GNOME 2.0 Desktop for the Solaris Operating Environment User Guide

Chapter 9 Using the Basic Preference Tools

The basic preference tools enable you to customize your desktop background, and to configure your keyboard settings and your mouse settings. You can use the basic preference tools to configure shortcut keys, to set your sound preferences, and to configure your network proxy. You can also use the basic preference tools to customize your screensaver, choose a theme and fonts for your desktop, and to customize your application menubars and toolbars. You can also customize window focus behavior.

This chapter describes how to use the basic preference tools to customize your desktop.

Opening a Basic Preference Tool

You can open one of the basic preference tools in either of the following ways:

Customizing the Desktop Background

The desktop background is the image or color that is applied to your desktop. You can customize the desktop background in the following ways:

You can also change the appearance of your desktop background from within the Nautilus file manager.

Figure 9–1 Desktop Background Preference Tool

Background preferences tool dialog. The context describes the graphic.

Table 9–1 lists the background settings that you can configure.

Table 9–1 Settings for Desktop Background



Select picture

Choose an image to display on the desktop. To choose an image, click on the Select picture button. An image selector dialog is displayed. Use the dialog to choose an image. When you choose an image, click OK.

Picture Options

To specify how to display the image, select one of the following options: 

  • Wallpaper: Repeats the image to cover the desktop.

  • Centered: Displays the image in the middle of the desktop.

  • Scaled: Enlarges the image until the image meets the screen edges, and maintains the relative dimensions of the image.

  • Stretched: Enlarges the image to cover the desktop, and does not maintain the relative dimensions of the image.

  • No Picture: Displays no image.

Background Style

To specify a color scheme, use the options in the Background Style drop-down list, and the color selector buttons.

You can specify a color scheme in one of the following ways: 

  • Choose Solid color from the Background Style drop-down list to specify a single color for the desktop background.

    To choose the color that you require, click on the Color button. The Pick a Color dialog is displayed. Choose a color, then click OK.

  • Choose Horizontal gradient from the Background Style drop-down list. This option creates a gradient effect from the left screen edge to the right screen edge.

    Click on the Left Color button to display the Pick a Color dialog. Choose the color that you want to appear at the left edge.

    Click on the Right Color button. Choose the color that you want to appear at the right edge.

  • Choose Vertical gradient from the Background Style drop-down list. This creates a gradient effect from the top screen edge to the bottom screen edge.

    Click on the Top Color button to display the Pick a Color dialog. Choose the color that you want to appear at the top edge.

    Click on the Bottom Color button. Choose the color that you want to appear at the bottom edge.

Choosing Default Fonts

Use the Font preference tool to select the fonts to use on in your applications and on the desktop.

Figure 9–2 Font Preference Tool

Font preference tool. Contains Application font, Desktop font selector buttons.

Table 9–2 lists the font settings that you can configure.

Table 9–2 Settings for Fonts



Application font

Click on the font selector button to select a font to use in your applications. 

Desktop font

Click on the font selector button to select a font to use on your desktop only. 

Configuring Keyboard Settings

Use the Keyboard preference tool to select the autorepeat settings for your keyboard, and to configure the sound events that are associated with the keyboard.

You can customize the settings for the Keyboard preference tool in the following functional areas:

Keyboard Settings

Use the Keyboard tabbed section to set general keyboard preferences. To start the Keyboard accessibility preference tool, that is, AccessX, click on the Accessibility button.

Figure 9–3 Keyboard Tabbed Section in Keyboard Preference Tool

Keyboard preference tool, Keyboard tabbed section. The context describes the graphic.

Table 9–3 lists the keyboard settings that you can configure.

Table 9–3 Settings for Keyboard



Keyboard repeats when key is held down

Select this option to enable keyboard repeat. If keyboard repeat is enabled, when you press-and-hold a key, the action associated with the key is performed repeatedly. For example, if you press-and-hold a character key, the character is typed repeatedly. 


Select the delay from the time you press a key to the time that the action repeats. 


