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Working With the EDM for Oracle Java CAPS Master Patient Index     Java CAPS Documentation
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Working With the EDM for Oracle Java CAPS Master Patient Index

Related Topics

About the Patient EDM

About Oracle Java CAPS Master Patient Index

Features of Oracle Java CAPS Master Patient Index

Functions of the Patient EDM

Learning about Patient Profiles

Patient Profile Components

System Records

Single Best Record

Survivor Calculator

Patient Profile Indicators

System Record and SBR Components for Oracle Java CAPS Master Patient Index

The Person Object

Address Objects

Phone Objects

Alias Objects

AuxId Objects

Comment Objects

Identification Numbers for each Patient


Local ID

Auxiliary ID

Working with the Patient EDM

Logging in to the Patient EDM

To Log in to the Patient EDM

Security Permissions for the Patient EDM

Navigation Tips for the Patient EDM

Navigating the Patient EDM Functions

Navigating the Search Pages

Navigating the Detail Pages

Logging Out of the Patient EDM

Learning About Patient Queries

About the Patient EDM Search Function

The Simple Person Lookup Page

The Advanced Person Lookup (Alpha) Page

The Advanced Person Lookup (Phonetic) Page

The Comparison Lookup Page

The Search Result Page

Types of Searches on the Patient EDM

EUID Lookup

Social Security Number Lookup

Local ID Lookup

Advanced Person Lookup (Alpha)

Advanced Person Lookup (Phonetic)

