The SOAP service has a particular method call invoked on it to handle the payload of a SOAP message. In Motorprise, we wanted a service that would print an XML document to the Dynamo console. We created a class that prints a given XML document: atg.projects.b2bstore.soap.DOMWriterService. We then created an instance of this class, /atg/projects/b2bstore/soap/DOMWriterService, with the following properties:


The /atg/projects/b2bstore/soap/DOMWriterService class has a method called doStartService that registers the SOAP service with the SOAP server. When the DOMWriterService component starts up, the doStartService method determines the SOAP server through the DOMWriterService component’s configured property RPCRouterServlet. The doStartService method registers the SOAP service with the SOAP server so that the server knows to route requests for service urn:motorprise-display-xml with a method call of receiveDocument to the SOAP service registered at /atg/projects/b2bstore/soap/DOMWriterService.

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