Running Control Points

You can access control points you have created in the My Controls page and, depending on your permissions, those created by other users in the Shared Controls page. You run control points by clicking on the control point name in either page.


To run a control point:

  1. From the Exceptions menu, choose My Controls, to access control points you have created,or Shared Controls, to access control points created by other users.

  2. Click on the name of the control point you want to run, or select Run from the right mouse context menu. This displays the control point prompt page.

  3. In the Date Selection prompt, select the date range. This is the only required prompt. Note: Control points can only be run for a single, continuous date period.

  4. If necessary, click the Next button or click Store Hierarchy Qualification and specify a store hierarchy qualification or list from the Available tree. Note: When a store hierarchy qualification is included in the control point execution, the exception results will be tracked separately and will not be considered a duplicate run from an execution without a qualification. It is important to answer the Store Hierarchy Qualification prompt in the exact same manner in order for the exception history to be recognized.

  5. If you want to view the control point threshold, click the Next button or click Thresholds. The threshold is read-only and cannot be modified from this page.

  6. To add users to receive exceptions, click the Next button or click User Assignment. This displays the User Assignment prompt. Select the users or groups to which you want to assign the exceptions. The default will be the current user.

Note: Not all users will see the User Assignment prompt. The user role determines if the user can assign exceptions to other users or Shared Exceptions.

  1. Click the Run Report button.

After the control point execution completes, a page is displayed that shows the number of exceptions for each assigned user. You can click the Review the Results button to review the exception results in the Exception Detail Dashboard, click the Reprompt button to return to the prompt page, where you can change prompt answers and rerun the control point, or click the Close button to close the page and return to the folder list. If you selected Run in Test Mode, the test exception results are displayed, but they are not created.

Note: If you or another user runs a control point  for the same date period, store hierarchy qualification, and assigned user, a warning message is displayed asking if the user wants to overwrite the existing exception results.

Related Topics

About Controls and Exceptions

Control Targets

Running Control Groups

Creating Control Points

Creating Control Thresholds

Adding Links to Controls

Creating Control Groups

Control Subscriptions

Reviewing Exception Results

Managing Results in the Exceptions Detail Dashboard




