7.9 Changing Oracle WebLogic Server Passwords

The Oracle PCA Dashboard does not have the functionality to manage the Oracle WebLogic Server passwords. However, for security reasons, it is advisable that you replace the default password. It is not technically required to use the same system password you set in the Dashboard. To make sure that the appliance software can continue to connect to Oracle WebLogic Server, you must configure the new password in two locations:

  • the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console

  • the Oracle PCA Password Manager, or Wallet

Changing the Administrative Password in the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console


This procedure uses the Administration Console, which is the web UI. If you prefer to use the Oracle WebLogic Scripting Tool (WLST) instead, follow the instructions in the WLST documentation, Chapter 6, Configuring Existing WebLogic Domains: Changing a Password.

  1. In your browser, enter the address https://IP:7002/console .

    In the address, IP refers to the IP address that you have configured for the management nodes during installation.

  2. Log in with the user name weblogic and the global password. [3]

  3. Change the password of the user named "weblogic" by executing the steps described in the section Change user passwords in the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console Online Help.


    The Oracle WebLogic Server instances running on both management nodes work together as a cluster. The password update on one instance is automatically replicated on the other.


Keep Oracle WebLogic Server and the Password Manager in sync. Otherwise, Oracle PCA connections to Oracle WebLogic Server will fail.

Changing the Oracle WebLogic Server Password in the Oracle Private Cloud Appliance Password Manager (Wallet)

  1. Using SSH and an account with superuser privileges, log into the master management node.


    The data center IP address used in this procedure is an example.

    # ssh root@
    root@'s password:
    [root@ovcamn05r1 ~]#
  2. Set a new Wallet entry for the weblogic user.

    # pca-update-password -t wls

Password changes through the Dashboard, which apply to all other system configuration components of Oracle PCA, are described in Section 2.4, “Network Settings”.

[3] The factory-default global password is Welcome1 .