
Resource AnswerStatusUpdater is used to update the AnswerStatus of DiscussionsMessages that have been marked as Answers. Only the author of the Answer's parent Question (or a Forum manager) may update an Answer's AnswerStatus. Only one Answer per Question can be marked Correct. If Answer A in a Question is marked Correct, and the Question's author attempts to mark Answer B Correct, then Answer B will be marked Correct and Answer A's AnswerStatus will be changed to Helpful.


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Below are examples in XML formats. All examples are shown with all inherited members. Quoting when required is part of the examples, but you must obviously populate with your own data.

XML Example

(show inherited members)

<obh:answerStatusUpdater xsi:type="obh:answerStatusUpdater" xmlns:obh="http://www.oracle.com/beehive" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">

Referenced By Representaions