7.10 Replacing Default Passwords Manually

The password update functionality in the Oracle PCA Dashboard is restricted to these system configuration components: the Dashboard UI itself, Oracle VM Manager, the root user account on both management nodes, and the ovs user account of the Oracle VM mySQL database. However, for security reasons, you may prefer to replace the default password for certain user accounts and components. It is not technically required to use the same password you set in the Oracle PCA Dashboard. To make sure that the appliance software can continue to connect to all its components, you must configure the new password in two locations:

  • the component's access control mechanism; typically a UI or CLI

  • the Oracle PCA Password Manager (Wallet)


To reset passwords that are out of sync for certain components, for example after restoring an appliance software and configuration backup, execute the steps below that apply to the Wallet entries.

Changing the Administrative Password for an Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Component

  1. Log in to the system component for which you want to change the administrative password. [4]

  2. Change the administrative password.

    For instructions, refer to the applicable product documentation. Links to related documentation are listed in the Preface.


    Keep the Password Manager in sync with each of your password changes. Otherwise, Oracle PCA may fail to connect to its components.

  3. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into the master management node.


    The data center IP address used in this procedure is an example.

    # ssh root@
    root@'s password:
    [root@ovcamn05r1 ~]#
  4. Set a new Wallet entry for the corresponding component or user account.

    # pca-update-password -t <password_type>

    Valid password types are: nm2, xsigo, ilom, db, agent, pca, mgmt, wallet, zfs, pdu, wls, system, opus, ovmm, xms.


Password changes through the Dashboard, which apply to all other system configuration components of Oracle PCA, are described in Section 2.4, “Network Settings”.

[4] The factory-default global password is Welcome1 .