ActivateScheduleActor, Activating a Scheduled Order
ActiveCustomerProfileActor, Viewing the Current or Active Customer
ActivateScheduleActor, Internal, Activating a Scheduled Order
ActiveCustomerProfileActor, Internal, Viewing the Current or Active Customer
AddressBookActor, Internal, Working with Customer Profile Addresses
AddStoreCreditActor, Internal, Adding Store Credit
AvailablePricedShippingMethodsActor, Internal, Displaying All Available Shipping Methods
AvailableShippingMethodsActor, External, Displaying Available Shipping Methods
CancelOrderActor, External, Cancelling or Deleting an Order
CancelOrderActor, Internal, Cancelling or Deleting the Current Order
CartModifierActor, External, Working with the Shopping Cart
CartModifierActor, Internal, Working with a Customer’s Shopping Cart
ChangeCurrentCustomer, Internal, Selecting a Customer to Work On
ChangeOrderActor, Internal, Selecting an Order to Work On
ChangePasswordActor, Internal, Changing Agents Passwords
ChangeSiteActor, Internal, Selecting a Site
ClosenessQualifierActor, External, Obtaining Closeness Qualifiers
ClosenessQualifierActor, Internal, Obtaining Closeness Qualifiers
CommitOrderActor, External, Committing an Order
CommitOrderActor, Internal, Saving or Committing an Order
ConfirmLogoutActor, Internal, Confirming Log Out
ConfirmOrderActor, External, Confirming an Order
ConfirmOrderActor, Internal, Confirming a Customer’s Order
CouponActor, External, Claiming a Coupon
CouponActor, Internal, Claiming a Customer’s Coupon
CreateCreditCardActor, External, Creating a New Credit Card
CreateCreditCardActor, Internal, Working with Credit Cards Within an Order
CreateHardgoodShippingGroupActor, External, Creating a New Hardgood Shipping Group
CreateHardgoodShippingGroupActor, Internal, Creating New Hardgood Shipping Groups
CreditCardActor, Internal, Working with Credit Cards Within a Customer Profile
CSRCrossSellActor, Internal, Viewing Cross Sell Items in a Shopping Cart
CSRGiftlistActor, Internal, Working with Customer’s Gift Lists
CSRGiftlistSearchActor, Internal, Searching for a Customer’s Gift List
CSRReturnsActor, Internal, Returns and Exchange Process Overview
CSRScheduledOrderActor, Internal, Working with Scheduled Orders
CSRScheduledOrderConfirmationActor, Internal, Displaying Scheduled Order Confirmation
CSRScheduledOrderInfoActor, Internal, Displaying Scheduled Order Details
CustomerProfileActor, Internal, Working with Customer Profiles
CustomerSearchTreeQueryActor, Internal, Searching for a Customer Profile
DeactivateScheduleActor, Internal, Deactivating a Scheduled Order
DefaultLoginPageActor, Internal, Setting Default Login Page
DuplicateAndSubmitActor, Internal, Submitting a Scheduled Order
DuplicateOrderActor, Internal, Duplicating an Order
EndCallActor, Internal, Ending a Call
EnvironmentChangeActor, Internal, Working with the Current Catalog
GiftlistActor, External, Working with Gift Lists
GiftlistLookupActor, External, Viewing a Gift List
GiftlistLookupActor, Internal, Viewing a Customer’s Gift List
GiftlistSearchActor, External, Searching for a Gift List
GiftListTableActor, Internal, Viewing a List of Customer’s Gift or Wish Lists
GlobalInfoActor, Internal, Obtaining Global Session Information
IsScheduledOrderTemplateActor, Internal, Identifying a Template Order
LostPromotionsActor, External, Displaying Lost Promotions
LostPromotionsActor, Internal, Displaying Lost Promotions
ManualAdjustmentsActor, Internal, Adjusting Customer’s Orders
MessageToolsActor, Internal, Viewing Messages
ModifyOrderActor, Internal, Modifying a Submitted Order
ModifyRefundValuesActor, Internal, Modifying Refund Values
MoreCatalogsSearchActor, Internal, Searching for Catalogs with Criteria
OrderConfirmationActor, External, Sending Order Confirmation
OrderConfirmationActor, Internal, Sending a Customer Order Confirmation
OrderLookupActor, External, Looking Up an Order by Order ID or User ID
OrderNoteActor, Internal, Adding a Note to a Customer’s Current Order
OrderSearchTreeQueryActor, Internal, Searching and Clearing Searches for an Order
OriginalOrderNoteActor, Internal, Adding a Note to a Customer’s Original Order
PaymentGroupActor, External, Working with the Billing Page
PaymentGroupActor, Internal, Assisting the Customer with the Billing Page
PriceListSearchActor, Internal, Searching for a Price List
PricingActor, External, Getting Product Prices
PricingActor, Internal, Obtaining Product Prices
ProductCatalogActor, External, Working with Catalogs
ProductCatalogActor, Internal, Assisting Customers with Catalogs
ProfileActor, External, Working with Customers
PromotionsSearchActor, Internal, Searching for Promotions
PromotionWalletActor, Internal, Working with Customer’s Promotions
QuoteActor, Internal, Creating a Quote for a Customer’s Order
RespondEmailActor, Internal, Responding to Customers
RestoreDefaultAgentOptionsActor, Internal, Restoring Defaults
ReturnsActor, External, Working with Returns and Exchanges
SaveOrderActor, External, Saving an Order
ScheduledOrderLookupActor, Internal, Reviewing a Template
ScheduledOrderTableActor, Internal, Viewing a User’s List of Template Orders
SendAndCloseTicketActor, Internal, Sending Customer E-Mail and Closing Ticket
ServiceCustomerProfileActor, Internal, Viewing the Customer Order History, Viewing a Customer’s Wish List
ServiceUIProfileActor, Internal, Viewing a Customer
SessionConfirmationActor, External, Getting the Session Confirmation Number
SessionConfirmationActor, Internal, Getting the Session Confirmation Number
ShippingGroupActor, External, Working with the Shipping Page
ShippingGroupActor, Internal, Assisting the Customer with the Shipping Page
ShoppingCartActor, External, Viewing the Shopping Cart
ShoppingCartActor, Internal, Viewing a Customer’s Shopping Cart
SiteGroupsActor, Internal, Listing Available Sites
StartNewCallActor, Internal, Starting a Call
StateListActor, External, Identifying a State
StoreLocatorActor, External, Working with In-Store Pickup
StoreLocatorActor, Internal, Assisting Customers with In-Store Pickup
SubmitModifiedOrderActor, Internal, Submitting a Modified Order
TicketActor, Internal, Working with Tickets
TicketingActor, Internal, Adding a Call Note
TicketLookupActor, Internal, Looking Up a Ticket
TicketSearchActor, Internal, Searching for a Ticket
TicketStatusDescriptionActor, Internal, Reviewing a Ticket Status
UpdateCreditCardActor, External, Updating a Credit Card, Updating Credit Cards for a Returns
UpdateCreditCardActor, Internal, Updating a Credit Card in an Order, Updating a Credit Card for a Returns
UpdateHardgoodShippingGroupActor, External, Editing a Shipping Group
UpdateHardgoodShippingGroupActor, Internal, Editing a Hardgood Shipping Group
ViewAllPendingApprovalsActor, Internal, Finding Pending Approvals
ViewOrderActor, Internal, Finding an Order by Order ID
actor-chains, Architecture Overview
registering, Enabling REST Services
actors, Architecture Overview
execution order, The Depends and Depends-If-Present Element
passing params, The Droplet Element
types, Actor Types
AddressBookActor, Working with Customer Profile Addresses
AddStoreCreditActor, Adding Store Credit
Apache Axis, Accessing Web Services from Java Clients
ATGWS.dll, About Web Services in the Oracle Commerce Platform
installing, Before You Begin Using a .NET Client
Internal, Displaying All Available Shipping Methods
External, Displaying Available Shipping Methods


