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Working With the EDM for Oracle Java CAPS Master Patient Index     Java CAPS Documentation
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Working With the EDM for Oracle Java CAPS Master Patient Index

Related Topics

About the Patient EDM

About Oracle Java CAPS Master Patient Index

Features of Oracle Java CAPS Master Patient Index

Functions of the Patient EDM

Learning about Patient Profiles

Patient Profile Components

System Records

Single Best Record

Survivor Calculator

Patient Profile Indicators

System Record and SBR Components for Oracle Java CAPS Master Patient Index

The Person Object

Address Objects

Phone Objects

Alias Objects

AuxId Objects

Comment Objects

Identification Numbers for each Patient


Local ID

Auxiliary ID

Working with the Patient EDM

Logging in to the Patient EDM

To Log in to the Patient EDM

Security Permissions for the Patient EDM

Navigation Tips for the Patient EDM

Navigating the Patient EDM Functions

Navigating the Search Pages

Navigating the Detail Pages

Logging Out of the Patient EDM

Learning About Patient Queries

About the Patient EDM Search Function

The Simple Person Lookup Page

The Advanced Person Lookup (Alpha) Page

The Advanced Person Lookup (Phonetic) Page

The Comparison Lookup Page

The Search Result Page

Types of Searches on the Patient EDM

EUID Lookup

Social Security Number Lookup

Local ID Lookup

Advanced Person Lookup (Alpha)

Advanced Person Lookup (Phonetic)

