This section explains how to work with components using the Java client library for the Legacy REST Web Services.

Getting Component Data

The getComponent() method of the RestComponentHelper class returns a data stream that contains a representation of a component.

The following code sample returns the Configuration component:

RestResult result = RestComponentHelper.getComponent("/atg/dynamo/Configuration",
null, mSession)
Getting and Setting Property Values

The getPropertyValue() method of the RestComponentHelper class returns a data stream that contains the value of the specified property.

The following code sample gets the value of the property httpPort from the Configuration component.

RestResult result = RestComponentHelper.getPropertyValue("/atg/dynamo/
Configuration", "httpPort", params, session)

Use the RestComponentHelper.setPropertyValue() method to set property values on Nucleus components. The following code sample sets the value of the Configuration component property httpPort to 8580.

RestResult result = RestComponentHelper.setPropertyValue("/atg/dynamo/
Configuration", "httpPort", "8580", params, session)

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