Select the speed at which the action is repeated.  

Blinks in text boxes and fields

Select this option to enable the cursor to blink in fields and text boxes. 


Use the slider to specify the speed at which the cursor blinks in fields and text boxes. 

Sound Settings

Use the Sound tabbed section to set your preferences for keyboard sound.

Figure 9–4 Sound Tabbed Section in Keyboard Preference Tool

Keyboard preference tool, Sound tabbed section. The context describes the graphic.

Some applications play a bell sound to indicate a keyboard input error. Use the options in the Sound tabbed section to configure the bell sound. Table 9–4 lists the keyboard sound settings that you can configure.

Table 9–4 Settings for Keyboard Sound




Select this option to disable the keyboard bell. 


Select this option to enable the keyboard bell. 

Customizing Keyboard Shortcuts

A keyboard shortcut is a key or combination of keys that provides an alternative to standard ways of performing an action.

Use the Keyboard Shortcuts preference tool to display the default keyboard shortcuts. You can customize the default keyboard shortcuts to your requirements.

You can also create hot keys. Hot keys are keyboard shortcuts that start applications.

Figure 9–5 Keyboard Shortcuts Preference Tool

Keyboard Shortcuts preference tool. The context describes the graphic.

Table 9–5 lists the keyboard shortcut settings that you can customize.

Table 9–5 Default Settings for Keyboard Shortcuts



Text editing shortcuts

Select one of the following settings: 

  • Default: Use this setting for standard shortcut keys.

  • Emacs: Use this setting for Emacs shortcut keys.

Desktop shortcuts

This table lists actions and the shortcut keys that are associated with each action.  

To change the shortcut keys for an action, click on the action to select the action, then click on the shortcut for the action. Press the keys that you want to associate with the action. 

To disable the shortcut keys for an action, click on the action to select the action, then click on the shortcut for the action. Press Back Space.

Custom Shortcuts

To add a hot key, perform the following steps: 

  1. Click New. A Custom Binding dialog is displayed. Enter the command to associate with the hot key in the New Command field. Alternatively, to browse for the command, click on the Browse button. When you have selected the command, click OK. The command is added to the Custom Shortcuts section of the Desktop shortcuts table.

  2. Click in the Shortcut column of the command in the Custom bindings section of the Desktop shortcuts table. Press the key or key combination that you want to associate with the command.

To edit a hot key, select the hot key in the Custom Shortcuts section of the Desktop shortcuts table, then click Edit. Edit the command in the Custom Binding dialog.

To remove a hot key, select the hot key in the Custom Shortcuts section of the Desktop shortcuts table, then click Delete.

Customizing Menus and Toolbars in Applications

You can use the Menus & Toolbars preference tool to customize the appearance of menus, menubars, and toolbars for GNOME-compliant applications.

Figure 9–6 Menus and Toolbars Preference Tool

Menus and Toolbars preference tool. The context describes the graphic.

Table 9–6 lists the menu and toolbar settings that you can customize for GNOME-compliant applications.

Table 9–6 Settings for Customizing Applications



Button Labels

Choose one of the following options to specify what to display on the toolbars in your GNOME-compliant applications: 

  • Text Below Icons: Select this option to display toolbars with text as well as an icon on each button.

  • Text Beside Icons: Select this option to display toolbars with an icon only on each button, and with text on the most important buttons.

  • Icons Only: Select this option to display toolbars with an icon only on each button.

  • Text Only: Select this option to display toolbars with text only on each button.

Toolbars can be detached and moved around

Select this option if you want to move toolbars from application windows to any location on the screen. If you select this option, handles are displayed on the left side of the toolbars in your applications. To move a toolbar, click-and-hold on the handle, then drag the toolbar to the new location. 

Show icons in menus

Select this option to display an icon beside each item in a menu. Some menu items do not have an icon. 

Configuring Mouse Settings

Use the Mouse preference tool to configure your mouse for right-hand use or for left-hand use. You can also specify the speed and sensitivity of mouse movement.