Comparison Lookup

Searching by Ranges on the Patient EDM

Required Fields on the Patient EDM

Searching for Patient Profiles

Performing an EUID Lookup on the Patient EDM

To Perform an EUID Lookup

Performing a Social Security Number Lookup on the Patient EDM

To Perform a Social Security Number Lookup

Performing a Local ID Lookup on the Patient EDM

To Perform a Local ID Lookup

Performing an Advanced Alphanumeric Lookup on the Patient EDM

To Perform an Advanced Alphanumeric Lookup

About Alphanumeric Search Fields on the Patient EDM

Performing an Advanced Phonetic Lookup on the Patient EDM

To Perform an Advanced Phonetic Lookup

About Phonetic Search Fields on the Patient EDM

Performing an EUID Comparison Lookup on the Patient EDM

To Perform an EUID Comparison Lookup

Working with Search Results on the Patient EDM

Viewing the Results of a Search

Selecting a Profile from the Results List

Creating and Printing a Search Result Report

Patient Profile Views

Patient Profile Details

The Tree View

Information Fields

Patient Profile Comparisons

Patient Profile Transaction Histories

Patient Profile Merge Histories

The Patient EDM Audit Log

Viewing Patient Profiles

Viewing a Patient's Demographic Information

To View Demographic Information

About Demographic Fields on the Patient EDM

Viewing a Patient's Addresses

To View Address Information

About Address Fields on the Patient EDM

Viewing a Patient's Telephone Numbers

To View Telephone Numbers

About Telephone Fields on the Patient EDM

Viewing a Patient's Aliases

To View Alias Names

About Alias Fields on the Patient EDM

Viewing a Patient's Auxiliary IDs

To View Auxiliary IDs

About Auxiliary ID Fields on the Patient EDM

Viewing Comments Associated with a Patient

To View Comments

About Comment Fields on the Patient EDM

Comparing Patient Information

Viewing a Patient's Transaction History

To View a Transaction History

About Transaction History Search Fields on the Patient EDM

About Transaction History Results Fields on the Patient EDM

Transaction History Transaction Types on the Patient EDM

Comparing two Patient Profiles

To Compare twoPatient Profiles

Comparing Records in one Patient Profile

To Compare Records in one Patient Profile

Viewing a Patient Profile's Merge History

Viewing a Merge History Tree on the Patient EDM

To View a Patient's Merge History

Viewing a Patient Profile From a Merge History Tree

To View a Patient Profile From a Merge History Tree

Viewing the Patient EDM Audit Log

To View the Audit Log

About Audit Log Search Fields on the Patient EDM

About Audit Log Search Results Fields on the Patient EDM

Audit Log Functions on the Patient EDM

Adding a Patient Profile on the Patient EDM

Step 1: Obtain Information about the Patient

Step 2: Specify a System and Local ID

To Specify a System and Local ID

Step 3: Specify Demographic Information

To Specify Demographic Information

Step 4: Specify Alias Information

To Specify Alias Information

Step 5: Specify Address Information

To Specify Address Information

Step 6: Specify Telephone Information

To Specify Telephone Information

Step 7: Specify Auxiliary IDs

To Specify Auxiliary IDs

Step 8: Add Comments to the Patient Profile

To Add Comments

Step 9: Save the Patient Profile

To Save the Patient Profile

Learning About Patient EDM Maintenance Tasks

Matching Probability Weights

Merging Profiles on the Patient EDM

Surviving and Non-surviving Profiles

System Record Merges

Undoing a Merge

Assumed Matches

Potential Duplicates

Handling Potential Duplicates



Patient EDM Update Tips

Concurrent Users

Updating the SBR and Updating System Records

VIP Updates

Maintaining Patient Information

Modifying Demographic Information in a Patient Profile

To Modify Demographic Information

Maintaining Address Information in a Patient Profile

Adding Addresses to a Patient Profile

Modifying Address Information

Deleting Addresses from a Patient Profile

Maintaining Telephone Information in a Patient Profile

Adding Telephone Numbers to a Patient Profile

Modifying Telephone Information

Deleting Telephone Numbers from a Patient Profile

Maintaining Alias Information in a Patient Profile

Adding an Alias to a Patient Profile

Modifying a Patient's Alias Information

Deleting an Alias from a Patient Profile

Maintaining Auxiliary ID Information in a Patient Profile

Adding an Auxiliary ID to a Patient Profile

Modifying Auxiliary ID Information

Deleting an Auxiliary ID from a Patient Profile

Maintaining Comment Information in a Patient Profile

Adding a Comment to a Patient Profile

Modifying a Comment in a Patient Profile

Deleting a Comment from a Patient Profile

Updating the Single Best Record Directly

Locking an SBR Field on the Patient EDM

To Lock a Field in the SBR

Unlocking an SBR Field on the Patient EDM

To Unlock an SBR Field

Maintaining System Records on the Patient EDM

Adding a System Record to a Patient Profile

To Add a System Record to a Patient Profile

Deactivating a System Record in a Patient Profile

To Deactivate a System Record

Reactivating a System Record in a Patient Profile

To Reactivate a System Record

Changing Patient Profile Status

Deactivating a Patient Profile

To Deactivate a Patient Profile

Reactivating a Patient Profile

To Reactivate a Patient Profile

Working with Potential Duplicate Patient Profiles

Finding Potential Duplicate Patient Profiles

To Find Potential Duplicates

About Matching Review Search Fields on the Patient EDM

About Potential Duplicate Results Fields on the Patient EDM

Merging Potential Duplicate Patient Profiles

To Combine Patient Profiles

To Combine System Records

Resolving Potential Duplicate Patient Profiles

To Resolve two Potential Duplicate Profiles

Working with Assumed Matches on the Patient EDM

Finding Assumed Matches on the Patient EDM

To Find Assumed Matches

About Assumed Match Results Fields on the Patient EDM

Reversing an Assumed Match on the Patient EDM

To Reverse an Assumed Match

Combining Patient Information

Merging Patient Profiles

To Merge Patient Profiles

Merging System Records on the Patient EDM

To Merge System Records

Unmerging Patient Information

Unmerging Patient Profiles

To Unmerge two Merged Patient Profiles

Unmerging System Records on the Patient EDM

To Unmerge two Merged System Records

Learning About Patient EDM Reports

Patient EDM Production Reports

Patient EDM Activity Reports

Patient EDM Search Result Reports

Configuring Patient EDM Reports

Masked Data and Patient EDM Reports

Running Patient EDM Reports

To Run Reports From the Patient EDM

About Report Search Fields on the Patient EDM

Comparing Patient Information

You can compare a patient profile before and after a specific transaction occurred, two different patient profiles, or different components within one profile. The following topics provide the step-by-step instructions you need in order to compare patient information in a master index application.

Using the Comparison function of the Patient EDM, you can compare two patient profiles side-by-side to check for similarities and differences. You can also compare different components of the same patient profile. From the EUID trees, you can select the type of information to view and whether to view SBR or system record information.

Viewing a Patient's Transaction History

Using the History function, you can view historical information for a specific patient, and compare the patient’s profile before and after a specific transaction occurred to determine what information was modified as a result of the transaction. The Transaction History page contains an EUID tree for the before image and one for the after image. From the EUID trees you can specify the type of information to view and whether to view SBR or system record information.

