The output element defines a map entry in a ModelMap. Once the actors are executed, the output values are evaluated and added to the ModelMap based on the name attribute.

The output element contains the following:




Required. This attribute defines the actor ID, and is used for actor ordering.


Defines the name of the map entry. The value of this attribute can be static, or a dynamic EL expression. For additional information on ActorContext variables, refer to the Working with Implicit Objects section.


Defines the value of the map entry. The value of this attribute can be static, or a dynamic EL expression. For additional information on ActorContext variables, refer to the Working with Implicit Objects section.


Defines the bean filter that will be applied when the value object is filtered using the BeanFilterService. Note that the filter-id attribute on a bean filter property will override this filter-id attribute.


Identifies if the value of the object should be embedded within the server response. For example, if the object is a JSON string, and it should be embedded in the JSON response, set the embedded mime attribute to application/json. If the ResponseGenerator has been set to output as JSON, the string is added to the JSON response. If the EmbeddedMimeType does not match the response mime type, (for example, the response mime type is set to XML), the JSON response will be encoded as a string inside the XML response.


This attribute, when set to true, copies the key/value pairs of a map value into the ModelMap. The value must be a map. This attribute is often used to pass the values of a child ModelMap to a parent ModelMap in a nested actor call.


This element defines actors that must be executed prior to the execution of the current actor. There can be multiple depends elements associated with an actor.


This element defines actors that, if present, must be executed prior to the execution of the current actor. There can be multiple depends-if-present elements associated with an actor.


The output tag supports internationalized messages that are added to the ModelMap.

The following is an example of an output element:

<output name="globalInfo" value="${CSREnvironmentTools}"

The filter-id identifies the filter for the BeanFilterService to apply. Refer to the Bean Filtering section for further information.

The output tag supports localized message tags, which add internationalized messages to the ModelMap. By default, all messages are localized based upon the current user’s locale, however, the locale can be passed in using the message tag.

The message element contains the following:




Required. This attribute defines the message ID.


The locale that will be used to localize the message, for example, en_US. If not available, the system will use the ServletUtil.userLocale setting.


Identifies the resource bundle that contains the resource key.


The resource key identified by the resource bundle.


If message parameters are required during the resource lookup, you can use the attributes used by this element:

id – The ID of the message param.
value – The value to pass.

The following is an example of an output element with a message element. Messages are, by default, localized using the user’s locale, however, you can set the locale using the message tag:

<output id="error" name="error"
    <message-param id="arg0" value="${(productId != null) ?
        productId : param.productId}"/>

The output from the example above would be:

{"error": {
"localizedMessage" : "Product xprod2099 is not defined in the current catalog"

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