You can customize the settings for the Mouse preference tool in the following functional areas:

Buttons Settings

Use the Buttons tabbed section to specify whether the mouse buttons are configured for left-hand use. You can also specify the delay between clicks for a double-click.

Figure 9–7 Buttons Tabbed Section in the Mouse Preference Tool

Mouse preference tool, Buttons tabbed section. Contains: Left-handed mouse check box, Delay slider.

Table 9–7 lists the mouse button settings that you can configure.

Table 9–7 Settings for Mouse Buttons



Left-handed mouse

Select this option to configure your mouse for left-hand use. When you configure your mouse for left-hand use, the functions of the left mouse button and the right mouse button are swapped. 


Use the slider to specify the amount of time that can pass between clicks when you double-click. If the interval between the first and second clicks exceeds the time that is specified here, the action is not interpreted as a double-click.  

Pointer Settings

Use the Cursors tabbed section to set your mouse pointer preferences.

Figure 9–8 Cursors Tabbed Section in the Mouse Preference Tool

Mouse preference tool, Cursors tabbed section. Contains Cursor Theme list box, Show position of cursor when the Control key is pressed check box.

Table 9–8 lists the mouse pointer settings that you can configure.

Table 9–8 Settings for Mouse Pointers



Cursor Theme

Select the mouse pointer theme that you require from the list box.  

Show position of cursor when the Control key is pressed

Select this option to enable a mouse pointer animation when you press and release Ctrl. This feature can assist you to locate the mouse pointer.

Motion Settings

Use the Motion tabbed section to set your preferences for mouse movement.

Figure 9–9 Motion Tabbed Section in the Mouse Preference Tool

Mouse preference tool, Motion tabbed section. Contains: Acceleration, Sensitivity, Threshold sliders.

Table 9–9 lists the mouse motion settings that you can configure.

Table 9–9 Settings for Mouse Motion




Use the slider to specify the speed at which your mouse pointer moves on your screen when you move your mouse. 


Use the slider to specify how sensitive your mouse pointer is to movements of your mouse. 


Use the slider to specify the distance that you must move an item before the move action is interpreted as a drag-and-drop action. 

Configuring Network Proxy Settings

The Network Proxy preference tool enables you to configure how your system connects to networks. You can configure the desktop environment to connect to a proxy server, and specify the details of the proxy server. A proxy server is a server that intercepts requests to another server, and fulfills the request itself, if it can. You can enter the Domain Name Service (DNS) name or the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the proxy server. A DNS name is a unique alphabetic identifier for a computer on a network. An IP address is a unique numeric identifier for a computer on a network.

Figure 9–10 Network Proxy Preference Tool

Network Proxy preference tool. The context describes the graphic.

Table 9–10 lists the network proxy settings that you can configure.

Table 9–10 Network Proxy Settings



Use HTTP Proxy

Select this option to use a proxy server for the HTTP service. 


Enter the DNS name, or the IP address of the proxy server to use when you request a HTTP service. 


Enter the port number of the HTTP service on the proxy server. 

Proxy requires username and password

Select this option if the proxy server requires a username and password. 

Save username and password to disk

Select this option to save the username and password. 


Enter your username for the proxy server. 


Enter your password for the proxy server. 

Setting Screensaver Preferences

A screensaver is an application that you can use to replace the image on your screen when the screen is not in use. You can use screensavers in the following ways:

You can customize the settings for the Mouse preference tool in the following functional areas:

Display Modes Settings

Use the Display Modes tabbed section to set display mode preferences.

Figure 9–11 Display Modes Tabbed Section in the Screensaver Preference Tool

Screensaver preference tool, Display Modes tabbed section. The context describes the graphic.

Table 9–11 lists the display mode settings that you can configure.

Table 9–11 Settings for Screensaver Display Mode




Use the drop-down list to specify the behavior of the screensaver application. Select from the following options: 

  • Disable Screen Saver: Select this option if you do not want to use the screensaver application.

  • Blank Screen Only: Select this option if you want your screen to become blank when your screen locks.

