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Oracle® SuperCluster M7 시리즈 관리 설명서

인쇄 보기 종료

업데이트 날짜: 2015년 12월

osc-setcoremem 로그 파일 액세스

osc-setcoremem 명령은 각 세션에 대해 시간 기록이 표시된 로그 파일을 만듭니다.

  1. 계산 노드의 컨트롤 도메인에 수퍼 유저로 로그인합니다.
  2. 디렉토리를 로그 파일 디렉토리로 변경하고 로그 파일의 이름을 가져오기 위해 컨텐츠를 나열합니다.
    # cd /opt/oracle.supercluster/osc-setcoremem/log
    # ls
  3. 원하는 텍스트 판독기를 사용하여 로그 파일의 컨텐츠를 확인합니다.
    # more log_file_name


    # cat osc-setcoremem_activity_08-28-2015_15\:59\:31.log
    # ./osc-setcoremem
                        v2.0  built on Aug 27 2015 23:09:35
     Current Configuration: SuperCluster Fully-Populated M6-32 Base
     +----------------------------------+-------+--------+-----------+--- MINIMUM ----+
     | DOMAIN                           | CORES | MEM GB |   TYPE    | CORES | MEM GB |
     | primary                          |    12 |   1024 | Dedicated |     2 |     32 |
     | ssccn3-dom1                      |    36 |   3072 | Dedicated |     2 |     32 |
     | ssccn3-dom2                      |     1 |     16 |   Root    |     1 |     16 |
     | ssccn3-dom3                      |     2 |     32 |   Root    |     2 |     32 |
     | unallocated or parked            |    45 |   4048 |    --     |    -- |   --   |
     [Note] Following domains will be skipped in this session.
     Root Domains
     CPU allocation preference:
            1. Socket level
            2. Core level
     In case of Socket level granularity, proportional memory capacity is
      automatically selected for you.
     Choose Socket or Core level [S or C]
     user input: 'C'
     Step 1 of 2: Core Count
     primary      : specify number of cores [min: 2, max: 46. default: 12] :
     user input (desired cores): '18'               you chose [18] cores for primary domain
     ssccn3-dom1  : specify number of cores [min: 2, max: 30. default: 2] :
     user input (desired cores): '30'               you chose [30] cores for ssccn3-dom1 domain
     Configuration In Progress After Core Count Selection:
     +----------------------------------+-------+--------+-----------+--- MINIMUM ----+
     | DOMAIN                           | CORES | MEM GB |   TYPE    | CORES | MEM GB |
     | primary                          |    18 |   1024 | Dedicated |     2 |     96 |
     | ssccn3-dom1                      |    30 |   3072 | Dedicated |     2 |    128 |
     | *ssccn3-dom2                     |     1 |     16 |   Root    |     1 |     16 |
     | *ssccn3-dom3                     |     2 |     32 |   Root    |     2 |     32 |
     | unallocated or parked            |    45 |   4048 |    --     |    -- |   --   |
     Step 2 of 2: Memory Capacity
            (must be 16 GB aligned)
     primary      : specify memory capacity in GB [min: 96, max: 2016. default: 2016] :
     user input (desired memory): '1536' GB         you chose [1536 GB] memory for primary domain
     ssccn3-dom1  : specify memory capacity in GB [min: 128, max: 2560. default: 2560] :
     user input (desired memory): '' GB             you chose [2560 GB] memory for ssccn3-dom1 domain
     Configuration In progress After Memory Capacity Selection:
     +----------------------------------+-------+--------+-----------+--- MINIMUM ----+
     | DOMAIN                           | CORES | MEM GB |   TYPE    | CORES | MEM GB |
     | primary                          |    18 |   1536 | Dedicated |     2 |     96 |
     | ssccn3-dom1                      |    30 |   2560 | Dedicated |     2 |    128 |
     | *ssccn3-dom2                     |     1 |     16 |   Root    |     1 |     16 |
     | *ssccn3-dom3                     |     2 |     32 |   Root    |     2 |     32 |
     | unallocated or parked            |    45 |   4048 |    --     |    -- |   --   |
     Following domains will be stopped and restarted:
     This configuration requires rebooting the control domain.
     Do you want to proceed? Y/N :
     user input: 'y'
     +-                                                                                    -+
     |  After the reboot, osc-setcoremem attempts to complete CPU, memory re-configuration. |
     |  Please check syslog and the state of all domains before using the system.           |
     |  eg.,  dmesg | grep osc-setcoremem ; ldm list | grep -v active ; date                |
     +-                                                                                    -+
     Please wait while osc-setcoremem is setting up the new CPU, memory configuration.
     It may take a while. Be patient and do not interrupt.
     Executing ldm commands ..
     0%    10    20    30    40    50    60    70    80    90   100%
                    Task complete with no errors.
     ::Post-reboot activity::
     Please wait while osc-setcoremem is setting up the new CPU, memory configuration.
     It may take a while. Be patient and do not interrupt.
     Executing ldm commands ..
     0%    10    20    30    40    50    60    70    80    90   100%
                    Task complete with no errors.
                    This concludes socket/core, memory reconfiguration.
                    You can continue using the system.

관련 정보