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Oracle® SuperCluster M8 and SuperCluster M7 Zones With Oracle Database on Database Domains Configuration Guide

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Updated: June 2020

Create Additional Links on the IB Storage Network for Zones

  1. Log in to the Database Domain that contains the zones that you created.
  2. Identify the first and second IB networks and net IDs.

    In the following example,

    • stor_ipmp0_0 is the first IB network, and net22 is the first_net_ID.

    • stor_ipmp0_1 is the second IB network, and net23 is the second_net_ID.

    # dladm show-part | grep stor_ipmp0_
    stor_ipmp0_0 8503  net22         up       f---
    stor_ipmp0_1 8503  net23         up       f---
  3. Add links to the zones in this Database Domains:
    # zonecfg -z zonename
    zonecfg:zonename> add anet
    zonecfg:zonename:anet> set linkname=first_net_ID
    zonecfg:zonename:anet> set lower-link=first_net_ID
    zonecfg:zonename:anet> set pkey=8503
    zonecfg:zonename:anet> end
    zonecfg:zonename> add anet
    zonecfg:zonename:anet> set linkname=second_net_ID
    zonecfg:zonename:anet> set lower-link=second_net_ID
    zonecfg:zonename:anet> set pkey=8503
    zonecfg:zonename:anet> end
    zonecfg:zonename> exit


    • zonename is the management host name (or Admin Name that was shown in Oracle Exadata Deployment Assistant) for this zone

    • first_net_ID is the first network ID shown for stor_ipmp0_0 from Step 2

    • second_net_ID is the second network ID shown for stor_ipmp0_0 from Step 2

    For example:

    # zonecfg -z zonename
    zonecfg:zonename> add anet
    zonecfg:zonename:anet> set linkname=net22
    zonecfg:zonename:anet> set lower-link=net22
    zonecfg:zonename:anet> set pkey=8503
    zonecfg:zonename:anet> end
    zonecfg:zonename> add anet
    zonecfg:zonename:anet> set linkname=net23
    zonecfg:zonename:anet> set lower-link=net23
    zonecfg:zonename:anet> set pkey=8503
    zonecfg:zonename:anet> end
    zonecfg:zonename> exit
  4. Reboot the zone for the changes to take effect:
    # zoneadm -z zonename reboot

    For example:

    # zoneadm -z scm7zdbadm02 reboot
  5. Log in to the zone:
    # zlogin zonename

    For example:

    # zlogin scm7zdbadm02
  6. Create the IP addresses in the zone for the new links:
    # ipadm create-ip first_net_ID
    # ipadm create-ip second_net_ID


    • first_net_ID is the first network ID from Step 2

    • second_net_ID is the second network ID from Step 2

    For example:

    # ipadm create-ip net22
    # ipadm create-ip net23
  7. Find an unused IP address from the same subnet as the stor_ipmp0 interface:
    1. Enter the following command:
      # ipadm show-addr

      Output similar to the following appears:

      ADDROBJ           TYPE     STATE        ADDR
      lo0/v4            static   ok 
      net13/v4          static   ok 
      stor_ipmp0/v4     static   ok       
      bondeth0/v4       static   ok 
      bondib0/v4        static   ok 
      bondib1/v4        static   ok 
      bondmgt0/v4       static   ok 
      lo0/v6            static   ok           ::1/128
    2. Locate the stor_ipmp0 line in the output, highlighted in the example output above.

      In the ADDR column for this line, the subnet is shown as, with a subnet mask of 22.

    3. Find an unused IP address from this stor_ipmp0 subnet to use for the new IPMP group.
  8. Create the new IPMP group inside the zone:
    # ipadm create-ipmp -i first_net_ID,second_net_ID ipmp_group
    # ipadm create-addr -T static -a ip_address/22 ipmp_group/v4


    • first_net_ID is the first network ID shown in the output from Step 2

    • second_net_ID is the second network ID shown in the output from Step 2

    • ipmp_group is the name of the IPMP group that you are creating

    • ip_address is an unused IP address from the same subnet as the stor_ipmp0 interface that you picked in Step 7

    For example:

    # ipadm create-ipmp -i net22,net23 stor_ipmp0
    # ipadm create-addr -T static -a stor_ipmp0/v4
  9. Designate the second network interface as the standby interface:
    # ipadm set-ifprop -p standby=on -m ip second_net_ID

    where second_net_ID is the second network ID shown in the output from Step 2.

    For example:

    # ipadm set-ifprop -p standby=on -m ip net23
  10. Verify that the second network interface was set up correctly as the standby interface:
    # ipmpstat -g

    The second network interface should appear in parenthesis in the output. For example:

    # ipmpstat -g
    stor_ipmp0  stor_ipmp0  ok     --   net22  (net23)
  11. Repeat Step 3 through Step 10 for each zone that you created in this Database Domain.