  • Only One Screen Saver: Select this option if you want to display a single screensaver display from the display list when your screen locks.

  • Random Screen Saver: Select this option if you want to display a random selection of screensaver displays from the screensaver display list when your screen locks.

Display list 

Select the screensaver display that you require from the list. 

Blank After

Specify how long to wait after the last use of the mouse or keyboard, to activate the screensaver. 

Cycle After

Specify how long to show a particular screensaver display before the next display. 

Lock Screen After

Select this option if you want the screen to lock after the screensaver is activated. Use the spin box to specify the delay between the activation of the screensaver and when the screen locks. 


Click on this button to preview the screensaver display that is selected in the screensaver display list. To stop the preview, press any key or click a mouse button. 


Click on this button to display the options for the screensaver display that is selected in the screensaver display list.  

Advanced Settings

Use the Advanced tabbed section to set advanced screensaver preferences.

Figure 9–12 Advanced Tabbed Section in the Screensaver Preference Tool

Screensaver preference tool, Advanced tabbed section. The context describes the graphic.

Table 9–12 lists the advanced screensaver settings that you can configure.

Table 9–12 Advanced Screensaver Settings



Grab Desktop Images

Some screensavers can take a screenshot of your screen, then manipulate the screenshot to create your screensaver display. Select this option to enable screensavers to take a screenshot of your screen. 

Grab Video Frames

Some screensavers can capture a frame of video, then manipulate the captured image to create your screensaver display. If your system has a video capture card, select this option to enable screensavers to capture a frame of video. 

Choose Random Image

Select this option to enable screensavers to use images from a directory that you select. Type the path for the directory in the field. Alternatively, click Browse to display a dialog from which you can select a directory.

Verbose Dialognostics

Select this option if you want to display screensaver diagnostic information. 

Display Subprocess Errors

Select this option if you want to display errors related to screensaver subprocesses on screen. 

Display Splash Screen at Startup

Select this option to if you want Xscreensaver to display a splash dialog when Xscreensaver starts.

Power Management Enabled

Select this option to enable power management of your monitor. Power management can reduce energy consumption by your monitor when you are not using the monitor. 

Standby After

Specify how long to wait to put the monitor in standby mode. When the monitor is in standby mode, the screen is black. 

Suspend After

Specify how long to wait to put the monitor in power-saving mode.  

Off After

Specify how long to wait to switch off monitor.  

Install Colormap

Select this option to install a private colormap when the screensaver is active. Use of a private colormap might improve the quality of the color in particular screensaver displays. 

Fade to Black When Blanking

Select this option if you want your display to fade to black when the screensaver activates. 

Fade from Black When Unblanking

Select this option if you want your display to fade from black to the screen contents when the screensaver stops. 

Fade Duration

Specify how long to take to fade to black when the screensaver activates. 

Setting Sound Preferences

The Sound preference tool enables you to control when the GNOME sound server starts. You can also specify which sounds to play when particular events occur.

You can customize the settings for the Sound preference tool in the following functional areas:

General Settings

Use the General tabbed section of the Sound preference tool to specify when to launch the GNOME sound server. You can also enable sound event functions.

Figure 9–13 General Tabbed Section in the Sound Preference Tool

Sound preference tool, General tabbed section. The context describes the graphic.

Table 9–13 lists the general sound settings that you can configure.

Table 9–13 Settings for Sound



Enable sound server startup

Select this option to start the GNOME sound server when you start a GNOME session. When the sound server is active, the desktop environment can play sounds. 

Sounds for events

Select this option to play sounds when particular events occur in your desktop environment . You can select this option only if the Enable sound server startup option is selected.

Sound Event Settings

Use the Sound Events tabbed section of the Sound preference tool to associate particular sounds with particular events.

Note –

You must select the Enable sound server startup option, and the Sounds for events option before you can access the Sound Events tabbed section.

Figure 9–14 Sound Events Tabbed Section in the Sound Preference Tool

Sound preference tool, Sound Events tabbed section. The context describes the graphic.

