WebLogic Integration Release 2.1 Service Pack 1

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Migrating from WebLogic Collaborate 1.0 or 1.0.1


This section provides procedures you can follow to migrate WebLogic Collaborate Release 1.0 or 1.0.1 to WebLogic Integration 2.1 Service Pack 1 (SP1). Specifically, it provides information about the following topics:


Before You Begin

Before you attempt to migrate to WebLogic Integration 2.1 Service Pack 1, we strongly recommend that you back up your entire database and export all your workflows. With this preparation, you will be able to fix your environment and start the migration again if your first migration attempt fails. You can run the migration script as many times as necessary without causing any adverse results.


Migration Process Overview

Migrate from WebLogic Collaborate 1.0 or 1.0.1 to WebLogic Integration 2.1 Service Pack 1 (SP1) by completing the following steps:

  1. Migrate the B2B repository from WebLogic Collaborate 1.0 or 1.0.1 to WebLogic Integration 2.1 SP1 by following the procedure in Repository Migration and Workflow Conversion Procedure. This procedure is represented in the following figure as a gray arrow.

    Figure 3-1 Migration from WebLogic Collaborate 1.0 or 1.0.1 to WebLogic Integration 2.1 Service Pack 1



  2. Migrate the necessary BPM-related entities, such as the security realm and workflows. See step 9 in "Repository Migration and Workflow Conversion Procedure."

  3. Migrate applications from the C-Enabler API of WebLogic Collaborate Release 1.0 or 1.0.1 to the Messaging API of WebLogic Integration 2.1 by completing the steps in Supporting the C-Enabler API for WebLogic Collaborate 1.0 or 1.0.1.

Once WebLogic Collaborate is migrated to WebLogic Integration 2.1, it no longer exists as a single product; rather, it is integrated into WebLogic Integration 2.1 as the component that provides business-to-business integration functionality.


Migrating the Repository and Workflows

WebLogic Integration 2.1 Service Pack 1 provides a utility to help you migrate repository data from a previous release of WebLogic Collaborate to the repository for WebLogic Integration 2.1. The Bulk Migrator utility converts a WebLogic Collaborate 1.0 or 1.0.1 repository data file to a WebLogic Integration 2.1 Service Pack 1 repository data file.

What Is Migrated?

In WebLogic Collaborate Releases 1.0 and 1.0.1, configuration data is provided separately for the following components:

The following procedure allows you to migrate data only from the c-hub repository. To modify and add data from the c-enabler configuration files and run-time data, you must use the WebLogic Integration B2B Console.

Repository Migration and Workflow Conversion Procedure

  1. Use the Bulk Loader from WebLogic Collaborate 1.0 or 1.0.1 to export data from the old repository to a repository data file.

    Perform a full (long) repository export. For instructions, see "Working with the Bulk Loader" in the BEA WebLogic Collaborate C-Hub Administration Guide in the documentation set for WebLogic Collaborate Release 1.0 or 1.0.1. You can find this document at:


    As an alternative to running the Bulk Loader, you can use the B2B Console to export the data. For instructions, see Configuring B2B Integration in the BEA WebLogic Integration B2B Console Online Help.

  2. Start the WebLogic Server and log on to the WebLogic Integration Studio. Export all workflow templates in XML format. Note the organizations, users, template names, and business operations. This information is required for step 10.

  3. Drop the WebLogic Collaborate 1.0-based tables.

  4. Install WebLogic Integration 2.1 Service Pack 1 as described in Installing BEA WebLogic Integration.

  5. Create the WebLogic Integration 2.1 Service Pack 1 database by running the createdb utility in WLI_HOME/bin.

    Optionally, you can run createdb from the Start menu:

    1. Choose Start—>Programs—>BEA WebLogic E-Business Platform—>WebLogic Integration 2.1—>Configure.

      The BEA WebLogic Integration Database Configuration window is displayed.

    2. Select Create Database and click Next.

      The Database Selection window is displayed.

    3. Follow the procedures for creating a database described in "Using the Database Configuration Wizard" in Customizing WebLogic Integration in Starting, Stopping, and Customizing BEA WebLogic Integration.

  6. Run the Bulk Migrator utility, located in the WLI_HOME\bin directory by entering the following command:
    bulkmigrator.cmd prev_rep_data_file new_rep_data_file

    In this command:

    The new repository data file includes a trading partner element for the old c-hub and for each trading partner that was configured in the old repository.

  7. Set the end point values in the new repository data file.

    Each trading partner element in the new repository data file includes a value that specifies the trading partner end point, that is, the URL for the trading partner. The Bulk Migrator sets each end point value to <placeholder>. You must make sure that each occurrence of <placeholder> is set to the correct end point value. If necessary, open the data file in an editor and change the incorrect values to the correct ones.

