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Reservation Actions

Reservation Actions are links or operations that can be performed on the reservation. These actions are available on each reservation search record, and are dependent on the state of that reservation.

Screen Details icon   Screen Details


Videos and Tutorials icon   Videos and Tutorials

Reservation Actions - available in search text view, table view, Reservation screen


   Video - Reservation - What actions can I take from the I want to screen  What actions can I take from the "I want to..." screen? VS - Reservation - What actions can I take from the I want to screen

   Video - Cancel Reservation - How to Cancel a Reservation  How to Cancel a Reservation Video Script - Cancel Reservation - How to Cancel a Reservation





FAQs icon   FAQs

How do I Check in a reservation?

How do I cancel a reservation?

How do I reinstate a cancelled reservation?

Can I change the guest's name after I copy the reservation?

Can I Copy a Reservation?

Can I copy a reservation to another property?

Can I move a reservation to another property if it has a sharer?

What attributes do not move with the reservation?

What information copies when I use the Copy Reservation action?

When I copied a reservation I did not select Packages to be copied, but a package was copied to the new reservation. Why?


Reservation Actions can be found on a reservation search record under Actions whether in text or table view, and in the I want to... area in the Reservation screen.




Assigns a cancellation reason and cancels the reservation.


Moves to the Check-In Guest screen - (Check In Train).

Copy Reservation

Copies a reservation to the same property. Options to copy certain attributes or change guest.


Deletes the reservation.

Go to Billing

Moves to the Manage Billing screen.

Go to Reservation

Opens that reservation in the Reservation screen.

Move to Another Property

Moves a reservation to another property. Options to include all or individual sharers.


Restores a cancelled reservation to previous reservation status.

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