JavaFX: Bringing Rich Experiences To All the Screens Of Your Life

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Profile: desktop, common


Container of cells for a row in a Grid.

See Also:

Profile: common

Variable Summary

accessnametypeCan ReadCan InitCan WriteDefault Valuedescription

Contents of this row as a sequence of JavaFX Nodes.

Inherited Variables


accessnametypeCan ReadCan InitCan WriteDefault Valuedescription

If set, will override a Resizable node's preferred height.

If set, will override a Resizable node's preferred height. If the node is not Resizable, will be ignored.


If set, indicates that Resizable node's width should be resized beyond its preferred width (up to its maximum) to fill it's allocated layout area.

If set, indicates that Resizable node's width should be resized beyond its preferred width (up to its maximum) to fill it's allocated layout area. If the node is not Resizable, will be ignored.


If set, will define the horizontal grow priority for the node's layout area.

If set, will define the horizontal grow priority for the node's layout area. This constraint controls how a container allocates additional horizontal space to the node's layout area if the container is resized larger than its preferred width and multiple nodes are competing for horizontal space.

If ALWAYS, the node's layout area will always grow horizontally if there is additional space, sharing the increase with other nodes that have an hgrow of ALWAYS. The node's layout area will never be grown beyond the node's maximum width.

If SOMETIMES, the node's layout area will only grow horizontally if either no other node has specified ALWAYS, or the additional space was not completely allocated to nodes specifying ALWAYS because of their maximum size limits.

If NEVER, the node's layout area will never be grown horizontally if there is additional space.


If set, will define how the node should be horizontally positioned relative to its allocated layout area.


If set, will define the horizontal shrink priority for the node's layout area.

If set, will define the horizontal shrink priority for the node's layout area. This constraint controls how a container subtracts horizontal space from the node's layout area if the container is resized smaller than its preferred width and multiple nodes are competing for horizontal space.

If ALWAYS, the node's layout area will always shrink horizontally if there is less space, sharing the decrease with other nodes that have an hshrink of ALWAYS. The node's layout area will never be sized smaller than the node's minimum width.

If SOMETIMES, the node's layout area will only shrink horizontally if either no other node has specified ALWAYS, or the reduced space was not completely distributed to nodes specifying ALWAYS because of their minimum size limits.

If NEVER, the node's layout area will never be shrunken horizontally if there is reduced space.


If set, will define a margin of space that should be allocated around the outside of the node's layout bounds during layout.


If set, will override a Resizable node's maximum height.

If set, will override a Resizable node's maximum height. If the node is not Resizable, will be ignored.


If set, will override a Resizable node's maximum width.

If set, will override a Resizable node's maximum width. If the node is not Resizable, will be ignored.


If set, will override a Resizable node's minimum height.

If set, will override a Resizable node's minimum height. If the node is not Resizable, will be ignored.


If set, will override a Resizable node's minimum width.

If set, will override a Resizable node's minimum width. If the node is not Resizable, will be ignored.


If set, indicates that Resizable node's height should be resized beyond its preferred height (up to its maximum) to fill it's allocated layout area.

If set, indicates that Resizable node's height should be resized beyond its preferred height (up to its maximum) to fill it's allocated layout area. If the node is not Resizable, will be ignored.


If set, will define the vertical grow priority for the node's layout area.

If set, will define the vertical grow priority for the node's layout area. This constraint controls how a container allocates additional vertical space to the node's layout area if the container is resized larger than its preferred height and multiple nodes are competing for vertical space.

If ALWAYS, the node's layout area will always grow vertically if there is additional space, sharing the increase with other nodes that have a vgrow of ALWAYS. The node's layout area will never be grown beyond the node's maximum height.

If SOMETIMES, the node's layout area will only grow vertically if either no other node has specified ALWAYS, or the additional space was not completely allocated to nodes specifying ALWAYS because of their maximum size limits.

If NEVER, the node's layout area will never be grown vertically if there is additional space.


If set, will define how the node should be vertically positioned relative to its allocated layout area.


If set, will define the vertical shrink priority for the node's layout area.

If set, will define the vertical shrink priority for the node's layout area. This constraint controls how a container subtracts vertical space from the node's layout area if the container is resized smaller than its preferred height and multiple nodes are competing for vertical space.

If ALWAYS, the node's layout area will always shrink vertically if there is less space, sharing the decrease with other nodes that have a vshrink of ALWAYS. The node's layout area will never be sized smaller than the node's minimum height.

If SOMETIMES, the node's layout area will only shrink vertically if either no other node has specified ALWAYS, or the reduced space was not completely distributed to nodes specifying ALWAYS because of their minimum size limits.

If NEVER, the node's layout area will never be shrunken vertically if there is reduced space.


If set, will override a Resizable node's preferred width.

If set, will override a Resizable node's preferred width. If the node is not Resizable, will be ignored.


Inherited Functions


protected requestLayout() : Void