By default, when you click the Tasks page, the Solution Queue displays the list of tasks sorted by task creation date, in ascending order (the oldest task at the top of the list). To sort the list in ascending order by any of the Solution Queue columns, click the column heading. To sort in descending order, click the heading again. Service Center saves the sort settings and sorts the list the same way the next time you navigate to the Tasks page. Columns you can sort include ID, Status, Group, Assigned User, and Date.

You can also filter the list to display only solution working revisions that meet criteria that you select. To filter the list, select filter options from the filter drop-down lists, and then click the Filter button. The Solutions Queue is updated to reflect filter selections.

Tip: In addition to selecting an option from the Filter drop-down lists, you can use the auto complete feature to let Service Center suggest options. Type the first few letters of the option. As you type, the Service Center displays a list of suggestions that match what you have typed so far. Click the suggestion you want to select.

You can filter the Solutions Queue by:

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