Adding Links to Controls

Users who have Write permission on a control point or control group and the necessary privileges to administer links can create, edit and delete links. You can perform these tasks from the exception results or from the control point or control group name in the My Controls or Shared Controls folder.

Creating Links

To create a link from a control in the My Controls or Shared Controls folder:

  1. From the Exceptions menu, choose My Controls or Shared Controls.

  2. Locate the control point or control group from which you want to create a link.

  3. Right click on the control name and choose Edit Links from the context menu. This displays the Link Editor.

  4. Click the Add icon. This displays the Select Target dialog.

  1. Browse or search for the target report or document you want to link to and select it.

  1. Click OK. This adds it to the Targets list.

In the Attribute Mapping panel, the attributes in the control target are displayed in the Source box and the attributes in the target report or document are displayed in the Target box.

  1. In the Attribute Mapping panel, map the attributes using the following options:

Auto - This option is selected by default. It indicates that all of the available attributes in the control target are passed to the target report or document. When this option is selected, there is nothing displayed in the Mapped box.

Manual - This lets you map specific attributes from the control target to the target report or document selectively. When you configure a link in this manner, the mapped attributes are displayed in the Mapped box. Be sure to carefully consider what attributes you want to pass from the source to the target.

Source - Lists the available attributes in the source.

Note: The attributes listed are those that are defined in the control target associated with the control point or control group.

Target - Lists the available attributes in the target.

Note: All attributes that are part of the report definition of the target report are included. If the target report contains an attribute object prompt, it is answered with the attributes that are passed from the source.

Note: Once an attribute is mapped, it is no longer available to be selected.

Mapped - The linked attributes are displayed in the mapped box.

  1. If you have selected the Manual mapping option, select attributes to link in the Source and Target boxes and click to move them to the Mapped box. You can link the same attributes to each other, or link different attributes.  To unmap the attributes, you can move selected attributes out of the Mapped box with the button.

  1. Select from among the following Target Options:

Date Prompts - Determines the action when the user executes a link to a target report or document with a date prompt. Select an option from the drop-down list:

Same as Source - (Default) The target report or document is executed with the same date filter(s) passed from the Exception Detail Dashboard.

Prompt User - The user is prompted for date selection when the link is executed.

None - The target report or document is executed without a date filter.

Other Prompts - Determines the action when the user executes a link to a target report or document with additional prompts, excluding the date prompt. Select an option from the drop-down list:

Cancel Prompts - (Default)  The target report or document is executed without the prompts being displayed.

Prompt User - The target report or document is executed with all prompts being presented to the user.

Use Default Options -  The target report or document is executed with the prompts being answered with the default answers, if applicable.

Open in new window - Select the check box if you want the target to be displayed in a new tab or window when the link is executed.

  1. Click Apply to save the link and keep the Link Editor open to create additional links. Click OK to save the link, close the Link Editor, and return to the folder list.


To create a link from Exception Detail Dashboard:

  1. Run the control point or control group and view results, or choose Exception Results from the Exceptions menu, locate the exception result set you want to view, and click the View  icon. Either action displays the exception results.

  2. From the Exception Detail Dashboard, click the Edit Links icon. This displays the Link Editor.

Note: This button will be disabled if the user does not have 'Write' access to the control point or group that generated the exceptions.

  1. Click the Add icon

This displays the Select Target dialog.

  1. Browse or search to find the target report or document you want to link to and select it.

  2. Click OK. This adds it to the Targets list.

  3. Follow steps 6-8 from the procedure for creating a link from a control in the My Controls or Shared Controls folder.

  4. Click Apply to save the link and keep the Link Editor open to create additional links. Click OK to save the link, close the Link Editor, and return to the Exception Detail Dashboard.

Editing Links


To edit a link from a control in the My Controls or Shared Controls folder:

  1. Locate the control point or control group from which you want to modify a link.

  2. Right click on it and choose Edit Links from the menu. This displays the Link Editor.

Note: This menu option will be disabled if the user does not have 'Write' access to the control.

  1. If there is more than one target, select the one you want to edit in the Targets box. This populates the Attribute Mapping and Target Options panels with the selection for that link.

  2. Make the necessary changes to the link definition, following steps 6-9 from the procedure for creating a link from a control.

  3. Click Apply or OK to save the changes to the link.


To edit a link from the Exception Detail Dashboard:

  1. Run the exception results.

  2. From the Exception Detail Dashboard, click the Edit Links icon, or choose Edit Links from the Exception Detail menu. This displays the Link Editor.

  3. If there is more than one target, select the one you want to edit in the Targets box. This populates the Attribute Mapping and Target Options panels with the selection for that link.

  4. Make the necessary changes to the link definition, following steps 6-9 from the procedure for creating a link from a control.

  5. Click Apply or OK to save the changes to the link.

Deleting Links


To delete a link from a control:

  1. Locate the control point or control group from which you want to delete a link.

  2. Right click on it and choose Edit Links from the menu. This displays the Link Editor.

  3. Select the link you want to delete in the Targets box.

  4. Click the Delete icon. This deletes the link.

To delete a link from the Exception Detail Dashboard:

  1. Run the exception results.

  2. From the Exception Detail Dashboard, click the Edit Links icon, or choose Edit Links from the Exception Detail menu. This displays the Link Editor.

  3. Select the link you want to delete in the Targets box.

  4. Click the Delete icon. This deletes the link.


When a control group is created, the links defined in the control points are inherited by the control group. This also occurs when a control point is added to an existing control group. However, once the control group is saved, any changes made to the links or any new links that are added to the control points do not affect the control group. Conversely, any changes or new links made to the control group do not affect the control points.

Related Topics

About Controls and Exceptions

Control Targets

Running Control Points

Running Control Groups

Creating Control Points

Creating Control Thresholds

Creating Control Groups

Control Subscriptions

Reviewing Exception Results

Managing Results in the Exceptions Detail Dashboard


