
Resource WikiRenderDataContext is used to instruct the Wiki service on how to generate the data portion of a WikiPage.
It is meant to be used in conjunction with the renderWikiPage(...) call when using the STATIC_ONLY WikiRenderMode. The Wiki Service provides three WikiRenderDataModes: RENDER_LINKS, RENDER_PLUGINS and RENDER_ALL, to extract and render different subsets of the page content. The data portion returned is a JSON Array that contains the rendered contents of any dynamic links and plugins in the Wiki page. The JSON array maps each Bond collabId to its rendered link information, including the link href, inner HTML, whether the link is wanted, etc. The StaticOnlyRenderer renders each link with a String of javascript code that - when executed in the page - will update links on the page to use the resolved link content returned from the renderData method.


Name Type Description



The set of HRefContexts used for rendering Markup link syntax into HRefs.



The WikiRenderDataMode, which determines what data will be rendered, either RENDER_PLUGINS, RENDER_LINKS or RENDER_ALL.



The SnapshotId of the associated WikiPage



Below are examples in XML formats. All examples are shown with all inherited members. Quoting when required is part of the examples, but you must obviously populate with your own data.

XML Example

(show inherited members)

<obh:wikiRenderDataContext xsi:type="obh:wikiRenderDataContext" xmlns:obh="http://www.oracle.com/beehive" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">

Referenced By Representaions

Not Referenced Directly by Representations