As described earlier, the ResponseGenerator transforms the information obtained from the actors into a response. This response can be configured as either a JSON or XML response. Output from the ResponseGenerator is configured using values from the /atg/dynamo/service/resonse/output/
file. The following configuration properties define the settings used for the ResponseGenerator and output customizers:




Sets the default output of the response to a specific format, such as JSON or XML. The default for this property is json. Note that this property is case sensitive. This property is overwritten if your REST call contains the atg-rest-output parameter.


Sets the default time zone used when creating output dates. The default for this property is GMT.


Use this property to configure output dates as formatted data strings. The default is false, indicating that the output will contain all of the properties of the Date object. This property uses the defaultTimeZoneId for time zone output.


This property identifies how many levels the XML or JSON response will contain. Setting this property to -1 sets the depth to unlimited. The default of this property is set to 15.

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