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Managing Consolidation Processing

This section provides an overview of the Consolidation Manager and discusses how to manage consolidation processing.

Pages Used to Manage Consolidation Processing

Page Name

Definition Name



Consolidation Manager


select Global Consolidations, then select Process Consolidations, then select Consolidation Manager

Monitor and review the status of the processes used in PeopleSoft Global Consolidations.

Consolidation Manager Search


Click the Change View Parameters link on the Consolidation Manager page.

Specify which data to view on the Consolidation Manager page.

Journal Summary


Click the Journal Entry Status value on the Consolidation Manager page.

View a summary of any journal activity against the consolidation model for that period.

Proforma Summary


Click the Proforma Run Status value on the Consolidation Manager page.

View the status of proforma runs for the consolidation model.

Status Detail - Journal Flows


From the Consolidation Manager page, click a status link in the Journal Flows column.

View status information about the journal flow data for ledger business units.

Flow Status Detail for journal flows


From the Status Detail - Journal Flows page, click a link in the Flow Status column.

View detailed information about the journal flow data, and which flow templates it came from.

Understanding the Consolidation Manager

From the Consolidation Manager page, you can initiate and view the status of each stage of consolidation for each node of the consolidation tree including:

  • Eliminations.

  • Equitizations.

  • Non-controlling interest.

  • Period locking.

  • Journal flows (if flow processing is enabled).

You can also view the proforma run status, the journal entry status, and the pending flow journal status from this page, and perform several inquiries:

Consolidation Manager Page

Use the Consolidation Manager page (GC_CONS_MGR) to monitor and review the status of the processes used in PeopleSoft Global Consolidations.

Image: Consolidation Manager page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Consolidation Manager page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Consolidation Manager pageConsolidation Manager page

This page shows the status of proforma runs, the status of journals that require flow processing, and the status of journal entries for the consolidation model for this period.

Within the grid, you can monitor the status of each phase of consolidation processing for each consolidation node within the selected tree node. The phases include:

Click the text message for more information, or click a link to access the corresponding page.

You can also access the following links on this page:

Journal Summary Page

Use the Journal Summary page (GC_JRNL_SUMM) to view a summary of any journal activity against the consolidation model for that period.

Image: Journal Summary page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Journal Summary page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Journal Summary page

This page lists the status of both system-generated journals and manual journals. Any batches for manual journals that were held from posting appear with the Hold check box selected by the system.

You can select the following links from this page:

Proforma Summary Page

Use the Proforma Summary page (GC_PROFORM_STAT) to view the status of proforma runs for the consolidation model.

This page lists the output journals (and their associated reversal journals, if any) generated for the pro forma run, the overall process status, and the status of the equitization, elimination, non-controlling interest, and close process phases of processing. The page also lists the source input journals for each output journal.

Click a status text message to view the status details for the corresponding phase.

You can select the following links from this page:

Status Detail - Journal Flows Page

Use the Status Detail - Journal Flows page (GC_PRCS_ENG_MSG) to view status information about the journal flow data for ledger business units.

Image: Status Details - Journal Flows page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Status Details - Journal Flows page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Status Details - Journal Flows page

The Status Details - Journal Flows page displays the following links:

Flow Status Detail For Journal Flows Page

Use the Flow Status Detail for journal flows page (GC_CONS_FLSTAT) to view detailed information about the journal flow data, and which flow templates it came from.

Image: Flow Status Details page for journal flows

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Flow Status Details page for journal flows. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Flow Status Details page for journal flows

The Flow Status Details page for journal flows displays the following fields: