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Managing Network Datalinks in Oracle® Solaris 11.3

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Updated: December 2017

Modifying VLANs

    You can modify a VLAN by using the dladm modify-vlan command in the following ways:

  • Change the VLAN ID of a VLAN

  • Migrate a VLAN to another underlying link

Modifying the VLAN ID of a VLAN

    To change the VLAN ID of a VLAN, use one of the following commands:

  • dladm modify-vlan -v vid –L datalink

    Where vid specifies the new VLAN ID that you are assigning to the VLAN and datalink refers to the underlying link over which the VLAN is configured.

    Note -  You can use the dladm modify-vlan -v vid –L datalink command syntax only if a single VLAN exists on the datalink. The command fails if you use it on a datalink that has multiple configured VLANs because each VLAN on a datalink must have unique VLAN IDs.

    If you modify the VLAN ID on the link, you must also configure the switch port for the new VLAN ID.

  • dladm modify-vlan -v vid vlan

    Use this command to change the unique VLAN IDs of multiple VLANs over a single datalink. Each VLAN on the datalink has a unique VLAN ID so you must change the VLAN IDs one at a time. In the setup shown in VLANs With Zones, you would change the VLAN IDs of web1, auth1, and app1 that are configured over net0 as follows:

    # dladm modify-vlan -v 123 web1
    # dladm modify-vlan -v 456 app1
    # dladm modify-vlan -v 789 auth1

Migrating a VLAN to Another Underlying Link

You can migrate a VLAN from one underlying datalink to another underlying datalink without deleting and reconfiguring the VLAN. The underlying link can be a physical link, a link aggregation, or an etherstub. For more information about etherstubs, see Network Virtualization Components in Managing Network Virtualization and Network Resources in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

To successfully migrate a VLAN, the underlying datalink to which the VLAN is moved must be able to accommodate the datalink properties of the VLAN. If those properties are not supported, then migration fails and the user is notified. After a successful migration, all the applications that use the VLAN continue to operate normally provided that the VLAN remains connected to the network.

Certain hardware-dependent properties might change after a VLAN migration. For example, a VLAN always shares the same MAC address as its underlying datalink. Therefore, when you migrate a VLAN, the VLAN's MAC address changes to the primary MAC address of the target datalink. Other properties that might be affected are the datalink state, link speed, and MTU size. However, applications continue to operate without interruption.

Note -  A migrated VLAN does not retain any of its hardware lane statistics from the original datalink. Available hardware lanes for the VLAN on the target datalink become the new source of statistics information. However, software statistics that are displayed by default by the dlstat command are preserved.

You can perform a VLAN migration either globally or selectively.

Global Migration

Global migration is used to migrate all of the VLANs that are configured over one datalink to another datalink. To perform a global migration, you need to specify only the source and target datalinks. The following example shows how to move all of the VLANs on ether0 to net1.

# dladm modify-vlan -l net1 -L ether0

Refers to the target datalink to which the VLANs are migrated.


Refers to the original datalink over which the VLANs are configured.

Note -  You must specify the target datalink before the source datalink.

Selective Migration

Selective migration is used to migrate only selected VLANs. To perform selective VLAN migration, you specify the VLANs that you want to move. In the following example, which is based on VLANs With Zones, VLANs are moved from net0 to net3.

# dladm modify-vlan -l net3 web1,auth1,app1

Note -  When migrating VLANs selectively, do not include the –L option, which applies only to global migration.

You can change the VLAN IDs of VLANs while performing a migration. Using VLANs With Zones as the basis, the following example shows how you would migrate multiple VLANs and change their VLAN IDs at the same time.

# dladm show-vlan
web1    111    --       --         -----    net0
auth1   112    --       --         -----    net0
app1    113    --       --         -----    net0

# dladm modify-vlan -l net3 -v 123 web1
# dladm modify-vlan -l net3 -v 456 auth1
# dladm modify-vlan -l net3 -v 789 app1
# dladm show-vlan
web1    123    --       --         -----    net3
auth1   456    --       --         -----    net3
app1    789    --       --         -----    net3

Note -  A parallel command, dladm modify-vnic, migrates VNICs that are configured as VLANs. You must use the correct subcommand depending on whether you are migrating VLANs or VNICs that are configured as VLANs. Use the modify-vlan subcommand on VLANs that are displayed by the dladm show-vlan command. Use the modify-vnic subcommand on VNICs, including those with VLAN IDs, that are displayed in the output of the dladm show-vnic command. For information about how to modify VNICs, see Modifying the VLAN IDs of VNICs in Managing Network Virtualization and Network Resources in Oracle Solaris 11.3.
Example 20  Modifying the VLAN ID of VLAN VNICs Assigned to Zones

