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Managing Network Datalinks in Oracle® Solaris 11.3

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Updated: December 2017

Displaying PFC Configuration Information

This section describes commands to display information related to PFC after LLDP and DCB are configured and provides examples to show the use of these commands.

Displaying Datalink Properties

The following command displays the priority definitions and the effective PFC mappings on the datalink:

# dladm show-linkprop -p pfcmap,pfcmap-rmt datalink

On a datalink with matching PFC information between the local and remote peers, the values of the EFFECTIVE column for pfcmap and pfcmap-rmt properties are identical regardless of the value set for the pfcmap property. If the ability to synchronize is disabled on the local host, then the EFFECTIVE field for the pfcmap property reflects the value of the pfcmap property for the local host.

Example 41  Displaying PFC-Related Datalink Properties

This example shows how to display the status of physical datalink properties that are related to priority-based flow control.

# dladm show-linkprop -p pfcmap,pfcmap-rmt net0
net0   pfcmap        rw     11111111   11111111   11111111   00000000-11111111
net0   pfcmap-rmt    r-     --         --         --         --

In the example, the value field for the pfcmap property has the value of 11111111. This value indicates that the PFC mapping on the local host has the default value where all eight priorities are enabled. The EFFECTIVE values for the pfcmap and pfcmap-rmt properties are 11111111 and --. These mismatched values for the EFFECTIVE field indicate that the local host has not synchronized its PFC information with the remote peer.

You can use the lldpadm show-agenttlvprop command to verify the value of the willing property and the lldpadm show-agent -r command to check the PFC TLV information from the peer.

Displaying the Capability of the Local Host to Synchronize PFC Information

The following command displays the PFC TLV property that controls a host's capability to synchronize its PFC mapping with a peer.

# lldpadm show-agenttlvprop -a agent pfc

Where agent is identified by the datalink on which LLDP is enabled.

Example 42  Displaying the Capability of the Local Host to Synchronize PFC Information

This example shows how to display the current status of the host's ability to adjust to PFC configurations of the peer.

# lldpadm show-agenttlvprop -a net0 pfc -p willing
net0    pfc       willing    rw     off       --        on        on,off

For more information, see Setting the PFC TLV Units.

Displaying PFC Mapping Information Between Host and Peer

The PFC Pending value returns a True status if PFC information between the host and the peer does not converge. After the mismatch is resolved, the status of PFC Pending returns to False.

The following command alerts you to a mismatch of PFC mapping information between the local host and the peer.

# lldpadm show-agent -lv -o "PFC Pending" agent
# lldpadm show-agent -lv -o "PFC Pending" agent
Example 43  Verifying Symmetry of PFC Information Between Host and Peer

The following example shows how to verify in actual running time whether PFC information is synchronized between the host and peer, or whether a mismatch occurs.

# lldpadm show-agent -lv -o "PFC Pending" net0
PFC Pending: True

To display all the information that the agent advertises, use the –v (verbose) option of the lldpadm show-agent command:

# lldpadm show-agent -v net0

Displaying Priority Definitions

The following command displays PFC information on the physical link with regards to enabled priorities on the NIC:

# dladm show-phys -D pfc datalink
Example 44  Displaying CoS Priority Definitions

This example shows how to display the current priority definitions on a specific physical link based on the value of the pfcmap property. For example, assume that pfcmap is configured as 01000000. To display the corresponding priority mappings on the physical link, you would proceed as follows:

# dladm show-phys -D pfc net0
net0   0     YES   NO           net0,vnic1
       1     YES   YES          vnic2
       2     YES   NO           vnic3
       3     YES   NO           vnic4
       4     YES   NO           vnic5
       5     YES   NO           vnic6
       6     YES   NO           vnic7
       7     YES   NO           vnic8

For the physical link net0, priority is enabled for all VNIC clients configured over the datalink. However, the local host adjusts its PFC mapping to the PFC mapping on the peer, as shown by the values of the PFC_EFFECT field, where priority is disabled on COS 0 and 2-7. As a result, no PFC frames would be exchanged for traffic on any VNIC except vnic2 regardless of the availability of resources. With this configuration, packet drops are allowed on traffic that flows on all VNICs except vnic2. For traffic on vnic2, PFC PAUSE frames are sent when traffic congestion occurs to prevent packet loss on this client.