Comparison Lookup

Searching by Ranges on the Patient EDM

Required Fields on the Patient EDM

Searching for Patient Profiles

Performing an EUID Lookup on the Patient EDM

To Perform an EUID Lookup

Performing a Social Security Number Lookup on the Patient EDM

To Perform a Social Security Number Lookup

Performing a Local ID Lookup on the Patient EDM

To Perform a Local ID Lookup

Performing an Advanced Alphanumeric Lookup on the Patient EDM

To Perform an Advanced Alphanumeric Lookup

About Alphanumeric Search Fields on the Patient EDM

Performing an Advanced Phonetic Lookup on the Patient EDM

To Perform an Advanced Phonetic Lookup

About Phonetic Search Fields on the Patient EDM

Performing an EUID Comparison Lookup on the Patient EDM

To Perform an EUID Comparison Lookup

Working with Search Results on the Patient EDM

Viewing the Results of a Search

Selecting a Profile from the Results List

Creating and Printing a Search Result Report

Patient Profile Views

Patient Profile Details

The Tree View

Information Fields

Patient Profile Comparisons

Patient Profile Transaction Histories

Patient Profile Merge Histories

The Patient EDM Audit Log

Viewing Patient Profiles

Viewing a Patient's Demographic Information

To View Demographic Information

About Demographic Fields on the Patient EDM

Viewing a Patient's Addresses

To View Address Information

About Address Fields on the Patient EDM

Viewing a Patient's Telephone Numbers

To View Telephone Numbers

About Telephone Fields on the Patient EDM

Viewing a Patient's Aliases

To View Alias Names

About Alias Fields on the Patient EDM

Viewing a Patient's Auxiliary IDs

To View Auxiliary IDs

About Auxiliary ID Fields on the Patient EDM

Viewing Comments Associated with a Patient

To View Comments

About Comment Fields on the Patient EDM

Comparing Patient Information

Viewing a Patient's Transaction History

To View a Transaction History

About Transaction History Search Fields on the Patient EDM

About Transaction History Results Fields on the Patient EDM

Transaction History Transaction Types on the Patient EDM

Comparing two Patient Profiles

To Compare twoPatient Profiles

Comparing Records in one Patient Profile

To Compare Records in one Patient Profile

Viewing a Patient Profile's Merge History

Viewing a Merge History Tree on the Patient EDM

To View a Patient's Merge History

Viewing a Patient Profile From a Merge History Tree

To View a Patient Profile From a Merge History Tree

Viewing the Patient EDM Audit Log

To View the Audit Log

About Audit Log Search Fields on the Patient EDM

About Audit Log Search Results Fields on the Patient EDM

Audit Log Functions on the Patient EDM

Adding a Patient Profile on the Patient EDM

Step 1: Obtain Information about the Patient

Step 2: Specify a System and Local ID

To Specify a System and Local ID

Step 3: Specify Demographic Information

To Specify Demographic Information

Step 4: Specify Alias Information

To Specify Alias Information

Step 5: Specify Address Information

To Specify Address Information

Step 6: Specify Telephone Information

To Specify Telephone Information

Step 7: Specify Auxiliary IDs

To Specify Auxiliary IDs

Step 8: Add Comments to the Patient Profile

To Add Comments

Step 9: Save the Patient Profile

To Save the Patient Profile

Learning About Patient EDM Maintenance Tasks

Matching Probability Weights

Merging Profiles on the Patient EDM

Surviving and Non-surviving Profiles

System Record Merges

Undoing a Merge

Assumed Matches

Potential Duplicates

Handling Potential Duplicates



Patient EDM Update Tips

Concurrent Users

Updating the SBR and Updating System Records

VIP Updates

Maintaining Patient Information

Modifying Demographic Information in a Patient Profile

To Modify Demographic Information

Maintaining Address Information in a Patient Profile

Adding Addresses to a Patient Profile

Modifying Address Information

Deleting Addresses from a Patient Profile

Maintaining Telephone Information in a Patient Profile

Adding Telephone Numbers to a Patient Profile

Modifying Telephone Information

Deleting Telephone Numbers from a Patient Profile

Maintaining Alias Information in a Patient Profile

Adding an Alias to a Patient Profile

Modifying a Patient's Alias Information

Deleting an Alias from a Patient Profile

Maintaining Auxiliary ID Information in a Patient Profile

Adding an Auxiliary ID to a Patient Profile

Modifying Auxiliary ID Information

Deleting an Auxiliary ID from a Patient Profile

Maintaining Comment Information in a Patient Profile

Adding a Comment to a Patient Profile

Modifying a Comment in a Patient Profile

Deleting a Comment from a Patient Profile

Updating the Single Best Record Directly

Locking an SBR Field on the Patient EDM

To Lock a Field in the SBR

Unlocking an SBR Field on the Patient EDM

To Unlock an SBR Field

Maintaining System Records on the Patient EDM

Adding a System Record to a Patient Profile

To Add a System Record to a Patient Profile

Deactivating a System Record in a Patient Profile

To Deactivate a System Record

Reactivating a System Record in a Patient Profile

To Reactivate a System Record

Changing Patient Profile Status

Deactivating a Patient Profile

To Deactivate a Patient Profile

Reactivating a Patient Profile

To Reactivate a Patient Profile

Working with Potential Duplicate Patient Profiles

Finding Potential Duplicate Patient Profiles

To Find Potential Duplicates

About Matching Review Search Fields on the Patient EDM

About Potential Duplicate Results Fields on the Patient EDM

Merging Potential Duplicate Patient Profiles

To Combine Patient Profiles

To Combine System Records

Resolving Potential Duplicate Patient Profiles

To Resolve two Potential Duplicate Profiles

Working with Assumed Matches on the Patient EDM

Finding Assumed Matches on the Patient EDM

To Find Assumed Matches

About Assumed Match Results Fields on the Patient EDM

Reversing an Assumed Match on the Patient EDM

To Reverse an Assumed Match

Combining Patient Information

Merging Patient Profiles

To Merge Patient Profiles

Merging System Records on the Patient EDM

To Merge System Records

Unmerging Patient Information

Unmerging Patient Profiles

To Unmerge two Merged Patient Profiles

Unmerging System Records on the Patient EDM

To Unmerge two Merged System Records

Learning About Patient EDM Reports

Patient EDM Production Reports

Patient EDM Activity Reports

Patient EDM Search Result Reports

Configuring Patient EDM Reports

Masked Data and Patient EDM Reports

Running Patient EDM Reports

To Run Reports From the Patient EDM

About Report Search Fields on the Patient EDM

Patient Profile Views

Before you can view patient information, you need to perform a search for the patient using one of the search techniques described under Searching for Patient Profiles. Once you retrieve a search results list, you can view a patient’s detailed information, compare patient profiles, view a merge transaction history for a profile, and view a history of all transactions for a profile.

You can view patient information in any of the following formats, which are described in the following topics.

Patient Profile Details

When you select a profile on the Search Result page, detailed information about the selected patient appears on the View/Edit page. This page is divided into two sections. The left side of the page is a tree view that displays the EUID, the components of the SBR, and the components of each system record. You can select a component from the EUID tree to display detailed information about that component in the right portion of the page. The View/Edit page displays the selected patient’s identification, demographic, alias, and local ID information, and you can select an address, telephone number, auxiliary ID, or system record to view additional information. From the View/Edit page, you can perform several actions, such as viewing a transaction history for the patient, viewing potential duplicate profiles, deactivating the profile, updating patient information, and so on.

