Knowledge Manager solutions may contain links to related resources such as other solutions or Web pages. Knowledge Manager checks these links to make sure the resources remain available.

If a linked resource is unavailable, the solution that contains the link will appear in the link validation report in Service Center. You can open a solution for editing from the link validation report. Service Center will list each broken link at the top of the solution when it opens in the Contribute page. See Link Validation Report, Repairing Broken Links, and Link Validation Information in the Contribute Page.

Knowledge Manager checks the links in all of your solutions one time each day by default. You can configure how often it will check the links. See information about configuring the link validation function in the ATG Search Installation and Configuration Guide.

Link Validation Information in the Contribute Page

When you open a solution that contains a broken link, Service Center will list the broken links in the Contribute page. See the message that lists the links below.

Link Validation Report

The link validation report lists each broken link it finds along with information about the solution that contains it. To open the link validation report, choose the Link Validation page from the Task page in Service Center.

The View and Broken In dropdown menus will filter the link validation report. Use the View drop down to show only links to other solutions or only links to Web resources. Use the Broken In drop down to show only links in externally available solutions or solutions only available to internal agents.

The link validation report is shown in the figure below. See explanations of the report controls and contents in the tables that follow it.

The following table explains the controls at the top of the link validation report.

Report Control



Use the View control to limit the broken links based on the type of resource they are intended to link to. Show only links to external Web resources or only links to other solutions in Knowledge Manager. Both types of links are shown by default.

Broken In

Use the Broken In control to limit the broken links based on whether they are published externally or only internally. Show only broken links in solutions that are available in Self Service (External) or only links in solutions that are available in Service Center but not in Self Service (Internal).

Broken Links

Displays the total number of broken links in the report.

Report Generated

Displays the date and time that Knowledge Manager checked the links in your solutions and compiled the current report.

Remove from List

The Remove from List button will remove broken links from the current report. This function will only remove the links that you have selected from the report. Check the checkbox in the row for a link to remove it.

Removing a broken list from the report affects only the current report. It does not remove or alter the solution itself. If the link is still broken when Knowledge Manager generates the report again, it will return to the list.

The following table explains the columns in the link validation report.

Report Column



Displays the title of the solution that contains a broken link.

Broken Link

Displays the solution or Web resource that the broken link is attempting to access.

Broken In

Indicates whether the solution that contains the broken link is published externally or not.

Internal/External indicates that the solution is available externally in Self Service.

Internal indicates that the solution is only available in Service Center.

Broken Since

Displays the date on which the broken link was first found by the link validation function.


Click this link to open the solution in the Contribute page. See Repairing Broken Links.


Check this box to remove a broken link from the report. After you check the box, click the Remove from List button at the top of the report.

Removing a broken list from the report affects only the current report. It does not remove or alter the solution itself. If the link is still broken when Knowledge Manager generates the report again, it will return to the list.

Repairing Broken Links

To open and repair a broken link:

  1. Find the broken link in the link validation report. Use the filtering controls if needed. See Link Validation Report.

  2. Click the edit link in the row for that link.

  3. Correct the broken link when the solution is open in the Contribute page.

  4. Save and submit the revised solution for review.

Note: the link validation function of Knowledge Manager only checks solutions that are deployed. If the link validation function runs before your revised solution is deployed, the solution will appear in the link validation report again.

Removing Broken Links from the Report

You can remove individual broken links from the link validation report. Removing a broken list from the report affects only the current report. It does not remove or alter the solution itself. If the link is still broken when Knowledge Manager generates the report again, it will return to the list.

To remove a broken link from the link validation report.

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