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Administering Resource Management in Oracle® Solaris 11.4

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Updated: February 2021

Enabling and Disabling the Pools Facility

You can enable and disable the resource pools and dynamic resource pools services on your system by using the svcadm command described in the svcadm(8) man page. The dynamic resource pools services are dependent on the resource pools service being enabled.

    You can also use the pooladm command described in the pooladm(8) man page to perform the following tasks:

  • Enable the pools facility so that pools can be manipulated

  • Disable the pools facility so that pools cannot be manipulated

Note -  When a system is upgraded, if the resource pools framework is enabled and an /etc/pooladm.conf file exists, the pools service is enabled and the configuration contained in the file is applied to the system.

How to Enable and Disable the Resource Pools Services

  1. Become an administrator who is assigned the Service Configuration rights profile.

    The root role has all service configuration rights. For more information, see Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.4.

  2. Enable the resource pools service.
    $ svcadm enable system/pools:default
  3. Enable the dynamic resource pools (DRP) service.

    Perform Step 2 before performing this step.

    $ svcadm enable system/pools/dynamic:default
  4. (Optional) Disable the resource pools services.

    To stop the dynamic pools service only, run the following command.

    $ svcadm disable system/pools/dynamic:default

    To stop all resource pools services, run the preceding and the following command.

    $ svcadm disable system/pools:default
Example 7  Effect on Dynamic Resource Pools When the Resource Pools Service Is Disabled

In this example, both resource pool services are online.

  1. The administrator disables the resource pools service:

    $ svcadm disable svc:/system/pools:default 

    The DRP service eventually moves to offline because the resource pools service has been disabled:

    $ svcs "*pool*"
    STATE          STIME    FMRI
    disabled       2017     svc:/system/pools:default
    offline        2017     svc:/system/pools/dynamic:default
  2. The administrator determines why the DRP service is offline.

    $ svcs -x "*pool*"
    svc:/system/pools:default (resource pools framework)
     State: disabled since Sun Feb 04 02:36:15 2017
    Reason: Disabled by an administrator.
       See: http://support.oracle.com/msg/SMF-8000-05
       See: libpool(3LIB)
       See: pooladm(8)
       See: poolbind(8)
       See: poolcfg(8)
       See: poolstat(8)
    Impact: 1 dependent service is not running.  (Use -v for list.)
    svc:/system/pools/dynamic:default (dynamic resource pools)
     State: offline since Sun Feb 04 02:36:15 2017
    Reason: Service svc:/system/pools:default is disabled.
       See: http://support.oracle.com/msg/SMF-8000-GE
       See: poold(8)
       See: /var/svc/log/system-pools-dynamic:default.log
    Impact: This service is not running.

    Resource pools must be online for DRP to be online.

  3. So the administrator enables the resource pools service.

    $ svcadm enable system/pools:default

    After the resource pools service is re-enabled, the dynamic resource pools are again online:

    $ svcs "*pool*"
    STATE          STIME    FMRI
    online         2017     svc:/system/pools:default
    online         2017     svc:/system/pools/dynamic:default