Software update 2

The following describes the functioning of program "Software Update 2" (ASU 2) which is available as from version MICROS Retail OSCAR POS POS 41. The program "Software Update" will continue to be used for older MICROS Retail OSCAR POS versions.
As sone of the functions of this program differ considerably the documentation has been divided up.

Remarks on program function

The following changes are necessary for the "Automatic Software Update 2" (ASU 2)“:

1.      A software update is always started from an automatic login unit.

2.      The "Automatic Software Update" is always carried out for the server independent of the condition of the clients configured in the system. A rollback of the software update is not carried out for the server. Clients and server can run with different software versions.

3.      The software update of clients is done after successful update of the server, i.e. the clients can continue to work offline during the software update of the server.

4.      "Automatic Software Update" of clients can normally be excluded if the option "Auto Update" has not been activated in program System –> Configuration -> System unit. This option is always active when a new system unit is programmed.
If software update is not required for a specific reason this option can be deactivated. In such a case a software update must be manually started for the clients of this system unit.

5.      The starting date and time for "Automatic Software Update" of clients can be configured. Example: Only 10 terminals in a branch with 20 terminals are to undergo an "Automatic Software Update". The user can define in program System -> Configuration -> Start Softwareupdate Clients that the start of the software update is to begin later. In this case the option Update planned should be set in program Application -> System -> Update status -> Syst.unit.upd.status. Clients which are to be included in the current software update but are not available (offline, operator signed on or delayed start) must be started manually.

6.      Software update of clients can be started directly at the terminal with key event <SOFTUPDATE> provided that a software update was intended for this system unit.

  1. The environment variable "tolerateerrors" in the rules file is ignored for ASU 2. Normally, software update for the server is carried out no matter what condition is found in the configured clients.

  2. External scripts can be produced during an Automatic Software update if the following is complied with :

    An external script which is to be executed before the software update itself must be stored with the name "beforeASU" in directory Root of the archive. This script is copied into the work directory of the current version after the software update starts up.
    An external script which is to be executed after the software update of the server must be stored with the name "afterASU" in directory work\ of the archive.

    An external script which is to be executed after the software update of the client must be given the name "afterClientASU" in directory work\ of the archive.

The execution of the software update as a whole is defined in the rules file "Rules". Every software update contains a file with the title "Rules" in the ZIP archive. The values for the run of a software update are defined in this file. Identical "Rules" files must be available in both archives for software updates in mixed systems (Windows and Linux).

3 different versions of software update are available:

·        Complete update (completeupdate = 1)
It is assumed in this version that all files for a functioning MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application are in the archive of the software update.
After the start of the software update the archive is unpacked in a new directory and directory "work.srv" is copied from the original MICROS Retail OSCAR POS directory into the new directory. The original file "oscar.ini" is copied into directory "bin" of the temporary directory. At the end the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program is started from the new directory.

·        Part update (completeupdate = 0)
It is assumed here that not all but relevant files such as *.lib *.dll *.exe etc for a functioning MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application are in the archive of the software update. After start of the update a complete copy of the original MICROS Retail OSCAR POS directory is copied into the new directory. The archive of the software update is then unpacked into the new directory. The original file "oscar.ini" is copied into the new directory "bin".

·        Small update (completeupdate = 0 und Smallupdate = 1)
It is assumed here that only uncritical files, e.g. *.fgl. *.fsm, *.asc, *.bmp are in the archive of the software update. After start of the software update the archive in the original directory of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS POS application is unpacked. No new directory will be generated for the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS POS application.

A file named "oscar.ini.chg" or  "oscar.def.chg" can be transferred to directory ./bin if changes to file "oscar.ini" for Windows or file "oscar.def" for Linux are to be made. The environment variables to be set are marked at the beginning of the line with "S:" and those which are to be deleted are marked "R:".


·        Oscar.ini.chg

·        Oscar.def.chg

An automatic software update can be carriedout for the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application with program System -> Configuration -> Update Status. Software update can only be carried out for one installation and the linked clients. If the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS installation consists of a multi-branch installation (main and sub-installations) a separate software update must be carried out for each installation.

The status data for a software update of all connected sub-installations can be transferred with button Get update status in program Installation to head office.

General information on software update

A software update is delivered as an archive file named "oscupdnnn". "nnn" can be stated as an addition descriptor. The name extension for the archive file is ".zip" for Windows and ".tgz" for Linux. This data should be copied into directory ".\work" of the system unit on which the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS server process runs. In addition to the files of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application update the ZIP archive also contains the file "Rules" which defines the procedure for software update.

The software update is started via button "Update Start" in program System -> Configuration -> Update Status or by including application "LstStartUpdate " in a scheduler. The software update is always done on the system unit on which the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS server runs. It must also be ensured that the connected clients are online and that no operator is signed on. The software update must be started manually for clients who are not available when update starts because they are, e.g. offline or an operator is signed on or the software update has been planned for later.

