Motorprise allows buying organizations to administer their user and organizational profiles through a Company Admin JSP interface. This feature allows the buying organization to manage their own organizational information and roles through a Web browser, rather than relying on the supplying organization (in this case, Motorprise).

Because Mary is an administrator, she has access to a Company Admin area when she is logged into the Motorprise site. Click on the Company Admin section.

Listed on this page are all the business units for which Mary has administrator privileges. Because she is an admin at the corporate level, US Motor Works, Inc., she has access to the entire US division, and the groups that fall within its hierarchy. She can also create a new business unit from this page.

Select a business unit (for example, US Motor Works – Wholesale) from the list of business units.

Once she has selected a business unit, Mary can create and edit user profiles, and associate users with certain roles. She can also edit and add multiple user profiles at the same time. Admins can also edit business unit information such as addresses, payment methods, cost centers, and purchase limits.

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