To configure the Motorprise site so that customers receive e-mails from Motorprise, you must set the e-mail host to a valid server and enable several scenarios.

First, specify the e-mail server:

Second, enable the scenarios that send e-mail when an order is fulfilled and delivered.

Note: If your mail server checks to see if sender e-mail addresses are valid, you must change the sender mail address in all e-mail templates, which are located at <ATG11dir>/MotorpriseJSP/j2ee-apps/Motorprise/web-app/en/email and <ATG11dir>/MotorpriseJSP/j2ee-apps/Motorprise/web-app/de/email.

If you want to receive and read the messages sent by Motorprise, you should also change the e-mail addresses in the user profiles to use real e-mail addresses instead of <user>

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