The following list describes key terms and concepts for Knowledge Manager.


You can use audiences to specify which users can view solutions and their content.

Disabled Solution

A disabled solution has been taken out of circulation in the knowledge base. It is flagged disabled and is no longer returned on searches, but it is not deleted from the knowledge base. You can disable solutions when they become irrelevant or obsolete.

When View Disabled Solutions access right has been set to Granted, the following occurs:

When View Disabled Solutions access right is set to Denied, the following occurs:


In Knowledge Manager, documents consist of solutions or files. Solutions (see below) are structured content, with statement fields and properties conforming to predefined configurations. Each configuration of statement field and properties is called a solution class (see below). Files are unstructured content, with no statement fields, and can consist of PDF, HTML, plain text, or other types of files.

Documents can be linked with tickets (see below) so that they can be sent out as part of a response.

E-mail Template

An e-mail template provides a basis from which agents can create e-mail responses to customers or other agents.

Linking Documents

Linking a document associates it with a ticket so that it can be included as part of a response.

Owning Group

An owning group is a set of Knowledge Manager users with a similar business purpose. Owning groups are used to control security on creating, modifying, and viewing solutions.

Proposed Solution

Proposed solutions are created by agents who do not have full authoring rights. Proposed solutions are created in the Contribute Panel, but proceed through a different workflow than new solutions created by someone with authoring rights.


Solutions are answers, suggestions, workarounds, or responses to queries, incidents, or problems. Solutions are structured content defined by solution classes. Solutions are indexed by Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search so that you can find them easily and browse them in the topic tree. You can also publish solutions from Knowledge Manager to Self Service.

Solution Class

A solution class defines the type of content for a set of solutions in the knowledge base. Solution classes contain different statement fields and properties as defined by your application administrator. See Solution Classes for more information.

Solution Content and Solution Properties

Solution content includes all of the statement fields associated with a solution. For example, a solution of class Break-Fix includes Goal, Symptom, and Fix statement fields. Solution content appears in the Solution Document pane when viewing a solution in the Research tab, and is generally published to Self Service (although each statement field has its own security settings). All other solution attributes are known as solution properties; they are not published externally, but they do appear in the Solution Properties pane of the Research tab. For example, a solution’s Version, Topics, and Owning Group attributes are considered properties.

Statement Field

Statement fields are used to enter content (text, HTML, links, tables, etc) into a solution. Each statement may contain numerous statement fields. Statement fields are considered part of the solution content.


Suggesting a change to a solution allows an agent to make a quick suggestion for an edit on a solution, without having to do a full proposal. Suggested changes are submitted via a Task Note in the Research tab and follow the Suggest Change workflow.

Task Notes

Task notes provide a way for you to enter information related to the solution-related task you are performing. A task note can be added when reassigning a task or when submitting a task through a workflow. Task notes are recorded in the Solution History.


Each ticket represents a customer issue. Tickets are also sometimes referred to as cases, issues, or incidents. See the ATG Ticketing User Guide for more information.


Topics are used to categorize content within the knowledge base. Topics are defined by your Oracle ATG Web Commerce Search administrator based on your organizational and customer business needs. Topics are structured in a hierarchical Topic Tree.

Topic Tree

A topic tree is a hierarchical organization of all topics in the Knowledge base. Topic trees are used to facilitate browsing in Knowledge Manager of all documents and to help you find solutions. The same topic tree is used on Self Service to help end users on external sites browse content


A workflow defines the status of an Knowledge Manager solution, such as whether a solution is in draft, needs review, or is published. Workflows contain two or more states and are controlled by your application administrator. In Knowledge Manager, workflow steps appear in the Next Steps panel of each tab.

Everyone Internal

A segment that specifies the broadest group of internal users, meaning no restrictions based on role. Knowledge Manager uses this segment for the statement-level security settings.

Everyone External

A segment that specifies the broadest group of external users. Everyone “Self Service” refers to end customers who can access an Self Service site. Knowledge Manager uses this segment for the statement-level security setting.

Similar Content

Similar content may contain solutions or any other type of unstructured content. This is essentially what happens when an agent searches in the Find tab. When searching for similar content, the search is performed by concatenating the statements together. Agents may search for Similar Content when creating a new solution to see what already exists.

Duplicate Solution

A Duplicate Solution is a solution which is closely matches another solution. The structured query search is performed to try to find similar statements rather than the best answer (as when searching for similar content). Agents with authoring rights may search for Duplicate Solutions using the Research screen while working in the Solution Authoring Panel.

Unstructured Content

Refers to content not authored within the Knowledge Manager. Examples include Word documents or PDF files.

Working Revision

Adding a task to a specific version of a solution creates a working revision of the original solution. Working revisions are added to the review / editing workflow.

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