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Profile: desktop, common


Set of key codes for KeyEvent objects.

Profile: common

Field Summary

public static finalVK_0KeyCode
public static finalVK_1KeyCode
public static finalVK_2KeyCode
public static finalVK_3KeyCode
public static finalVK_4KeyCode
public static finalVK_5KeyCode
public static finalVK_6KeyCode
public static finalVK_7KeyCode
public static finalVK_8KeyCode
public static finalVK_9KeyCode
public static finalVK_AKeyCode
public static finalVK_ACCEPTKeyCode

Constant for the Accept or Commit function key.

public static finalVK_ADDKeyCode
public static finalVK_AGAINKeyCode
public static finalVK_ALL_CANDIDATESKeyCode

Constant for the All Candidates function key.

public static finalVK_ALPHANUMERICKeyCode

Constant for the Alphanumeric function key.

public static finalVK_ALTKeyCode
public static finalVK_ALT_GRAPHKeyCode

Constant for the AltGraph function key.

public static finalVK_AMPERSANDKeyCode
public static finalVK_ASTERISKKeyCode
public static finalVK_ATKeyCode

Constant for the "@" key.

public static finalVK_BKeyCode
public static finalVK_BACKKeyCode
public static finalVK_BACK_QUOTEKeyCode
public static finalVK_BACK_SLASHKeyCode

Constant for the back slash key, "\"

public static finalVK_BACK_SPACEKeyCode
public static finalVK_BEGINKeyCode

Constant for the Begin key.

public static finalVK_BRACELEFTKeyCode
public static finalVK_BRACERIGHTKeyCode
public static finalVK_CKeyCode
public static finalVK_CANCELKeyCode
public static finalVK_CAPSKeyCode
public static finalVK_CHANNEL_DOWNKeyCode
public static finalVK_CHANNEL_UPKeyCode
public static finalVK_CIRCUMFLEXKeyCode

Constant for the "^" key.

public static finalVK_CLEARKeyCode
public static finalVK_CLOSE_BRACKETKeyCode

Constant for the close bracket key, "]"

public static finalVK_CODE_INPUTKeyCode

Constant for the Code Input function key.

public static finalVK_COLONKeyCode

Constant for the ":" key.

public static finalVK_COLORED_KEY_0KeyCode
public static finalVK_COLORED_KEY_1KeyCode
public static finalVK_COLORED_KEY_2KeyCode
public static finalVK_COLORED_KEY_3KeyCode
public static finalVK_COMMAKeyCode

Constant for the comma key, ","

public static finalVK_COMPOSEKeyCode

Constant for the input method on/off key.

public static finalVK_CONTEXT_MENUKeyCode

Constant for the Microsoft Windows Context Menu key.

public static finalVK_CONTROLKeyCode
public static finalVK_CONVERTKeyCode

Constant for the Convert function key.

public static finalVK_COPYKeyCode
public static finalVK_CUTKeyCode
public static finalVK_DKeyCode
public static finalVK_DEAD_ABOVEDOTKeyCode
public static finalVK_DEAD_ABOVERINGKeyCode
public static finalVK_DEAD_ACUTEKeyCode
public static finalVK_DEAD_BREVEKeyCode
public static finalVK_DEAD_CARONKeyCode
public static finalVK_DEAD_CEDILLAKeyCode
public static finalVK_DEAD_CIRCUMFLEXKeyCode
public static finalVK_DEAD_DIAERESISKeyCode
public static finalVK_DEAD_DOUBLEACUTEKeyCode
public static finalVK_DEAD_GRAVEKeyCode
public static finalVK_DEAD_IOTAKeyCode
public static finalVK_DEAD_MACRONKeyCode
public static finalVK_DEAD_OGONEKKeyCode
public static finalVK_DEAD_SEMIVOICED_SOUNDKeyCode
public static finalVK_DEAD_TILDEKeyCode
public static finalVK_DEAD_VOICED_SOUNDKeyCode
public static finalVK_DECIMALKeyCode
public static finalVK_DELETEKeyCode
public static finalVK_DIVIDEKeyCode
public static finalVK_DOLLARKeyCode

Constant for the "$" key.

public static finalVK_DOWNKeyCode

Constant for the non-numpad down arrow key.

public static finalVK_EKeyCode
public static finalVK_EJECT_TOGGLEKeyCode
public static finalVK_ENDKeyCode
public static finalVK_ENTERKeyCode
public static finalVK_EQUALSKeyCode

Constant for the equals key, "="

public static finalVK_ESCAPEKeyCode
public static finalVK_EURO_SIGNKeyCode

Constant for the Euro currency sign key.

public static finalVK_EXCLAMATION_MARKKeyCode

Constant for the "!" key.

