We used the B2BRepositoryFormHandler to provide functionality in the Motorprise Company Admin. After administrators have logged in and selected a business unit, they can manage the following within that business unit:



Shipping Addresses

Create new ones.

Edit or delete existing ones.

Default Shipping Address

Select a default shipping address from the list of existing shipping addresses.

Billing Addresses

Create new ones.

Edit or delete existing ones.

Default Billing Address

Select a default billing address from the list of existing billing addresses.

Credit Cards

Create new ones.
Edit or delete existing ones.

Cost Centers

Create new ones.

Edit or delete existing ones.


Make them required or not.
Change the purchase limit.

Payment Methods

Authorize or restrict the use of invoices and credit cards.

For example, the following code, from shipping_address_create.jsp, creates a new shipping address and adds that shipping address to the organization to which the admin belongs. This code is explained below sequentially.

In the example, a new repository item of type contactInfo is created and is assigned to the shippingAddrs property of the repository item whose type is organization and whose repository ID is Profile.currentOrganization.repositoryid.

address1 is a contactInfo property and can be accessed using the value dictionary of the B2BRepositoryFormHandler. It is also a part of the requiredFields property.

We use the updateItemDescriptorName property to set the name of the item type to which we are adding the newly created shipping address. In this case , it is organization.

<%--  main content area --%>
<td valign="top" width=745>
<dsp:include page="../common/FormError.jsp" flush="true"></dsp:include>
  <dsp:form action="shipping_edit.jsp" method="post">
    <dsp:input bean="B2BRepositoryFormHandler.itemDescriptorName" type="hidden"
    <dsp:input bean="B2BRepositoryFormHandler.updateItemDescriptorName"
      type="hidden" value="organization"/>

We use the updateRepositoryId property to set the repository ID of the item to which the new address is being added. In the example below, this is the repository ID of the parent organization, Profile.currentOrganization.repositoryid.

updatePropertyName determines the property of the parent organization to which the newly created shipping address is to be added. In this example, it is set to shippingAddrs, which is the parent organization’s list property that contains a list of shipping addresses.

    <dsp:input bean="B2BRepositoryFormHandler.updateRepositoryId"
      beanvalue="Profile.currentOrganization.repositoryid" type="hidden"/>
    <dsp:input bean="B2BRepositoryFormHandler.updatePropertyName" type="hidden"

If one or more fields in the form must be a non-null value, we set RequiredFields so that the user is always forced to enter a value before submitting the form.

If the property being modified is a map instead of a list, as in this case with shippingAddrs, then a key must be provided for the new map entry. This is specified by the updateKey property.

    <dsp:input bean="B2BRepositoryFormHandler.requireIdOnCreate" type="hidden"
    <dsp:input bean="B2BRepositoryFormHandler.requiredFields" name="hiddenFields"
      type="hidden" value="COMPANYNAME"/>
    <dsp:input bean="B2BRepositoryFormHandler.requiredFields" name="hiddenFields"
      type="hidden" value="ADDRESS1"/>
    <dsp:input bean="B2BRepositoryFormHandler.requiredFields" name="hiddenFields"
      type="hidden" value="CITY"/>
    <dsp:input bean="B2BRepositoryFormHandler.requiredFields" name="hiddenFields"
      type="hidden" value="POSTALCODE"/>
    <dsp:input bean="B2BRepositoryFormHandler.createErrorURL" type="hidden"
    <dsp:input bean="B2BRepositoryFormHandler.createSuccessURL" type="hidden"

   <table border=0 cellpadding=4 width=80%>
       <td colspan=2><dsp:img src="../images/d.gif" vspace="0"/></td>
       <td colspan=2 valign="top"><span class=big>Company Administration</span>
         <br><span class=little><dsp:valueof
         bean="Profile.currentOrganization.name" /></span></td>
       <td colspan=2><dsp:img src="../images/d.gif" vspace="0"/></td>

        <td colspan=2 valign="top">
          <table width=100% cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0 border=0>
              <td class=box-top>&nbsp;Create Shipping Address</td>
    <td colspan=2><span class=small>The nickname field is used to identify this
      address when you don't have access to the full address. It should be unique
      from all other shipping address nicknames. It can be the same as the company

        <td colspan=2><dsp:img src="../images/d.gif" vspace="0"/></td>
        <td align=right><span class=smallb>Nickname</span></td>
        <td width=75%><dsp:input bean="B2BRepositoryFormHandler.updateKey"

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