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Administering Resource Management in Oracle® Solaris 11.4

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Updated: February 2021

Reporting Statistics for Pool-Related Resources

The poolstat command is used to display statistics for pool-related resources. See Monitoring the Pools Facility and Resource Utilization and the poolstat (8) man page for more information.

The following subsections use examples to illustrate how to produce reports for specific purposes.

Displaying Default poolstat Output

Typing poolstat without arguments outputs a header line and a line of information for each pool. The information line shows the pool ID, the name of the pool, and resource statistics for the processor set attached to the pool.

machine% poolstat
       id pool           size used load
        0 pool_default      4  3.6  6.2
        1 pool_sales        4  3.3  8.4

Producing Multiple Reports at Specific Intervals

The following command produces three reports at 5-second sampling intervals.

machine% poolstat 5 3
 id pool                 size used load
 46 pool_sales              2  1.2  8.3
  0 pool_default            2  0.4  5.2
 id pool                 size used load
 46 pool_sales              2  1.4  8.4
  0 pool_default            2  1.9  2.0
 id pool                 size used load
 46 pool_sales              2  1.1  8.0
  0 pool_default            2  0.3  5.0  

Reporting Resource Set Statistics

The following example uses the poolstat command with the –r option to report statistics for the processor set resource set. Note that the resource set pset_default is attached to more than one pool, so this processor set is listed once for each pool membership.

machine% poolstat -r pset
      id pool          type rid rset          min  max size used load
       0 pool_default  pset  -1 pset_default    1  65K    2  1.2  8.3
       6 pool_sales    pset   1 pset_sales      1  65K    2  1.2  8.3
       2 pool_other    pset  -1 pset_default    1  10K    2  0.4  5.2