-31 Resize the Height of Multiple Rows

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-31 .

The new height is applied to both the selected rows, as shown in Figure 2-32.

Figure 2-32 Height Increased for Multiple Rows

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-32 .

If you change the height for a single row that is not part of the selection, the behavior is the same as a single row height change. In Figure 2-33, multiple rows 10000011 Leather Loafer, 10000012 Leather Loafer, and 10000013 Leather Loafer are selected. The 10000016 Leather Loafer row, which is not part of the selection, is pulled down to adjust the row height.

Figure 2-33 Resize the Height of a Single Row with Multiple Rows Selected

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-33 .

Only the 10000016 Leather Loafer row is adjusted, as shown in Figure 2-34.

Figure 2-34 Height Increased for a Single Row with Multiple Rows Selected

Surrounding text describes Figure 2-34 .

The row height and column width changes are persisted by saving the workbook. These changes can also be saved as formatting settings. For more information, see "Saving Formats" in Chapter 5.


If there are no members on the X or Y axis, the row height or column width adjustments are not persisted.