Control Subscriptions

You can schedule a control point to run regularly based upon a schedule so that the exception results are generated automatically. Email alert distribution can be added to the control subscription.


To schedule a control point or group:

  1. From the Exceptions menu, choose My Controls or Shared Controls.

  2. Locate the control point or group that you want to schedule.

  3. Depending on your display:

  4. Click the Add Control Subscription link.

  5. From the Schedule drop-down list, select a schedule.

  6. Select from among these options:

Run subscription immediately - Select this check box to launch the control point or group immediately after saving the subscription. The subscription will also run according to the specified schedule.

Display exception alerts on the Alerts page - Select the check box to create a message on the Alerts page if an alert is found in the exception results.

Email Alert Distribution - Select the check box if you want to receive an e-mail if alerts are found in the exception results. The following options are available:

Delivery Format - Select Link, PDF, or PDF and link from the drop-down list. If you select PDF, the Compress Contents and File Name options are displayed.

Compress contents - Select if you want the PDF file compressed.

File Name - Enter a file name for the PDF.

Subject - Enter a subject for the message subject line.

Message - Enter a message for the body of the e-mail.

Assign to Shared Exceptions - Select the check box to send the exception results to the Shared Exceptions page according to the selected schedule. Click the To: button to display the Recipients Browser, where you can add recipients for the distribution of Shared Exceptions alerts.

Advanced Options  - Click to expand Advanced Options. These include:

Password protect zip file - Enter the password that must be entered to open the Zip file.

Zip File name - Enter the Zip file name

  1. The control point or group prompts are displayed in the bottom panel. Select the answers that you want to use each time the control is automatically executed, including the date filter, store hierarchy qualification, and user assignment.

  2. Click OK.

This saves the subscription and a confirmation page is displayed.

Note: All users that are assigned exceptions will receive exception alerts in the manner configured in the control subscription. This is independent of the distribution of exception alerts assigned to Shared Exceptions.

Related Topics

About Controls and Exceptions

Control Targets

Running Control Points

Running Control Groups

Creating Control Points

Creating Control Thresholds

Adding Links to Controls

Creating Control Groups

Reviewing Exception Results

Managing Results in the Exceptions Detail Dashboard