The Tree View

A tree view on the left side of the View/Edit page displays an outline of the profile, including the SBR and any associated system records. This is called the EUID tree.

Figure 14 Patient Profile Tree View

image:Graphic shows a patient profile in the tree structure view.

You can expand this tree view to view the different types of information contained in the SBR and in each system record. A plus sign (+) to the left of an item indicates that the item contains additional information. For addresses and telephone numbers, only the address or phone type appears in the tree; and for comments, only the comment code appears. For aliases, each alias name appears in the tree.

Figure 15 Expanded Patient Profile Tree View

image:Graphic shows a patient profile in tree structure view with all levels expanded.

Information Fields

The right side of the View/Edit page displays detailed information about the item that is selected in the EUID tree. For example, selecting an address type under the SBR entry in the EUID tree displays the detailed information for that address type in the SBR. Selecting “Person” under a source system record in the EUID tree displays demographic information for that patient as it is stored in that system record. The information contained in a patient’s system record might be different from that stored in the patient’s SBR.

By default, you can view the selected patient’s demographic, alias, address, telephone, auxiliary ID, and local ID information for both the SBR and associated system records. For more information about patient profiles, see Learning about Patient Profiles).

Patient Profile Comparisons

You can compare two different patient profiles by selecting the profiles to compare from a search results list. You can also compare different components of one patient profile. The Comparison page allows you to view the selected profiles or components of one profile in a side-by-side comparison with the differences between the two sides highlighted. Like the View/Edit page, the Comparison page displays an EUID tree for each profile, from which you can select the type of information you want to compare. This design allows you to compare one patient’s SBR with another’s SBR, one patient’s system records with another’s system records, or one patient’s SBR with another’s system records. You can also compare a profile’s SBR with one of its own system records or two system records from one profile. This gives you a complete comparison between patient profiles and between the different records in a patient profile.

Differences between displayed profiles are only highlighted when viewing the same type of information on each side. For example, viewing two SBR addresses highlights the differences, but viewing an SBR address and system object address does not. From the Comparison page, you can merge patient profiles or system records if they are found to represent the same patient.

Patient Profile Transaction Histories

You can view a history of all transactions performed against patient profiles either by performing a search as described in Searching for Patient Profiles or by performing a Transaction History search on the History page (described in Viewing a Patient's Transaction History). You can trace the events that modified a patient profile from the time the profile was added to the master index application up to the most previous transaction, including merged and deactivated profiles.

The Transaction History page allows you to view a side-by-side comparison of one patient profile before and after a transaction occurred against that profile. Like the Comparison page, the Transaction History page displays an EUID tree for each profile, from which you can select the type of information you want to compare with differences between the two profiles highlighted. For a true comparison, be sure the type of information you are viewing is the same on both sides of the page. You can also compare an SBR against an SBR, an SBR against a system record, or a system record against a system record. From associated Transaction History pages, you can unmerge previously merged profiles.

Patient Profile Merge Histories

On the Merge History page, you can display a history of the merges that have affected a specific patient profile. The merge history appears in an EUID tree format on the left side of the page. The top level displays the EUID of the current active profile. The two profiles at the second level show you the EUIDs of the profiles that were merged to form the top-level profile. If there are profiles listed at the third level, they display the EUIDs of the profiles that were merged to form the profile above them. There might be several levels of merges displayed in a patient’s merge history.

The right side of the page displays information about the merge transactions that involved the EUID that is selected in the EUID tree on the left. You can select a specific transaction to view a transaction history comparison for that merge transaction.

The Patient EDM Audit Log

The audit log allows you to track and view all instances in which information about the patients in the master index application was accessed through the Patient EDM. If audit logging is enabled, an audit log entry is created each time the Patient EDM accesses database tables that contain patient information. The audit log keeps a record of each time the tables are accessed, along with the database function used to access the tables, the login ID of the user accessing the tables, the date and time the tables were accessed, and the EUIDs of the patient profiles that were accessed. This allows you to closely monitor access to the patient records in the master index database and supports HIPAA privacy regulations. The audit log is enabled and disabled in the Enterprise Data Manager file in the Oracle Java CAPS Master Patient Index project.