
As implied by its name, this type represents a single MIME header entry. MIME headers are name/value pairs. MIME headers are contained within a MimeHeaders type. Documentation on MimeHeaders contains further semantics of multiple headers.

A MIME header truly represents a header as found in a MIME document. This means any MIME encoding will be present (the "=?" syntax used for non-ASCII character sets). It is undefined if values will contain line folding or not, so users should be prepared for the presence of folded lines.

The values of a MimeHeader are represented as a byte sequence. The byte sequence should only contain characters in the ASCII range, but users should be prepared to handle non-ASCII characters in the value as no attempt is made to validate the byte sequences in this type.

MimeHeaders maintain the same casing of their name attribute, but when used in a MimeHeaders collection comparison is done in a case-insensitive manner.


Name Type Description



The name associated with this header (e.g. "Received", "Subject", etc).



The name in upper-case (for case-insensitive comparisons).



The value of the header (the part just to the right of the colon in Internet headers). Note that folding should have been removed.



Below are examples in XML formats. All examples are shown with all inherited members. Quoting when required is part of the examples, but you must obviously populate with your own data.

XML Example

(show inherited members)

<obh:mimeHeader xsi:type="obh:mimeHeader" xmlns:obh="http://www.oracle.com/beehive" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">

Referenced By Representaions