
Possible values for a subscription state from a Watcher to any given Presence.

Enumeration Members

Name Description


There is no subscription for the watcher. In order to view the presence or receive updates, the watcher must first request a subscription


The watcher has been approved for access to the presence. Note that this value is also returned if the watcher has been "politely blocked" by the presentity. In this case the watcher believes he is subscribed to the presentity's presence but will not receive any presence updates


There is a pending subscription request by the watcher. While the subscription is pending, the watcher has no access to the presence and will not receive updates


The watcher believes he has access to the presence, but will instead receive no updates and always believe the presentity is unavailable. This value is only returned in the SubscriptionRoster as the value of any from fields.


The watcher has no access to the presence, and is denied access from even requesting a subscription. TODO is this needed?

Referenced By Representaions