When a user visits the Motorprise home page, certain products from her preferred vendors are displayed in the Preferred Vendor Specials section.

When a buying organization is set up by Motorprise, the customer indicates from which vendors or suppliers the company prefers to buy. This is entered in the organizational profile and so for each buyer that enters the site Motorprise can identify that company’s preferred vendors. This allows Motorprise to promote products they know will more likely interest the buyers based on the vendor. These products are shown to the buyer on the home page.

When a buyer visits the home page, either in English or German, we first remove any items that may be in the slot. This is in case a user was browsing the site anonymously before logging in and so might have the default products that are shown to anonymous users in the slot rather than those we intend them to see. Then we check the preferred vendor property and for each vendor show the products we want to promote. At the end of the vendor branches we have an Otherwise branch that shows a default list of products to anonymous users and any users whose parent organization don’t have a preferred vendor defined.

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