    If you have access to a trading partner's c-enabler configuration file, you can get the URL from this file. The URL is the value of the ref attribute for the enabler-url XML element. For information about the c-enabler configuration file, see "Configuring C-Enablers" in the BEA WebLogic Collaborate C-Enabler Administration Guide in the documentation set for WebLogic Collaborate Release 1.0 or 1.0.1. You can find this document at one of the following URLs:


    The following table shows the relationships between the repository data elements for WebLogic Collaborate Release 1.0 or 1.0.1 and the repository data elements for WebLogic Integration 2.1 Service Pack 1.

  8. Use the Bulk Loader in WLI_HOME/bin/ to import data from the new repository data file to the repository for WebLogic Integration 2.1 Service Pack 1.

    For instructions, see "Working with the Bulk Loader" in the BEA WebLogic Collaborate C-Hub Administration Guide in the documentation set for WebLogic Collaborate Release 1.0 or 1.0.1. You can find this document at:


    As an alternative to running the Bulk Loader, you can use the B2B Console to import the data. For instructions, see Configuring B2B Integration in the BEA WebLogic Integration B2B Console Online Help.

Note: After you migrate a WebLogic Collaborate Release 1.0 or 1.0.1 c-hub, the old c-hub is displayed in the B2B Console for WebLogic Integration 2.1 Service Pack 1 as a trading partner named C-Hub.

  1. Convert WebLogic Collaborate Release 1.0 workflows. Go to the directory in which the WebLogic Collaborate command scripts are located: WLI_HOME\bin (Windows NT) or WLI_HOME/bin (UNIX). At the command prompt, enter the command appropriate for your platform:

    In the preceding command lines:

  2. Recreate organizations, users, templates, and business operations from the information saved in step 2.

  3. Start WebLogic Server and log on to the WebLogic Integration Studio. In the Studio, import the files generated in step 9.


Migrating Applications to the WebLogic Integration 2.1 Messaging API

The WebLogic Integration Messaging API has been updated in Release 2.1 to correctly reflect the new concepts and terminology used for B2B integration functionality in the WebLogic Integration architecture. The C-Enabler API for WebLogic Collaborate Release 1.0 or 1.0.1 is deprecated but still is supported. We recommend that you use the new Messaging API for Java applications. For details about the new messaging API, see Programming Messaging Applications for B2B Integration and the WebLogic Integration 2.1 Javadoc.

This section describes how to migrate applications from the C-Enabler API for WebLogic Collaborate Release 1.0 or 1.0.1 (which is deprecated but still supported) to the C-Enabler API for WebLogic Integration 2.1 (which is supported). Specifically, this section provides information about the following subjects:

Introduction to Application Migration

Note: Any Java messaging application written with the WebLogic Collaborate C-Enabler API that is migrated to WebLogic Integration 2.1 must be run in a separate JVM in nonpersistent mode.

XOCP is the default protocol used by WebLogic Integration for the exchange of business messages. In WebLogic Collaborate Releases 1.0 and 1.0.1, XOCP messaging applications are written using the public XOCP C-Enabler application program interface (API). A message is packaged in an XOCP message envelope and associated with various message headers that specify how to deliver and process the message. In WebLogic Integration 2.1, however, the c-enabler and c-hub entities are integrated and referred to, collectively, as the B2B integration component of WebLogic Integration.

The WebLogic Integration Messaging API now supports C-Enabler functionality and continues to reflect the C-Enabler API run-time terminology so that XOCP applications developed using previous versions of the software will continue to work without additional customization.

The WebLogic Integration Studio gives developers a seamless, reliable method of defining and managing the messaging protocols used during WebLogic Integration business message exchanges. As a result, programming requirements can be reduced considerably. However, the WebLogic Integration Messaging API is also provided so that developers who want to maintain their installations using a Java program as the interface can do so. See Programming Messaging Applications for B2B Integration.

WebLogic Integration uses the XOCP protocol to manage distributed business processes that are being passed back and forth in conversations between trading partners. When appropriately configured, a WebLogic Integration installation verifies business roles and security, providing a central management point for collaborative conversations.

When a business process initiates a specific task (for example, issuing a request for a quote), a central management point is created for collaborative conversations between the trading partners, and business roles and security are verified before a message exchange takes place.

Importing XOCP Applications

The WebLogic Collaborate C-Enabler API does not support the new functionality available in WebLogic Integration 2.1; however, the C-Enabler terminology has been mapped to WebLogic Integration 2.1 functions, and XOCP functions continue to be available from the WebLogic Integration Messaging API. For a complete terminology mapping, see Table 3-2.

The WebLogic Integration Messaging API updates the C-Enabler API primarily in the following areas:

XOCP applications that are being migrated to WebLogic Integration 2.1 must have:

Updating the Terminology

Understanding the new terminology used in WebLogic Integration 2.1 is important when mapping the functionality in XOCP application based on WebLogic Collaborate Release 1.0 or 1.0.1 for migration purposes. The configuration characteristics of your WebLogic Integration installation determine whether functionality previously associated with the c-enabler or the c-hub is invoked. Table 3-2 summarizes the mapping of pre-2.1 terms to Release 2.1.