After start of the software update all program steps are carried out automatically and a protocol is written. The status of the program Stepp in progress can be viewed in program Update Status. Detailed information on the progress of a software update can also be called up in program Sys.units update status and in program Update Log. A protocol on the software update can also be printed.

Errors which occurred during a software update of the server are written in program Update Status and are marked "not executable".

If a failure occurs the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program is started from the old directory and the whole installation is thus returned to the old condition. The reason for the abort can be investigated on the basis of the status, system and error messages sent in programs Update Status, Sys.units , update status und Update Log before the software update is started again.  

Start and operation of software update

The following information deals with the start and operation of an error-free software update. There are also details and information on error messages and their implications. The program steps described are normally carried out automatically.

Please note!
The software update must be started by an administration workplace which has been configured for automatic Login client.

  1. Start the software update by depressing button Update Start in program System -> Configuration -> Update Status.
    Alternatively, the updated can be started by the scheduler with " LstStartUpdate ".
  2. After start of the software update the Update Status in the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS database is checked. If no progress is found for a started software update the program checks whether there is a ZIP archive called "" (nnn= additional descriptor) in the directory ..\work .
  3. If the software update is carried out for the first time the program creates the directory ..\work\update.
  4. The software updates "", which were found in directory ..\work are moved to directory ..\work\update and are stored as a ZIP archive under the name "" (nnn =
  5. The "Rules“ file and the text “beforeASU“ are then unpacked from the ZIP archive. When the file has been found the software update is stored as per the information in file "Rules".
    Click on the hyperlink ("Rules" file for executing the software updates). A description of the file "Rules" can be found at the end of the documentation.
  6. The program then finds and analyses all necessary system information of the server system unit and generates a "runASU" script in the work directory which has all the steps necessary for the update.
  7. The generatedr "runASU" scripts are then called up and the update is done as follows:

1.       The current MICROS Retail OSCAR POS version is stopped.

2.       If applicable the "beforeASU" script is called up.

3.       The update procedure is continued in single-user mode as follows:

1.       A new directory is created in parallel to the main directory of the old version.

2.      If a complete update is carried out the directories .\work and .\work.srv are opied into the directory of the new version.
If it is a part update the contents of the current version are copied into the new directory.

3.      The archive fle is copied into the new directory where it is then unpacked.

4.      Confirmation and, if applicable, modification of the configuration files

5.      A file, "sys.switch“ is created in directory work of the new version and this is then given the name of the update and the update no..

6.      If applicable, call-up of "afterASU" script

7.      Command "changeService"

8.      The environment variable "oscar.d" is set. This refers to the new directory. Path details for programs, links or scripts relating to MICROS Retail OSCAR POS can be called up via these variables (e.g. "oscar.d work\oscar.cmd" starts in "C:\oscars\MICROS Retail OSCAR POS40_T5\work")

9.      Start of the new MICROS Retail OSCAR POS version

  1. After a new start of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS server and after a check to ensure that the update was successful all daemons of the client system units are contacted and the update is initiated. The update status remains in status "Update Client".
  2. The client system units then try to carry out the update autonomously and thus update the "System units update status" on the server.
  3. Success or failure can be followed up on the back office terminal.
  4. Clients which for specific reasons cannot be updated run with the old software version until the update can be successfully completed. Different software versions on client and server are permitted in MICROS Retail OSCAR POS 41.
  5. The software update is normally only complete when all automatically configured system units have been updated.
  6. After successful completion of the softare update the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS application runs on all system units in a new directory (e.g. OscUpdnn). The original ZIP archive with which the software update is executed is stored in the main directory of the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS POS application under the name "Updnn". If the whole software update needs to be repeated this ZIP archive can be used for a repeat software update after it has been renamed "".

Errors which occur during software update are written in programs Update Status, Sys.units update status and Update Log. Errors can lead to an abort of the software update. If this does happen the MICROS Retail OSCAR POS program will be started from the old directory.

"Rules" file for executing the software updates

The ZIP archive of every software update contains a file named "Rules". This file describes the process of a software update. If the rules file cannot be found in the archive of the software update the defaults shown below will be automatically set. (Note: The path details in the rules file can only be a maximum of 32 characters in length).

A "Rules" foöe cam ne added to an existing ZIP archive with the following command:
zip -u oscupdMICROS Retail OSCAR Rules

The following values can be included in file “Rules”:

cd ..\work

time /t >>upd.txt

call oscar changeService

call oscar installOCXsilent

call oscar NewGuiReg

call oscar convert

call oscar addAscFiles a

call oscar init Db

call oscar init UiText

call oscar init DbText

call oscar dofgl.fgl Deutsch
time /t >>upd.txt

NOTE: The path entry in the Rules file cannot exceed a length of 32 chars.).

cd ..\work

time /t >>upd.txt

call oscar changeService

call oscar installOCXsilent

call oscar NewGuiReg

time /t >>upd.txt

NOTE: The path entry in the Rules file cannot exceed a length of 32 chars.


The following values are set automatically:

MICROS Retail Deutschland GmbH
Salzufer 8
D-10587 Berlin