The following is an example of the dynamoMessagingSystem.xml file mentioned in Step 5 of Adding Custom Alert Messages to Gears above. By creating /atg/dynamo/messaging/dynamoMessagingSystem.xml and placing it in the gear’s CONFIGPATH, it will be parsed by the ATG PatchBay feature. This makes the message available to the Scenario module, so that you can configure scenarios based on the new alert messages.

The jms-type value is the type of the message, i.e. the “message type” string passed to the GearMessage constructor. The message-class value is the name of the Java class that implements the message. (As noted previously, in this example the two are the same, but that need not be the case.) The display-name is how the message event will appear in the Scenario module.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


  <!--DSS message registry definitions -->

        <display-name>Document Created</display-name>
        Generated after DocumentFormHandler gear creates a new document



For more information about configuring and using the ATG Message System, see the ATG Message System chapter in the Platform Programming Guide.

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