The filtering configuration file is located at /atg/rest/filtering/filteringConfiguration.xml in your Oracle Commerce Platform server’s configuration path. To customize it, create that file in your own module and the server’s XML combination functionality will combine all the filteringConfiguration.xml files.

Include component elements in the file to configure the filtering applied to requests for Nucleus components and repositories. Set the name attribute of the component element to a Nucleus component path, a repository path, or a fully qualified Java class or interface name. If you enter a Java class or interface name, the filtering behavior will apply to objects that are subclasses or implementations of it. Filters for Nucleus component paths override filters for Java classes and implementations. Only one filter can apply to a request for an object.

The following sample makes one property hidden and another writable in a Nucleus component and a repository item:

 <component name="/some/Component" default-include="true">
 <property name="property1" hidden="true"/>
 <property name="property2" writable="false"/>

 <component name="/some/Repository" default-include="true">
 <item-descriptor name="anItemDescriptorName">
 <property name="repProperty1" hidden="true"/>
 <property name="repProperty2" writable="false"/>

The default-include attribute tells the server that it should return only the values specified inside this component tag and ignore all other properties of the Nucleus component or repository item.

The following sample adds additional properties which do not exist in the Nucleus component or repository item. The sample also configures where the values for these “virtual” properties come from.

 <component name="/some/Component" default-include="true">
 <property name="property1" hidden="true"/>
 <property name="property2" writable="false"/>
 <property name="virtual1" target="property2"/>
 <property name="virtual2" target="property2.subproperty"/>

 <component name="/some/Repository" default-include="true">
 <item-descriptor name="anItemDescriptorName">
 <property name="repProperty1" hidden="true"/>
 <property name="repProperty2" writable="false"/>
 <property name="repVirtual1" target="repProperty2"/>
 <property name="repVirtual2" target="repProperty2.subproperty"/>

The next sample extends the previous one by adding a component attribute to the property tag and using that in combination with the target tag. This demonstrates how the value of a property can come from another Nucleus component. (Note that the component attribute can only reference a Nucleus component.) Dot notation can be used in the target attribute when the component attribute is used.

 <component name="/some/Component" default-include="true">
 <property name="property1" hidden="true"/>
 <property name="property2" writable="false"/>
 <property name="virtual1" target="property2"/>
 <property name="virtual2" target="property2.subproperty"/>
 <property name="virtual3" component="/some/other/Component" target="aProperty"/>

 <component name="/some/Repository" default-include="true">
 <item-descriptor name="anItemDescriptorName">
 <property name="repProperty1" hidden="true"/>
 <property name="repProperty2" writable="false"/>
 <property name="repVirtual1" target="repProperty2"/>
 <property name="repVirtual2" target="repProperty2.subproperty"/>
 <property name="repVirtual3" component="/some/other/Component"

Finally, if you need to write custom code to specify your value, then you must use the property-customizer attribute, as shown in the following sample.

 <component name="/some/Component" default-include="true">
 <property name="property1" hidden="true"/>
 <property name="property2" writable="false"/>
 <property name="virtual1" target="property2"/>
 <property name="virtual2" target="property2.subproperty"/>
 <property name="virtual3" component="/some/other/Component" target="aProperty"/>
 <property name="virtual4" property-customizer="some.class.Here"/>

 <component name="/some/Repository" default-include="true">
 <item-descriptor name="anItemDescriptorName">
 <property name="repProperty1" hidden="true"/>
 <property name="repProperty2" writable="false"/>
 <property name="repVirtual1" target="repProperty2"/>
 <property name="repVirtual2" target="repProperty2.subproperty"/>
 <property name="repVirtual3" component="/some/other/Component"
 <property name="repVirtual4" property-customizer="some.class.Here"/>

When using the property-customizer attribute, the value should be the name of a class which implements the interface, shown below.

public Object getPropertyValue(String pPropertyName, Object pResource);

public void setPropertyValue(String pPropertyName, Object pValue, Object pResource);

You can also set the property-customizer attribute to a Nucleus component path. The component must be an instance of a class that implements the interface.

Specifying the Filter Depth

You can control the nested level at which a filter will be applied. The number of nested levels at which the filter is applied is the filter depth. A filter depth of zero indicates that the filter should apply only to the immediate properties of the component the filter is configured for. A filter depth of one indicates that the filter should apply to the first nested level of properties.

To set the filter depth for a repository, add the depth attribute to the item-descriptor element. For example:

<component name="/atg/userprofiling/ProfileAdapterRepository"
  <item-descriptor name="user" depth="1">
    <property name="wishlist" hidden="false"/>
    <property name="creditCards" hidden="false"/>

To set the filter depth for a non-repository component, add the depth attribute to the component element. For example:

<component name="/atg/resttest/BeanTest"
  <property name="repository" hidden="false"/>

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