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Sun Flash Accelerator F80 PCIe Card User's Guide

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Updated: December 2013

Extract SMART Logs Command

Note - Do not use this command unless directed by service personnel.

The -getsmartlog command extracts SMART logs for the selected Sun Flash Accelerator F80 PCIe Card. Use the -getsmartlog command when requested to assist Oracle support in debugging and resolution. This command extracts two specific files for each single card or all cards in the server if the -slot option is not used. The following files are extracted:

  • SSDEventLog<_slot_cage_location_configid_serialnumber_timestamp>.bin

  • SystemEventLog<_slot_cage_location_configid_serialnumber_timestamp>.bin

Text Menu Interface Usage: The following top-level menu lists the cards in the system and prompts you to select a card on which to perform an operation. Four Sun Flash Accelerator F80 PCIe Cards are shown in the following example:

# ddcli
   LSI Corporation WarpDrive Management Utility
   Version (2013.07.12)
   Copyright (c) 2013 LSI Corporation. All Rights Reserved.

ID    WarpDrive     Package Version    PCI Address
--    ---------     ---------------    -----------
1     ELP-4x200-4d-n        00:02:00:00
2     ELP-4x200-4d-n        00:03:00:00
3     ELP-4x200-4d-n        00:04:00:00
4     ELP-4x200-4d-n        00:05:00:00

Select the WarpDrive [1-4 or 0:Quit]: 1

1.    List WarpDrive Information
2.    Update Flash Package
3.    Display WarpDrive Health
4.    Locate WarpDrive
5.    Format WarpDrive
6.    Show Vital Product Data
7.    Extract SMART Logs

Select Operation [1-7 or 0:Quit]: 7

Get Log for single or all SSDs[ Enter 1:All or 0:Single]: 1
Enter Log File Path: /root
Successfully collected SSD Event Logs for Cage = 01 Location = Upper
Successfully collected System Event Logs for Cage = 01 Location = Upper
Successfully collected SSD Event Logs for Cage = 01 Location = Lower
Successfully collected System Event Logs for Cage = 01 Location = Lower
Successfully collected SSD Event Logs for Cage = 02 Location = Upper
Successfully collected System Event Logs for Cage = 02 Location = Upper
Successfully collected SSD Event Logs for Cage = 02 Location = Lower
Successfully collected System Event Logs for Cage = 02 Location = Lower

1.    List WarpDrive Information
2.    Update Flash Package
3.    Display WarpDrive Health
4.    Locate WarpDrive
5.    Format WarpDrive
6.    Show Vital Product Data
7.    Extract SMART Logs

Select Operation [1-7 or 0:Quit]: 7

Command Line Interface Usage: Enter the following line of text in the CLI to run the -getsmartlog command: ddcli -c 1 -getsmartlog -slot 2 -path /root.

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