JavaFX: Bringing Rich Experiences To All the Screens Of Your Life

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Profile: desktop, common


Pie Chart Data Item

Variable Summary

accessnametypeCan ReadCan InitCan WriteDefault Valuedescription

Action function is called when this data item is clicked on, providing the data item has a visual representation that can be clicked on in the given chart type


The factor which this data item is exploded from the pie, with 1.0 being none and 2.0 meaning the outside of the slice is twice the radius of the pie.


The fill used to fill the slice repesenting this data item


The display laybel text for this data item.

The display laybel text for this data item. This is displayed around the outside of the pie with a line connecting it to the slice


The stroke paint for the slice repesenting this data item


The stroke width for the slice repesenting this data item


The value for this data item

Inherited Variables

Inherited Functions