External, Cancelling or Deleting an Order
Internal, Cancelling or Deleting the Current Order
External, Working with the Shopping Cart
Internal, Working with a Customer’s Shopping Cart
ChangeCurrentCustomerActor, Selecting a Customer to Work On
ChangeOrderActor, Selecting an Order to Work On
ChangePasswordActor, Changing Agents Passwords
ChangeSiteActor, Selecting a Site
External, Obtaining Closeness Qualifiers
Internal, Obtaining Closeness Qualifiers
External, Committing an Order
Internal, Saving or Committing an Order
ConfirmLogoutActor, Confirming Log Out
External, Confirming an Order
Internal, Confirming a Customer’s Order
External, Claiming a Coupon
Internal, Claiming a Customer’s Coupon
External, Creating a New Credit Card
Internal, Working with Credit Cards Within an Order
External, Creating a New Hardgood Shipping Group
Internal, Creating New Hardgood Shipping Groups
CreditCardActor, Working with Credit Cards Within a Customer Profile
CSRCrossSellActor, Viewing Cross Sell Items in a Shopping Cart
CSRGiftlistActor, Working with Customer’s Gift Lists
CSRGiftlistSearchActor, Searching for a Customer’s Gift List
CSRReturnsActor, Returns and Exchange Process Overview
CSRScheduledOrderActor, Working with Scheduled Orders
CSRScheduledOrderConfirmationActor, Displaying Scheduled Order Confirmation
CSRScheduledOrderInfoActor, Displaying Scheduled Order Details
cURL, Using cURL for Examples
command components, cURL Command Components
CustomerProfileActor, Working with Customer Profiles
CustomerSearchTreeQueryActor, Searching for a Customer Profile