public static finalVK_FKeyCode
public static finalVK_F1KeyCode

Constant for the F1 function key.

public static finalVK_F10KeyCode

Constant for the F10 function key.

public static finalVK_F11KeyCode

Constant for the F11 function key.

public static finalVK_F12KeyCode

Constant for the F12 function key.

public static finalVK_F13KeyCode

Constant for the F13 function key.

public static finalVK_F14KeyCode

Constant for the F14 function key.

public static finalVK_F15KeyCode

Constant for the F15 function key.

public static finalVK_F16KeyCode

Constant for the F16 function key.

public static finalVK_F17KeyCode

Constant for the F17 function key.

public static finalVK_F18KeyCode

Constant for the F18 function key.

public static finalVK_F19KeyCode

Constant for the F19 function key.

public static finalVK_F2KeyCode

Constant for the F2 function key.

public static finalVK_F20KeyCode

Constant for the F20 function key.

public static finalVK_F21KeyCode

Constant for the F21 function key.

public static finalVK_F22KeyCode

Constant for the F22 function key.

public static finalVK_F23KeyCode

Constant for the F23 function key.

public static finalVK_F24KeyCode

Constant for the F24 function key.

public static finalVK_F3KeyCode

Constant for the F3 function key.

public static finalVK_F4KeyCode

Constant for the F4 function key.

public static finalVK_F5KeyCode

Constant for the F5 function key.

public static finalVK_F6KeyCode

Constant for the F6 function key.

public static finalVK_F7KeyCode

Constant for the F7 function key.

public static finalVK_F8KeyCode

Constant for the F8 function key.

public static finalVK_F9KeyCode

Constant for the F9 function key.

public static finalVK_FAST_FWDKeyCode
public static finalVK_FINALKeyCode

Constant for input method support on Asian Keyboards.

public static finalVK_FINDKeyCode
public static finalVK_FULL_WIDTHKeyCode

Constant for the Full-Width Characters function key.

public static finalVK_GKeyCode
public static finalVK_GAME_AKeyCode
public static finalVK_GAME_BKeyCode
public static finalVK_GAME_CKeyCode
public static finalVK_GAME_DKeyCode
public static finalVK_GREATERKeyCode
public static finalVK_HKeyCode
public static finalVK_HALF_WIDTHKeyCode

Constant for the Half-Width Characters function key.

public static finalVK_HELPKeyCode
public static finalVK_HIRAGANAKeyCode

Constant for the Hiragana function key.

public static finalVK_HOMEKeyCode
public static finalVK_IKeyCode
public static finalVK_INFOKeyCode
public static finalVK_INPUT_METHOD_ON_OFFKeyCode

Constant for the input method on/off key.

public static finalVK_INSERTKeyCode
public static finalVK_INVERTED_EXCLAMATION_MARKKeyCode

Constant for the inverted exclamation mark key.

public static finalVK_JKeyCode
public static finalVK_JAPANESE_HIRAGANAKeyCode

Constant for the Japanese-Hiragana function key.

Constant for the Japanese-Hiragana function key. This key switches to a Japanese input method and selects its Hiragana input mode.

Profile: common

public static finalVK_JAPANESE_KATAKANAKeyCode

Constant for the Japanese-Katakana function key.

Constant for the Japanese-Katakana function key. This key switches to a Japanese input method and selects its Katakana input mode.

Profile: common

public static finalVK_JAPANESE_ROMANKeyCode

Constant for the Japanese-Roman function key.

Constant for the Japanese-Roman function key. This key switches to a Japanese input method and selects its Roman-Direct input mode.

Profile: common

public static finalVK_KKeyCode
public static finalVK_KANAKeyCode
public static finalVK_KANA_LOCKKeyCode

Constant for the locking Kana function key.

Constant for the locking Kana function key. This key locks the keyboard into a Kana layout.

Profile: common

public static finalVK_KANJIKeyCode
public static finalVK_KATAKANAKeyCode

Constant for the Katakana function key.

public static finalVK_KP_DOWNKeyCode

Constant for the numeric keypad down arrow key.

public static finalVK_KP_LEFTKeyCode

Constant for the numeric keypad left arrow key.

public static finalVK_KP_RIGHTKeyCode

Constant for the numeric keypad right arrow key.

public static finalVK_KP_UPKeyCode

Constant for the numeric keypad up arrow key.

public static finalVK_LKeyCode
public static finalVK_LEFTKeyCode

Constant for the non-numpad left arrow key.

public static finalVK_LEFT_PARENTHESISKeyCode

Constant for the "(" key.

public static finalVK_LESSKeyCode
public static finalVK_MKeyCode
public static finalVK_METAKeyCode
public static finalVK_MINUSKeyCode

