Creating Control Thresholds

When you are creating a control point, you must create a default threshold consisting of a single metric with an applied condition. The condition can be a value that you enter or another metric that you select. A default threshold can be simple or advanced. You can also add alternate thresholds for different attribute qualifications such as Region = East or Job Code = Part Time. Results that exceed the threshold are reported as exceptions.

Examples of Control Thresholds


Simple Threshold

This example is of a default threshold of more than 10 cash refunds.

To create this threshold:

    1. Click the Edit icon above the Default threshold field. This displays the Edit Default Threshold window.

    2. Select  Cash Refund Count from the left panel and double click on it or drag it to the right panel.

    3. In the Operator drop-down list, select Greater than.

    4. In the Value field, enter 10.

    5. Click Apply to apply the control point threshold.

    6. Click OK. This saves the threshold and returns you to the control point creation page.


Simple Threshold with Metric Value

This example is of a default threshold with cash refunds for this period greater than the same period last year.

To create this threshold:

    1. Click the Edit icon above the Default threshold field. This displays the Edit Default Threshold window.

    2. Select  Cash Refund Count from the left panel and double click on it or drag it to the right panel.

    3. In the Operator drop-down list, select Greater than.

    4. Click the Select Metric button. This displays the Select an Object dialog with the contents of the Metrics folder displayed.

    5. Navigate to the Statistics > Advanced Statistics > Last Year Metrics > Refunds and Exchanges folder.

    6. Select Calendar LY Cash Refund Count and click OK, or double click.

    7. This returns you to the Edit Default Threshold window.

    8. Click Apply to apply the control point threshold.

    9. Click OK. This saves the threshold and returns you to the control point creation page.


Advanced Threshold

This example is of a default threshold of a cash refund count greater than the average cash refund count plus the standard deviation.

    1. Click the Edit icon above the Default threshold field. This displays the Edit Default Threshold window.

    2. Select  Cash Refund Count from the left panel and double click on it or drag it to the right panel.

    3. In the Operator drop-down list, select Greater than.

    4. Click the Select Metric button. This displays the Select an Object dialog.

    5. Click the Advanced Threshold button. This displays the Select Objects dialog with Cash Refund Count in the Selected box.

    6. Click the Open Function Selector icon , select Avg from the Select Function list, and click OK. This displays: Avg() in the Threshold Definition box.

    7. Click your cursor in between the brackets in Avg(). Select Cash Refund Count from the selected box and click to move it to the Threshold Definition. This displays: Avg([Cash Refund Count]) in the Threshold Definition box. Enter a plus + sign at the end of the definition.

    8. Click the Open Function Selector icon , select Stdev from the Select Function list, and click OK. This displays Avg([Cash Refund Count])+Stdev() in the Threshold Definition box.

    9. Click your cursor in between the brackets in Stdev(). Select Cash Refund Count from the selected box and click to move it to the Threshold Definition. This displays: Avg([Cash Refund Count])+Stdev([Cash Refund Count]) in the Threshold Definition box.

    10. Click the Validate button to validate that the expression is correct.

    11. Click OK. This returns you to the Edit Default Threshold window.

    12. Click Apply and click OK. This saves the threshold and returns you to the control point creation page.


Alternate Threshold

After you create the default threshold, you can create one or more alternate thresholds to produce more defined exception results. For example for a control threshold of more than ten cash refunds with a control target of cashiers, you might want to use a different threshold for part time cashiers. You can add multiple alternate thresholds.

To create this threshold:

    1. After creating the default threshold, click the Add button above the Alternate threshold box.

    2. This displays the Add Threshold dialog box with the contents of the Attributes folder displayed in the left panel and the default threshold displayed in the right panel.

    3. Change the value in the default threshold to 5.

    4. Navigate to the Cashier folder and expand it.

    5. Double click the Cashier Job Code attribute, or drag it to the Threshold Definition box.

    6. Click the Select radio button.

    7. From the Available list, select PT:Part Time and click to move it to the Selected list.

    8. Click Apply to apply the alternate threshold.

    9. Click OK. This saves the alternate threshold and returns you to the control point creation page.

Note: You can modify the control threshold in a alternate threshold to be any of the three control threshold types: Simple Threshold, Simple Threshold with Metric or Advanced Threshold. You can add an alternate threshold to any of these three control threshold types.

Related Topics

About Controls and Exceptions

Control Targets

Running Control Points

Running Control Groups

Creating Control Points

Adding Links to Controls

Creating Control Groups

Control Subscriptions

Reviewing Exception Results

Managing Results in the Exception Detail Dashboard