EndCallActor, Ending a Call
EnvironmentChangeActor, Working with the Current Catalog


bean classes, in REST MVC, Bean Filtering
defining in REST MVC, Bean Filtering
Legacy REST, Default Filtering in Legacy REST
modifying in REST MVC, Working with Filters
repository items, in REST MVC, Bean Filtering


IsScheduledOrderTemplateActor, Identifying a Template Order


External, Displaying Lost Promotions
Internal, Displaying Lost Promotions


ManualAdjustmentsActor, Adjusting Customer’s Orders
message sink, Patch Bay Configuration
MessageToolsActor, Viewing Messages
executing with Legacy REST, Nucleus Components
executing with REST MVC, The Component Element
overloaded, specifying in REST MVC, The Component Element
ModelMap, Architecture Overview, XML Definition Elements
and filtering, Bean Filtering
and hierarchy, The Actor Element, Working with Implicit Objects
and output elements, The Output Element
ModifyOrderActor, Modifying a Submitted Order
ModifyRefundValuesActor, Modifying Refund Values
MoreCatalogsSearchActor, Searching for Catalogs with Criteria


data binding Web Services, Repository to XML Data Binding
delete item, Repository Operations
filtering in REST MVC, Working with Filters
items from XML, Repository Operations
items in Legacy REST, Working with Repositories in Legacy REST
match properties, Repository Operations
modify item, Repository Operations
RespondEmailActor, Responding to Customers
REST, REST Web Services Overview
cURL examples, Using cURL for Examples
HTTP status codes, HTTP Status Codes
output, Returning Data
URLs, REST Web Services URLs
URLs, adding parameters, Functional Parameters for Oracle Commerce Platform REST Web Services
REST Legacy, HTTP Requests for Legacy REST
cURL example, Writing cURL Examples
filtering, Default Filtering in Legacy REST
framework, REST Web Services URLs, Legacy REST Web Services
HTTP requests, HTTP Requests for Legacy REST
HTTP status codes, Errors and Exceptions in Legacy REST
output, default, Choosing Output Markup
output, JSON, JSON Output
output, XML, XML Output
repositories and, Working with Repositories in Legacy REST
security, Security for Legacy REST Web Services
URLs, HTTP Requests for Legacy REST
URLs, adding parameters, Functional Parameters for Legacy REST
REST MVC, Oracle Commerce Platform REST MVC Web Services
cURL example, Writing cURL Examples
examples, external user, External REST MVC Service Call Examples
examples, internal users, Internal REST MVC Service Call Examples
executing methods, The Component Element
filtering, Bean Filtering
framework, REST Web Services URLs, The REST MVC Definition Framework
installing, Installing the REST MVC Module
registering services, Enabling REST Services
schema, XML Definition Elements
security, REST MVC Access Control
URLs, Request URLs
URLS, error and success, The Form Element
RestoreDefaultAgentOptionsActor, Restoring Defaults
ReturnsActor, Working with Returns and Exchanges


