Repair Type

The following program description deals with:

Remarks on the Program Function

By use of this program you can maintain the data for the Repair Type, i.e. create new records, modify or delete existing data. You can also view already stored data for information purposes.

In the rerpair type, the price, the costs and the Outworker (= repair business) is defined. Repair types are grouped in a Repair Group and assigned to a Department used for the booking of repair items.

 Click on the image to receive further help on how to collect and process Repair Orders.

Remarks on the Input Fields

This paragraph will provide a short overview over the options available for updating these basic data

Just like in almost any other program:


Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 9999

Enter the number of the company of which you would like to edit the repair type. If you do not know the number, you can also select the data record via the Search Function.

Repair group

Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 99

Enter the number of the repair group to which you would like to assign this repair type. If you do not know the number, you can also select the data record via the Search Function.

In repair groups, the various Repair Types are grouped.

The repair group is assigned to a Department used for the booking of repair items.

Repair type

Permitted input range: numeric, 1 - 999

Enter the number of the repair type you would like to edit.


Permitted input range: alphanumeric, max. 20 chars.

Enter a name for this repair type.


Permitted input range: decimal, max. 12 positions incl. max. 2 decimal digits

Enter the price for this repair type.

Costs price

Permitted input range: decimal, max. 11 positions incl. max. 3 decimal digits

Enter the amount of possible additional costs of this repair type.

Manual Price Input

Activated: The price input for this repair type is done manually with the collection of the repair order.
Deactivated: No manual price input with the collection of the repair order is allowed.


Permitted input range: numeric, 0 - 99999

Enter the number of the outworker (= repair business) you would like to assign to this repair type. If you do not know the number, you can also select the data record via the Search Function.

The data of this outworker can be maintained in the update program Application -> Repairs -> Outworker.


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