Extracting House List Data for FDC

Purpose: CWDirect supports maintaining your house list and generating house list selections through CWDirect alone, or through an interface with FDC. If FDC provides house list services to you, you can set up CWDirect to extract information related to your customers automatically. You can then use the CWDirect Submit FDC Download function, which writes this information to tape for you to send to FDC.

In this topic:

What Kind of Information?

How to Extract? (User Exit Points)

What Files Feed the FDC Download? How to Translate Codes for FDC?

Generate FDC Transactions Screen (How to Generate Tapes?)

FDC Interface Report

How to Translate Codes for FDC?

Note: This chapter discusses CWDirect functionality only. See the FDC documentation for information such as their codes and other requirements.

What Kind of Information?

Purpose: You can send information to FDC related to your new and existing customers, their mail preferences, and their order activity, including:

• the names, addresses, phone numbers, and mail preferences of new customers

• changes to the names, addresses, phone numbers, and mail preferences of existing customers

• order activity, including items ordered, dollar totals, freight charges, handling charges and activity such as cancellations, returns, and exchanges

• catalog requests

How to Extract? (User Exit Points)

Purpose: You can set up CWDirect to extract house list information automatically by establishing user exit points. User exit points trigger an external program when certain actions, such as creating a new customer, take place in CWDirect. When this happens, the external program can then record the information in a separate file. For the purposes of FDC extraction, there are certain user exit points available to feed files containing relevant information; these files, in turn, feed the files you download to tape for transmission to FDC. The user exit points are:

See System Operations Working with User Exit Point (WUEP) for information on creating user exit points in CWDirect.

CWDirect Calling Function

FDC Exit Program




Add new customer



Catalog request



Change customer; add or change mail/rent flag

FLR0268 (billing async)


Confirm order shipment and bill

OER0553 (order async)


Add, cancel, return, or exchange an item on an order

What Files Feed the FDC Download?

Purpose: You can populate the following files through user exit points to collect information for the FDC download.

File Name


Marketing Customer Transactions file (HLMCRP)

customer numbers, the type of information that should be transmitted, and the date this information was sent to FDC

Marketing Order Transactions file (HLMORP)

order activity such as exchanges, cancellations and returns

When you generate the FDC download, the system uses the information in these files to create additional files as part of the download process, described under Generate FDC Transactions Screen (How to Generate Tapes?).

How to Translate Codes for FDC?

FDC requires you use certain codes for different customer or order information. These codes may not be compatible with the CWDirect equivalent; for example, the FDC code may be a 2-position, alphanumeric field while the CWDirect equivalent is a 1-position numeric field. You must supply cross-reference information before you attempt to generate the download, so that CWDirect knows how to map the CWDirect codes or other information it encounters to their FDC equivalents. The following tables list the file maintenance functions you use to map the codes.

Note: The correct values for each FDC code are supplied to you by FDC.

CWDirect Code or Information

File Maintenance Option to Use for CWDirect Code

FDC Equivalent

File Maintenance Option to Use to Create Cross Reference

Item category (2 positions, alphanumeric)

Working with Item Category Codes (WITG)

Life style

Work with FDC Lifestyle Code (fast path = WFLF)

Prefix, such as "Mr.," "Dr.," etc. (3 positions, alphanumeric)

Creating and Updating Sold-to Customers (WCST)


Work with FDC Name/Title Code (fast path = WFNM)

Pay type (2 positions, numeric)

Working with Pay Types (WPAY)

Payment method

Work with FDC Payment Method (fast path = WFPM)

Ship via (2 positions, numeric)

Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA)

Product shipping method

Work with FDC Product Shipping Method (fast path = WFPS)

Season (3 positions, alphanumeric)

Working with Season Codes (WSEA)


Work with FDC Season Code (fast path = WFSE)

Cancel reason (2 positions, alphanumeric)

Establishing Cancel Reason Codes (WCNR)

Cancel reason

Work with FDC Cancel Reason Code (fast path = WFCR)

Exchange reason (3 positions, numeric)

Establishing Exchange Reason Codes (WEXR)

Exchange Reason

Work with FDC Exchange Reason Code (fast path = WFER)

Return reason (3 positions, numeric)

Establishing Return Reason Codes (WRTR)

Return Reason

Work with FDC Return Reason Code (fast path = WFRR)

SKU Element 2 (4 positions, alphanumeric)

Work with SKU Element 2 (fast path = WSK2); see Working with SKU Elements (WSK1, WSK2, WSK3)


Work with FDC Size Code (fast path = WFSZ)

First character of Offer (3 positions, alphanumeric)

Working with Offers (WOFR)


Work with FDC Subsidiary Code (fast path = WFSC)

Country (3 positions, alphanumeric)

Setting Up the Country File (WCTY)


Work with FDC Country Code (fast path = WFCI)

Order type (1 position, alphanumeric)

Establishing Order Types (WOTY)

Media type

Work with FDC Media Type (fast path = WFMT)

Generate FDC Transactions Screen (How to Generate Tapes?)

Purpose: When you are ready to download information to tape for FDC, you select the FDC Download function by entering FDCD in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or by selecting FDC Download -- Submit from a menu.

HLR0126 ENTER Generate FDC Transactions 12/06/96 11:48:57

Mail Order

Tape Device . . TAP01

Label . . . . .

Recreate from . (MM/DD/YY)

F3=Exit F9=Accept F12=Cancel



Tape device

The system name of the tape device you are using. The tape device defined in the Default Tape Drive (C57) field in the System Control file defaults.

The system will validate that the tape device you enter is a valid tape drive on the iSeries.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; required.


The user-defined label for the tape(s) to be created. A typical name might be the date and time you are running the extract.

Alphanumeric, 17 positions; required.

Recreate from

Enter a date if you are recreating a tape you extracted on this date. The system will select all records with this extraction date only.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.


1. Complete the Tape device and Label fields. Optionally, complete the Recreate from field if you are recreating a previously generated tape(s). See the field descriptions above for more information.

2. Press F9 to submit the download.

The system submits the job FDCDOWN. This job creates the two following files:

File Name


FDC Marketing Customer Transactions file


customer address changes, including old and new information

FDC Marketing Order Transactions file


orders, including header, detail and payment information, and new customers you are adding

Note: The system clears existing information from these files before writing new records in them.

The system then copies the information from the FDC Marketing Order Transactions file to another file, FDCORDP, which is in the format FDC requires.

If you are generating both files, the system first copies the FDC Marketing Customer Transactions file to the tape in the specified tape drive. If no tape is in the drive, the system will request it through a message wait. When the first tape is complete, the system ejects it and requests the tape for the order transactions file.

If you are generating just one file, the system copies that file to the tape; again, it requests a tape via a message wait if no tape is in the specified drive. When the tape is complete, the system ejects it.

When the job is complete, the system creates the FDC Interface Report.

MK04_04 CWDirect 18.0.x 2018 OTN