The image on the left side of the Transaction History Comparison page reflects the patient’s information before the transaction occurred. The image on the right reflects the patient’s information after the transaction occurred. If the displayed record has no historical data, then the message There is nothing to show in this area appears in the left side of the page.

Figure 22 Transaction History Comparison Page

image:Figure shows two records in a side-by-side view on the Transaction History Comparison page.

To View a Transaction History

  1. Obtain information about the patient, such as the EUID, a system in which the patient was registered, or a specific transaction performed against the patient’s profile.

    Note - To access a transaction history, you can perform a search for a patient profile, display the profile on the View/Edit page, and then click Transaction History, or you can perform the steps described here.

  2. On the Patient EDM main menu, click History.

    The Transaction History Search page appears.

    Figure 23 Transaction History Search Page

    image:Figure shows the Transaction History Search page.
  3. Select History Search from the Search Types drop-down list.
  4. Do one of the following:
    • To search for a record by system and local ID, enter the system and local ID in the upper section of the window and then click Lookup EUID.

      If an EUID is found, it is populated into the EUID field in the Search Criteria section.

    • To search by EUID or transactional information, enter the search criteria for the patient you want to view (for more information, see About Transaction History Search Fields on the Patient EDM).
  5. On the Transaction History Search page, click Search.

    If more than one transaction matches the search, the Transaction History Result page appears with a list of matching profiles (for more information, see About Transaction History Results Fields on the Patient EDM).

    Figure 24 Transaction History Results

    image:Figure shows the results of a transaction history search.
  6. If the Transaction History Result page appears, click the transaction number of the transaction you want to view. (If an asterisk appears next to a transaction, it means the transaction history cannot be accessed.)

    The Transaction History Comparison page appears, displaying information in the SBR with any differences between the before and after image highlighted in blue.

  7. Select the type of information you want to view from the EUID trees on both sides of the page (for more information, review the instructions and field descriptions under Viewing Patient Profiles).

    Note - If you select different types of information from the two sides, differences are not highlighted (for example, if you view SBR address data on one side and system record address data on the other side; or if you view SBR address data on one side and SBR phone data on the other).

  8. If you are viewing a merge transaction, additional options appear in the upper left portion of the page, allowing you to view different images for the transaction (see Figure 25).
    • Select the first EUID to view the before image of the surviving profile.
    • Select the second EUID to view the before image of the non-surviving profile.

      Figure 25 Transaction History for Merge

      image:Figure shows the merge transaction option buttons for a Transaction History.
  9. If you are viewing an unmerge transaction, additional options appear in the upper right portion of the page, allowing you to view different images for the transaction (see Figure 26).
    • Select the first EUID to view the after image of the surviving profile.
    • Select the second EUID to view the after image of the non-surviving profile.

      Figure 26 Transaction History for Unmerge

      image:Figure shows the option buttons for an unmerge transaction on the Transaction History page.

About Transaction History Search Fields on the Patient EDM

The fields located on the Transaction History Search page allow you to specify search criteria for the transactions you want to view. Note that the “Lookup By Local ID” section is customizable and might have been changed for your implementation.

Table 11 Transaction History Search Fields

In this field …
type or select ...
Lookup By Local ID Section
The system in which the local ID is known.
Local ID
The local ID corresponding to the record you want to find and the system selected in the previous field. This field name might be different for your implementation.
Search Criteria Section
The patient’s enterprise-wide unique identifier assigned by the master index application.
The type of transaction that caused the patient’s profile to change. See Table 13 for more information about transaction types.
From Date
The beginning date for the search. The query is performed for transactions that fall between the From Date and To Date.
From Time
The beginning time for the search using 24-hour notation. The query is performed for transactions that fall between the From Time and To Time on the specified dates. If no time is entered, the default value is 00:01 (12:01 A.M.).
To Date
The ending date for the search.
To Time
The ending time for the search using 24-hour notation. If no time is entered, the default value is 24:00.
System User
The login ID of the user who performed the transaction for which you are searching.

About Transaction History Results Fields on the Patient EDM

The fields located on the Transaction History Result page help you identify a specific patient profile and transaction to view. Additional fields might be added to this page by the system administrator. The LID fields and the last name and first name fields are configurable and might have been changed for your implementation.