Constant for the minus key, "-"

public static finalVK_MODECHANGEKeyCode
public static finalVK_MULTIPLYKeyCode
public static finalVK_MUTEKeyCode
public static finalVK_NKeyCode
public static finalVK_NONCONVERTKeyCode

Constant for the Don't Convert function key.

public static finalVK_NUM_LOCKKeyCode
public static finalVK_NUMBER_SIGNKeyCode

Constant for the "#" key.

public static finalVK_NUMPAD0KeyCode
public static finalVK_NUMPAD1KeyCode
public static finalVK_NUMPAD2KeyCode
public static finalVK_NUMPAD3KeyCode
public static finalVK_NUMPAD4KeyCode
public static finalVK_NUMPAD5KeyCode
public static finalVK_NUMPAD6KeyCode
public static finalVK_NUMPAD7KeyCode
public static finalVK_NUMPAD8KeyCode
public static finalVK_NUMPAD9KeyCode
public static finalVK_OKeyCode
public static finalVK_OPEN_BRACKETKeyCode

Constant for the open bracket key, "["

public static finalVK_PKeyCode
public static finalVK_PAGE_DOWNKeyCode
public static finalVK_PAGE_UPKeyCode
public static finalVK_PASTEKeyCode
public static finalVK_PAUSEKeyCode
public static finalVK_PERIODKeyCode

Constant for the period key, "."

public static finalVK_PLAYKeyCode
public static finalVK_PLUSKeyCode

Constant for the "+" key.

public static finalVK_POUNDKeyCode
public static finalVK_POWERKeyCode
public static finalVK_PREVIOUS_CANDIDATEKeyCode

Constant for the Previous Candidate function key.

public static finalVK_PRINTSCREENKeyCode
public static finalVK_PROPSKeyCode
public static finalVK_QKeyCode
public static finalVK_QUOTEKeyCode
public static finalVK_QUOTEDBLKeyCode
public static finalVK_RKeyCode
public static finalVK_RECORDKeyCode
public static finalVK_REWINDKeyCode
public static finalVK_RIGHTKeyCode

Constant for the non-numpad right arrow key.

public static finalVK_RIGHT_PARENTHESISKeyCode

Constant for the ")" key.

public static finalVK_ROMAN_CHARACTERSKeyCode

Constant for the Roman Characters function key.

public static finalVK_SKeyCode
public static finalVK_SCROLL_LOCKKeyCode
public static finalVK_SEMICOLONKeyCode

Constant for the semicolon key, ";"

public static finalVK_SEPARATORKeyCode

Constant for the Numpad Separator key.

public static finalVK_SHIFTKeyCode
public static finalVK_SLASHKeyCode

Constant for the forward slash key, "/"

public static finalVK_SOFTKEY_0KeyCode
public static finalVK_SOFTKEY_1KeyCode
public static finalVK_SOFTKEY_2KeyCode
public static finalVK_SOFTKEY_3KeyCode
public static finalVK_SOFTKEY_4KeyCode
public static finalVK_SOFTKEY_5KeyCode
public static finalVK_SOFTKEY_6KeyCode
public static finalVK_SOFTKEY_7KeyCode
public static finalVK_SOFTKEY_8KeyCode
public static finalVK_SOFTKEY_9KeyCode
public static finalVK_SPACEKeyCode
public static finalVK_STARKeyCode
public static finalVK_STOPKeyCode
public static finalVK_SUBTRACTKeyCode
public static finalVK_TKeyCode
public static finalVK_TABKeyCode
public static finalVK_TRACK_NEXTKeyCode
public static finalVK_TRACK_PREVKeyCode
public static finalVK_UKeyCode
public static finalVK_UNDEFINEDKeyCode

This value is used to indicate that the keyCode is unknown.

This value is used to indicate that the keyCode is unknown. Key typed events do not have a keyCode value; this value is used instead.

Profile: common

public static finalVK_UNDERSCOREKeyCode

Constant for the "_" key.

public static finalVK_UNDOKeyCode
public static finalVK_UPKeyCode

Constant for the non-numpad up arrow key.

public static finalVK_VKeyCode
public static finalVK_VOLUME_DOWNKeyCode
public static finalVK_VOLUME_UPKeyCode
public static finalVK_WKeyCode
public static finalVK_WINDOWSKeyCode

Constant for the Microsoft Windows "Windows" key.

Constant for the Microsoft Windows "Windows" key. It is used for both the left and right version of the key.

Profile: common

public static finalVK_XKeyCode
public static finalVK_YKeyCode
public static finalVK_ZKeyCode

Inherited Variables

Method Summary

public static KeyCode valueOf(java.lang.String name)
public static KeyCode[] values()

Inherited Functions