You can modify the VLAN ID of a VLAN VNIC when you need to move one VLAN to another. For example, if any department that shared a VLAN with another department needs to move to its own newly configured VLAN, the VLAN ID of the VLAN VNICs need to be modified. The following example shows how to modify VLAN IDs of VLAN VNICs assigned to zones. This example assumes that the zones are already configured in the system:

  1. Create the VLAN VNICs over a specific link after checking for the availability of the links.

    usr@solaris# dladm show-link
    LINK     CLASS     MTU     STATE     OVER
    net3     phys      1500    up        --       
    net4     phys      1500    up        --     
    net5     phys      1500    up        --      
    usr@solaris# dladm create-vnic -v 121 -l net3 vnic1
    usr@solaris# dladm create-vnic -v 122 -l net3 vnic2
    usr@solaris# dladm create-vnic -v 123 -l net3 vnic3
    usr@solaris# dladm show-vnic
    vnic1     net3    1000    2:8:20:35:b:9a     random        VID:121
    vnic2     net3    1000    2:8:20:fa:94:57    random        VID:122
    vnic3     net3    1000    2:8:20:51:1c:4a    random        VID:123

    When link information is displayed, the VLANs are included in the list.

    usr@solaris# dladm show-link
    LINK      CLASS    MTU      STATE     OVER
    net0      phys     1500     up        --
    vnic1     vnic     1500     up        net3
    vnic2     vnic     1500     up        net3
    vnic3     vnic     1500     up        net3
  2. Specify the VLAN IDs 121, 122, and 123 to Zone1, Zone2, and Zone3 respectively.

    usr@solaris# zonecfg -z Zone1
    zonecfg:Zone1> add net
    zonecfg:Zone1:net> set physical=vnic1
    zonecfg:Zone1:net> end
    zonecfg:Zone1> verify
    zonecfg:Zone1> commit
    zonecfg:Zone1> exit
    usr@solaris# zoneadm -z Zone1 apply
    usr@solaris# zonecfg -z Zone2
    zonecfg:Zone2> add net
    zonecfg:Zone2:net> set physical=vnic2
    zonecfg:Zone2:net> end
    zonecfg:Zone2> verify
    zonecfg:Zone2> commit
    zonecfg:Zone2> exit
    usr@solaris# zoneadm -z Zone2 apply
    usr@solaris# zonecfg -z Zone3
    zonecfg:Zone3> add net
    zonecfg:Zone3:net> set physical=vnic3
    zonecfg:Zone3:net> end
    zonecfg:Zone3> verify
    zonecfg:Zone3> commit
    zonecfg:Zone3> exit
    usr@solaris# zoneadm -z Zone3 apply
  3. Display the VLAN VNICs assigned to the zones.

    usr@solaris:~# dladm show-vnic
    LINK            OVER       SPEED  MACADDRESS        MACADDRTYPE    IDS
    vnic1           net3       1000   2:8:20:35:b:9a     random        VID:121
    vnic2           net3       1000   2:8:20:fa:94:57    random        VID:122
    vnic3           net3       1000   2:8:20:51:1c:4a    random        VID:123
    Zone1/vnic1     net3       1000   2:8:20:35:b:9a     random        VID:121
    Zone2/vnic2     net3       1000   2:8:20:fa:94:57    random        VID:122
    Zone3/vnic3     net3       1000   2:8:20:51:1c:4a    random        VID:123
  4. Modify the VLAN ID of the VLAN VNIC.

    usr@solaris:~# dladm modify-vnic -v 221 vnic1
    usr@solaris:~# dladm modify-vnic -v 222 vnic2
    usr@solaris:~# dladm modify-vnic -v 223 vnic3
  5. Display the modified VLAN IDs.

    usr@solaris:~# dladm show-vnic
    LINK            OVER           SPEED  MACADDRESS        MACADDRTYPE IDS
    vnic1           net3           1000   2:8:20:35:b:9a    random      VID:221
    vnic2           net3           1000   2:8:20:fa:94:57   random      VID:222
    vnic3           net3           1000   2:8:20:51:1c:4a   random      VID:223
    Zone1/vnic1     net3           1000   2:8:20:35:b:9a    random      VID:221
    Zone2/vnic2     net3           1000   2:8:20:fa:94:57   random      VID:222
    Zone3/vnic3     net3           1000   2:8:20:51:1c:4a   random      VID:223