Table 12 Transaction History Results Fields

This field …
displays this information …
Transaction No
The sequential identification code of the transaction that caused the transaction history record.
The enterprise-wide unique identification number of the first patient profile involved in the transaction.
The enterprise-wide unique identification number of the second patient profile involved in the transaction.
The name of the system in which the transaction that created the history record occurred.
The local ID of the first system record involved in the transaction.
The local ID of the second system record involved in the transaction. This is only used for system record merges, unmerges, and transfers.
The type of transaction that changed the patient profile and caused the history record to be written. See Table 13 for a description of each transaction type.
System User
The login ID of the user who performed the transaction.
The date and time the transaction occurred.
First Name
The patient's first name.
Last Name
The patient's last name.

Transaction History Transaction Types on the Patient EDM

Each transaction performed by the master index application is assigned a transaction type, indicating the type of action that was performed. Table 13 lists and describes each transaction type.

Table 13 Transaction Type Descriptions

Transaction Type
This transaction type is assigned when a new patient profile is added to the database, whether it is through a direct add or through reversing an assumed match.
EUID Activate
This transaction type is assigned when a deactivated patient profile is reactivated.
EUID Deactivate
This transaction type is assigned when an active patient profile is deactivated.
EUID Merge
This transaction type is assigned when two patient profiles are merged.
EUID Unmerge
This transaction type is assigned when two patient profiles are unmerged.
System Record Merge
This transaction type is assigned when two system records are merged.
System Record Transfer
This transaction type is assigned when a system record is transferred from one patient profile to another.
System Record Unmerge
This transaction type is assigned when two system records are unmerged.
This transaction type is assigned when a patient profile is modified in any way other than those described above. This includes such transactions as modifying a patient profile, reversing an assumed match, deactivating or reactivating a system record, and adding or removing a child object (such as an address or telephone number).

Comparing two Patient Profiles

To compare two different patient profiles, you must perform a search for the profiles to compare and then select them from the results list. The Comparison page contains an EUID tree on each side of the page, one for each profile you are comparing.

Figure 27 Comparison Page - Two Patient Profiles

image:Figure shows two profiles side-by-side on the Comparison page.

To Compare twoPatient Profiles

  1. Perform a search for the patient profiles you want to compare, as described in Searching for Patient Profiles.

    Note - If you know the EUIDs of the patient profiles to compare, use the Comparison Lookup to retrieve those profiles.

  2. On the search results list, select the check boxes to the left of the two patient profiles you want to compare.

    Figure 28 Selecting Two Profiles to Compare

    image:Figure shows search results with two profiles selected for a comparison.
  3. In the first cell of the results table, click Compare Records.

    The Comparison page appears with SBR information displayed with any differences between the two profiles highlighted.

  4. To view and compare different types of information, select the type of information you want to view from the EUID trees on both sides of the page (for more information, review the instructions and field descriptions under Viewing Patient Profiles).

    Note - If you select different types of information from the two sides, differences are not highlighted (for example, if you view SBR address data on one side and system record address data on the other side; or if you view SBR address data on one side and SBR phone data on the other).

  5. To merge patient information, do either of the following:

Comparing Records in one Patient Profile

To compare different components of one patient profile, you must perform a search for that profile and then select it from the results list. The Comparison page contains an EUID tree on each side of the page, both containing the most current version of the profile you are comparing.

Figure 29 Comparison Page - One Patient Profile

image:Figure shows one profile with different components displayed on the Comparison page.

To Compare Records in one Patient Profile

  1. Perform a search for the patient profile you want to view, as described in Searching for Patient Profiles.
  2. On the search results list, select the check box to the left of the patient profile you want to compare.

    Figure 30 Selecting one Profile to Compare

    image:Figure shows one record selected in a search results list.
  3. In the first cell of the results table, click Compare Records.

    The Comparison page appears with SBR information displayed.

  4. To view and compare different types of information, select the type of information you want to view from the EUID trees on both sides of the page (for more information, review the instructions and field descriptions under Viewing Patient Profiles).

    Note - If you select different types of information from the two sides, differences are not highlighted (for example, if you view SBR address data on one side and system record address data on the other side; or if you view SBR address data on one side and SBR phone data on the other). However, if you view two different types of addresses the differences are highlighted.

  5. To merge two system records in the displayed patient profile, see Merging System Records on the Patient EDM.