Table 9–14 lists the sound events settings that you can configure.

Table 9–14 Settings for Sound Events



Sounds table

Use the Sounds table to associate particular sounds with particular events.

The Event column displays a hierarchical list of events that can occur. To expand a category of events, click on the right arrow beside a category of events.

The File to play column lists the sound file that plays when the event occurs.


Click on this button to play the sound file that is associated with the selected event.  

Sound file drop-down combination box, Browse

To associate a sound with an event, select the event in the Sounds table. Enter the name of the sound file that you want to associate with the selected event in the drop-down combination box. Alternatively, click Browse to display a Select sound file dialog. Use the dialog to specify the sound file that you want to associate with the selected event.

Note –

You can only associate sound files in .wav format with events.

Setting Themes in the Desktop Environment

Use the Theme preference tool to select a theme for your desktop environment and for your window frames. You can customize the settings for the Theme preference tool in the following functional areas:

The desktop environment theme and the window frame theme are not the only themes that determine the appearance of your desktop environment. For example, Nautilus includes themes that you can use to change the look-and-feel of the Nautilus windows and the desktop.

Desktop Environment Theme Settings

Use the Widget Theme tabbed section of the Theme preference tool to select a theme for your desktop environment. Your desktop environment theme specifies the visual appearance of your panels, menus, and applets. The desktop environment theme also specifies the appearance of GNOME-compliant application interface items. For example, the theme affects the appearance of buttons, scrollbars, check boxes, and so on.

You can choose from the list of available themes, or you can install new themes. The list of available desktop environment themes includes several themes for users with accessibility requirements.

Figure 9–15 Widget Theme Tabbed Section in the Theme Preference Tool

Theme preference tool, Widget Theme tabbed section. The context describes the graphic.

Table 9–15 lists the desktop environment theme settings that you can configure.

Table 9–15 Settings for Desktop Environment Themes



Available themes 

Select the theme that you require from the list box. 

Install new theme

You can add a theme to the list of available themes. The new theme must be an uncompressed folder.  

To add a theme to the list of available themes, click on the Install new theme button. A dialog is displayed. Enter the location of the theme folder in the drop-down combination box. Alternatively, to browse for the folder, click on the Browse button. When you have selected the folder, click OK.

You can find many GTK themes on the Internet. 

Go to theme folder

Click on this button to open a file manager window on the default theme folder. You can delete themes from the file manager window. 

Window Frame Settings

Use the Window Frames tabbed section of the Theme preference tool to select a theme for your window frames. You can choose from the list of available themes, or you can install new themes. The list of available window frame themes includes several themes for users with accessibility requirements.

Figure 9–16 Window Frames Tabbed Section in the Theme Preference Tool

Theme preference tool, Window Frames tabbed section. The context describes the graphic.

Table 9–16 lists the window frame theme settings that you can configure.

Table 9–16 Settings for Window Frame Themes



Available themes 

Select the theme that you require from the list box. 

Install new theme

You can add a theme to the list of available themes. The new theme must be an uncompressed folder. 

To add a theme to the list of available themes, click on the Install new theme button. A dialog is displayed. Enter the location of the theme folder in the drop-down combination box. Alternatively, to browse for the folder, click on the Browse button. When you have selected the folder, click OK.

Go to theme folder

Click on this button to open a file manager window on the default theme folder. You can delete themes from the file manager window. 

Customizing Window Focus

Use the Window Focus preference tool to customize window focus behavior for your desktop environment.

Figure 9–17 Window Focus Preference Tool

Window Focus preference tool. The context describes the graphic.

Table 9–17 lists the window focus settings that you can customize.

Table 9–17 Settings for Window Focus



Click to give focus

Select this option to give focus to a window when you click on the window. The window retains focus until you click on another window. 

Point to give focus

Select this option to give focus to a window when you point to the window. The window retains focus until you point to another window. 

Raise window on focus

Select this option if you want your windows to be raised when the windows receive focus.