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Building J2EE Applications

Suntrademark ONE Studio 5 Programming Series



Before You Begin

Before You Read This Book

How This Book Is Organized

Typographic Conventions

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1. Assembly, Deployment, and Execution Basics

Assembly Basics

J2EE Applications Are Modular

J2EE Applications Are Supported by the J2EE Runtime Environment

J2EE Applications Are Distributed

Visual Representations of Modules and Applications

Web Modules

EJB Modules

J2EE Applications

Property Sheets

Deployment Basics

Execution Basics

Using This Book

2. Scenario: A Web Module

The Interactions in This Module

Programming This Module

Creating the Welcome Page

Programming the Servlet Methods

Mapping URLs to the Servlets

Other Assembly Tasks

3. Scenario: An EJB Module

The Interactions in This Module

Programming This Module

Creating Remote Interfaces for the Session Enterprise Bean

Creating Local Interfaces for the Entity Enterprise Beans

Using the Local Interfaces in the Session Enterprise Bean

Assembling the EJB Module

4. Scenario: Web Module and EJB Module

The Interactions in This Application

Programming This Application

Creating the J2EE Application

Setting the Web Context for the Web Module

Linking the EJB Reference

Additional Assembly Tasks

5. Scenario: Web Module and Queue-mode Message-driven Bean

The Interactions in This Application

Programming the Message-driven Communication

Setting up the Application Server

Programming the Web Module

Programming the EJB Module

Assembling the J2EE Application

6. Transactions

Default Transaction Boundaries

Redefining the Transaction Boundaries

7. Security

Web Module Security

EJB Module Security

J2EE Application Security

8. Deploying and Executing J2EE Modules and Applications

Visual Representations of Servers

The Server Registry Node

The Installed Servers Node

The Server Product Nodes

The Sun ONE Application Server Nodes

The Default Server Nodes

Server-specific Properties

Using Server Instance Nodes to Deploy and Execute

A. How the IDE Supports Deployment of J2EE Modules and Applications

The Deployment Process

The Server Plugin Concept

The Deployment Process Using a Plugin

Deploying Components Other Than Web Modules and J2EE Applications
