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Managing Network Datalinks in Oracle® Solaris 11.3

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Updated: December 2017

Configuring Probe-Based Failure Detection for DLMP Aggregation

You must configure the probe-ip property for a DLMP aggregation to enable probing. Otherwise, probing is disabled by default and only link-based failure detection is used. For more information, see Probe-Based Failure Detection.

You can use the following datalink properties with the dladm set-linkprop command to configure probe-based failure detection:

  • probe-ip – Specifies a comma separated list of source IP address, target IP addresses, or source and target IP addresses. These addresses will be used for ICMP probing.

    Note -  Specifying the source and the target IP addresses is optional. If you do not specify the source and the IP target addresses, the source and the probing IP addresses are automatically selected.

    You can use + to separate the source from the target. You can specify the targets as an IP address or the host name of the target. For information about how to specify the source address and the target address, see How to Configure Probe-Based Failure Detection for DLMP.

  • probe-vlan-id – Specifies the VLAN ID to be used for both ICMP and transitive probing. Valid values are from 0 to 4094. The value 0 indicates that the transitive probes are untagged. The default value is 0.

  • probe-fdt – Specifies the failure detection time. You can configure the expected failure detection time value in seconds. The default value is 10 seconds.

How to Configure Probe-Based Failure Detection for DLMP

Before You Begin

Create a DLMP aggregation. For more information, see How to Create a Link Aggregation.

  1. Become an administrator.

    For more information, see Using Your Assigned Administrative Rights in Securing Users and Processes in Oracle Solaris 11.3.

  2. (Optional) Display all the existing aggregations to identify the aggregation for configuring probe-based failure detection.
    # dladm show-aggr
  3. Configure probing for the aggregation by either using automatically selected source and target IP address or by manual selection.
    • To use automatic selection, issue the following command:

      If you do not specify target addresses, the DLMP aggregation chooses a target IP automatically from one of the next hop routers that are on the same subnet as the source IP address.

      # dladm set-linkprop -p probe-ip=+ aggr

      If the source IP address is not specified, all the IP addresses configured on the aggregation and the VNICs are the potential source IP addresses of the ICMP probes. Only IP interfaces configured in the global zone are used as the source addresses. For example, IP addresses in any non-global zone that is using the DLMP aggregation are not used as a source address.

    • To use manual selection, issue the following command:
      # dladm set-linkprop -p probe-ip=[source[,...]]+[target[,...]] aggr

      Specifies the source IP address for probing, which is optional. You can format the source IP address in any one of the following ways:

      • probe-ip=IP-address[/prefix-length]+

        IP address and its prefix length. For example,

      • probe-ip=addr-obj-name+

        Address object name. For example, vnic1/addr1+.

      • probe-ip=interface-name+

        Interface name. The name of the aggregated interface or any VNIC that is configured over the aggregation. For example, [aggr1]. The interface must be an IP interface with a configured IP address.

      • probe-ip=hostname+

        Host name. For example, sdg1+


      Specifies the target IP address for probing, which is optional. When you specify the target IP address, it must be in any one of the following ways:

      • probe-ip=+IP-address

        For example, +

      • probe-ip=+hostname

        For example, +sdg1


      Name of the aggregation.

    Note -  It is recommended that you do not specify target IP addresses explicitly unless you have a particular address that you want to use as a target. If you do not specify target addresses, the DLMP aggregation chooses a target IP automatically from one of the next hop routers that are on the same subnet as the source IP address. For more information about how to determine or configure next hop router, see Chapter 1, Administering TCP/IP Networks in Administering TCP/IP Networks, IPMP, and IP Tunnels in Oracle Solaris 11.3.
  4. (Optional) Set the VLAN ID for the probes.
    # dladm set-linkprop -p probe-vlan-id=probe-VID aggr

    Where probe-VID is the VLAN ID to be used for both ICMP and transitive probes. The valid values of probe-VID ranges from 0 to 4094. The probe-VID value 0 indicates that the transitive probes are untagged. The default value is 0.

  5. (Optional) Set the failure detection time.
    # dladm set-linkprop -p probe-fdt=fdt aggr

    Where fdt is the failure detection time specified in seconds. The default value is 10 seconds.

  6. (Optional) Display the probe statistics.
    # dlstat show-aggr -n -P [[t],[i],[all]]

    Where –P specifies the type of the probe to display. You can specify any of the following in a comma-separated list as the probe type:

    • t – Displays the transitive probes.

    • i – Displays the ICMP probes.

    • all – Displays both the transitive and ICMP probes.

Example 6  Configuring Probe-Based Failure Detection

This example shows how you can configure probe-based failure detection by using the default automatic selection of source and probing IP addresses. To use the default automatic selection, you need to set the ip-probe property of the DLMP aggregation to +.

  1. Create a DLMP aggregation.

    # dladm create-aggr -m dlmp -l net0 -l net1 -l net2 aggr1
    # dladm show-aggr -x
    LINK       PORT           SPEED DUPLEX   STATE     ADDRESS            PORTSTATE
    aggr0      --             1000Mb full    up        8:0:27:49:10:b8    --
               net0           1000Mb full    up        8:0:27:49:10:b8    attached
               net1           1000Mb full    up        8:0:27:e4:d9:46    attached
               net2           1000Mb full    up        8:0:27:38:7a:97    attached 
  2. Create an IP interface over the aggregation.

    # ipadm create-ip aggr1
  3. Assign an IP address to the interface.

    # ipadm create-addr -a aggr1
  4. Configure probe-based failure detection.

    # dladm set-linkprop -p probe-ip=+ aggr1

    Since the source and the target IP addresses are not specified, the IP address configured on the aggregation, aggr1, becomes the source IP address of the ICMP probes.

  5. Set the VLAN ID for the probes.

    # dladm set-linkprop -p probe-vlan-id=2100 aggr1
  6. Set the failure detection time.

    # dladm set-linkprop -p probe-fdt=15 aggr1
  7. Display the properties that are set.

    # dladm show-linkprop -p probe-ip,probe-fdt aggr1
    aggr1    probe-ip         rw     +           +               --	       -- 
    aggr1    probe-fdt        rw     15          15              10       	 1-600 
  8. Display the probe statistics of the aggregation.

    # dlstat show-aggr -n -P t,i aggr1
    TIME   AGGR   PORT  LOCAL           TARGET          PROBE  NETRTT     RTT
    0.45s  aggr1  net0  net0            net1            t16148  --         --
    0.45s  aggr1  net0  net0            net1            t16148  0.63ms     0.81ms
    1.08s  aggr1  net1  net1            net0            t16148  --         --
    1.08s  aggr1  net1  net1            net0            t16148  0.72ms     0.99ms
    2.07s  aggr1  net1     i15535  --         --
    2.07s  aggr1  net1     i15535  0.18ms     0.54ms

    For information about each of the probe statistics field displayed in the output, see Example 7, Displaying Probe-Related Information.