Table 3-2 Terminology Mappings from WebLogic Collaborate 1.0 and 1.0.1 to WebLogic Integration 2.1

WebLogic Collaborate 1.0 or 1.0.1 Term

WebLogic Integration 2.1 Term




NonXML payload part of a business message; for example, a GIF file.

Business document

Business document

XML-based payload part of a business message.

Business message

Business message

A multipart MIME message, consisting of one or more payload parts. A part can be an XML document (a business document) or nonXML file (an attachment).

Business protocol definition

Business protocol definition

The definition of a business transaction protocol, for example, Name=XOCP.


Trading partner session

In WebLogic Collaborate Releases 1.0 and 1.0.1, a collaborator is a trading partner that participates in a single c-space (delivery channel). In WebLogic Integration 2.1, a trading partner session is created to support communication with each trading partner, and its scope is bounded by a delivery channel.



A series of message exchanges between trading partners.

Conversation definition

Conversation definition

A set of roles and document definitions, that are grouped for a particular purpose, such as a purchase order.

Conversation type

Not applicable

There is no corresponding term for conversation type in WebLogic Integration 2.1. In WebLogic Collaborate Releases 1.0 and 1.0.1, a conversation type defined a conversation for a trading partner. It consisted of the following properties:


Delivery channel

A grouping of a trading partner, a subscription, and a business protocol.

C-enabler node


A trading partner that communicates with others through a hub (intermediary).

C-Enabler API

WebLogic Integration Messaging API

In WebLogic Collaborate Releases 1.0 and 1.0.1, the C-Enabler API is the interface between an XOCP application and WebLogic Collaborate at run time. This API is used, for example, to start c-enabler sessions, create and participate in conversations, and send and receive business messages.

XOCP applications based on the C-Enabler API can be migrated to use the WebLogic Integration Messaging API.

C-enabler Session

Trading partner session

In WebLogic Collaborate Releases 1.0 and 1.0.1, a c-enabler session is a logical session conducted by a c-enabler node and one c-hub for a particular c-space. In WebLogic Integration 2.1, a trading partner session is conducted in a delivery channel.



A WebLogic Server running a set of shared services, such as:



Data, in multipart MIME format, used for communication.



A part played by a collaborator in a conversation. The part is defined by the set of documents that can be sent and received by the collaborator performing the part. A minimum of two roles, such as buyer and seller, are associated with each conversation.

Send(Publish)-side filter

Send(Publish)-side filter

Filter (X-Path) specified by an application to determine the list of trading partners to receive a document. For example:

//trading partner[@name= "Bea"

Trading partner

Trading partner

A representation of an entity, such as a company, that participates in one or more delivery channels.

Supporting the C-Enabler API for WebLogic Collaborate 1.0 or 1.0.1

In WebLogic Integration 2.1, the configuration of a trading partner is defined and entered in the system using the B2B Console. The trading partner retrieves a collaboration agreement from the WebLogic Integration repository.

As a candidate for migration to WebLogic Integration 2.1, a C-enabler application based on WebLogic Collaborate 1.0 or 1.0.1 must have existing database support, and all of its trading partner collaboration agreements must be predefined in the repository. To collaborate in business transactions using the XOCP protocol, the application must be aligned with the WebLogic Integration Messaging API. To make an existing XOCP application ready for migration to the WebLogic Integration Messaging API, changes are required in the configuration of the C-enabler and the repository.

C-Enabler Configuration

In WebLogic Collaborate Releases 1.0 and 1.0.1, the c-enabler configuration is retrieved from an XML file that defines the following variables:

Then the c-enabler creates (or participates in) and manages conversations with other trading partners.

In WebLogic Integration 2.1, the identification and configuration of a trading partner is defined and entered in the system using the B2B Console. The trading partner retrieves its collaboration agreement from the WebLogic Integration repository.


Existing XOCP applications can be run with the WebLogic Integration 2.1 repository with only one change: WebLogic Integration must have a repository, and all the trading partner collaboration agreements used by the XOCP applications must be defined in the repository. To migrate a data repository for WebLogic Collaborate Release 1.0 and 1.0.1 to WebLogic Integration 2.1, use the Bulk Migrator utility described in Migrating the Repository and Workflows.

WebLogic Collaborate 1.0 or 1.0.1 C-Enabler API Implementation

This section lists the public API packages, interfaces, and classes provided by WebLogic Collaborate Release 1.0 or 1.0.1 that must be reintegrated in the WebLogic Integration 2.1 run-time implementation in order to migrate XOCP applications.

Required Packages

Required Interfaces

Required Classes


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