In Motorprise, when a user checks out and requests an invoice, she can specify either a PO number or a requisition number. If she chooses the latter, a PO number is specified later when the order is approved. In Motorprise, orders using requisition numbers automatically require approval unless the requireApproval property in the user’s profile is set to false. You can set different approval conditions depending on your business model.

In the B2B commerce platform, the buyer must always specify a purchase order number when paying by invoice (even if they are using a requisition number). The Motorprise store overrides this behavior and lets the buyer specify a purchase order number, a requisition number, or both. If the buyer does not specify a purchase order number when creating the order, the approver must specify one when approving the order.

Another pipeline processor was added to the checkRequiresApproval chain in the approval pipeline manager. It iterates over all payment groups in the order, looking for requisition numbers. If it finds one, it adds an error to the pipeline result object to indicate to the approval system that approval is required.

When an approver receives an order with a requisition number but no purchase order number, he is prompted to provide the P.O. number on user/add_po_number.jsp.

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