SaveOrderActor, Saving an Order
Scenario Actions, Creating JMS Web Services
Scenario Manager, Patch Bay Configuration
ScheduledOrderLookupActor, Reviewing a Template
ScheduledOrderTableActor, Viewing a User’s List of Template Orders
Legacy REST, Security for Legacy REST Web Services
REST MVC, REST MVC Access Control
Web Services, Web Service Security
SendAndCloseTicketActor, Sending Customer E-Mail and Closing Ticket
Service Endpoint Interface (SEI), Anatomy of a Web Service
mapping to WSDL, Anatomy of a Web Service
ServiceCustomerProfileActor, Viewing the Customer Order History, Viewing a Customer’s Wish List
ServiceUIProfileActor, Viewing a Customer
servlet beans
filtering in REST MVC, The Bean Element
in Legacy REST, Example Legacy REST Web Services JSP
retrieving in REST MVC, The Droplet Element
session confirmation number, Using Dynamo Session Confirmation Numbers, Getting the Session Confirmation Number, Getting the Session Confirmation Number
disabing in Form actors, The Form Element
disabling in Component actor, The Component Element
External, Getting the Session Confirmation Number
Internal, Getting the Session Confirmation Number
External, Working with the Shipping Page
Internal, Assisting the Customer with the Shipping Page
External, Viewing the Shopping Cart
Internal, Viewing a Customer’s Shopping Cart
site context, external, Specifying Site Context in a Multisite Environment
SiteGroupsActor, Listing Available Sites
SOAP, JAX-RPC Support, Anatomy of a Web Service
and WSDL, Anatomy of a Web Service
StartNewCallActor, Starting a Call
StateListActor, Identifying a State
External, Working with In-Store Pickup
Internal, Assisting Customers with In-Store Pickup
SubmitModifiedOrderActor, Submitting a Modified Order


TicketActor, Working with Tickets
TicketingActor, Adding a Call Note
TicketLookupActor, Looking Up a Ticket
TicketSearchActor, Searching for a Ticket
TicketStatusDescriptionActor, Reviewing a Ticket Status


ViewAllPendingApprovalsActor, Finding Pending Approvals
ViewOrderActor, Finding an Order by Order ID


Web Services
.Net, Accessing Web Services from .NET Clients, Calling Web Services from a .NET Client
abstract data types, Method Limitations
cookies, Session and Security Support, Writing a CookieContainer Class
DAS, Web Services
DCS, Web Services
deploying, Deploying Web Services
deserializer in .Net, About Web Services in the Oracle Commerce Platform, Using the Atg.DotNet.WebService API with RepositoryItems
deserializer in Java, About Web Services, Creating a Serializer and Deserializer
DPS, Web Services
dynamic, Calling Web Services from a Java Client
exposing methods, Anatomy of a Web Service
Java client, Accessing Web Services from Java Clients
JMS Messages, Creating JMS Web Services
JMS Type, Using the JMS Message Web Service Wizard
naming conflict, Method Limitations, Web Service Creation Wizard
NucleusSecurityManager, Web Service Security
NucleusSecurityRepository, Web Service Security
primitive data types, Method Limitations, Anatomy of a Web Service
Registry, Anatomy of a Web Service, Managing Web Services
repository, for, Using the Repository Web Service Wizard
rollback a call, About Web Services
scenario actions, Creating JMS Web Services
security, Session and Security Support, Web Service Security
serializer in .Net, About Web Services in the Oracle Commerce Platform, Using the Atg.DotNet.WebService API with RepositoryItems
serializer in Java, About Web Services, Creating a Serializer and Deserializer
session sharing, About Web Services, About Web Services in the Oracle Commerce Platform
static, Calling Web Services from a Java Client
wizard, Web Service Creation Wizard
WSDL, Anatomy of a Web Service
XML file, Anatomy of a Web Service
Web Services Description Language (WSDL) (see Also Web Services)
mapping to SEI, Anatomy of a Web Service
WebServicesGenerator, Web Service Creation Wizard


data binding, Repository to XML Data Binding
data binding in REST MVC, Combining Actor Definitions
delete repository item, Repository Operations
generating schemas, Creating a Serializer and Deserializer
mapping in Web Services, Mapping Files and XML Schemas
mapping Web Services DTD, Mapping Files and XML Schemas
output in Legacy REST, XML Output
output, REST, Returning Data
repository items, Repository Operations
schema mapping, Creating a Serializer and Deserializer
schemas, Mapping Files and XML Schemas
validating, Repository Operations

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