Th getCommerceIdentifierPaymentInfos actor-chain is used to obtain the Commerce Identifier Payment Info (CIPI) list, based on the commerce item-identifier, such as Order ID, or Commerce Item ID.




Identifies the payment list to initialize.

Initialize Payment List Example
curl -L -v -b customer_cookies.txt -H "Content-Type: application/json" –d
"{ \"listId\" : \"o60003\"}" "http://localhost:8280/rest/model/atg/commerce/

The server response may resemble the following:

{"currentList": [
    "amount": 0,
    "relationshipType": "ORDERAMOUNTREMAINING",
    "splitQuantity": 0,
    "quantity": 0,
    "amountRemainingType": "ORDERAMOUNTREMAINING",
    "splitAmount": 0,
    "commerceIdentifier": {
      "id": "o60004",
      "priceInfo": {
        "amount": 5,
        "total": 5,
        "shipping": 0,
        "currencyCode": "USD",
        "tax": 0,
        "amountIsFinal": false,
        "discounted": false,
        "manualAdjustmentTotal": 0,
        "rawSubtotal": 5,
        "discountAmount": 0,
        "adjustments": [{
          "adjustment": 5,
          "quantityAdjusted": 1,
          "totalAdjustment": 5,
          "manualPricingAdjustment": null,
          "coupon": null
      "commerceItems": [{
        "id": "ci7000008",
        "productDisplayName": "Gift Wrap",
        "returnedQuantity": 0,
        "priceInfo": {
          "quantityDiscounted": 0,
          "quantityAsQualifier": 0,
          "onSale": false,
          "currencyCode": "USD",
          "orderDiscountShare": 0,
          "adjustments": [{
            "adjustment": 5,
            "quantityAdjusted": 1,
            "totalAdjustment": 5,
            "manualPricingAdjustment": null,
            "coupon": null
          "amount": 5,
          "discountable": null,
          "rawTotalPrice": 5,
          "listPrice": 5,
          "amountIsFinal": false,
          "discounted": false,
          "salePrice": 0
        "state": 0,
        "quantity": 1,
        "catalogRefId": "xsku1043"
      "totalCommerceItemCount": 1
    "amountType": "ORDERAMOUNT"
    "amount": 0,
    "relationshipType": "ORDERAMOUNT",
    "splitQuantity": 0,
    "quantity": 0,
    "amountRemainingType": "ORDERAMOUNTREMAINING",
    "splitAmount": 0,
    "commerceIdentifier": {
      "id": "o60004",
      "priceInfo": {
        "amount": 5,
        "total": 5,
        "shipping": 0,
        "currencyCode": "USD",
        "tax": 0,
        "amountIsFinal": false,
        "discounted": false,
        "manualAdjustmentTotal": 0,
        "rawSubtotal": 5,
        "discountAmount": 0,
        "adjustments": [{
          "adjustment": 5,
          "quantityAdjusted": 1,
          "totalAdjustment": 5,
          "manualPricingAdjustment": null,
          "coupon": null
      "commerceItems": [{
        "id": "ci7000008",
        "productDisplayName": "Gift Wrap",
        "returnedQuantity": 0,
        "priceInfo": {
          "quantityDiscounted": 0,
          "quantityAsQualifier": 0,
          "onSale": false,
          "currencyCode": "USD",
          "orderDiscountShare": 0,
          "adjustments": [{
            "adjustment": 5,
            "quantityAdjusted": 1,
            "totalAdjustment": 5,
            "manualPricingAdjustment": null,
            "coupon": null
          "amount": 5,
          "discountable": null,
          "rawTotalPrice": 5,
          "listPrice": 5,
          "amountIsFinal": false,
          "discounted": false,
          "salePrice": 0
        "state": 0,
        "quantity": 1,
        "catalogRefId": "xsku1043"
      "totalCommerceItemCount": 1
    "paymentMethod": "visa - 1111",
    "amountType": "ORDERAMOUNT"

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